Friday, December 28, 2012

The beginning of a new era in HHSE reporting...

Fingers crossed HHSE Friends & Shareholders:>> we have just completed the preparation and upload of our first Edgar (10-Q) report filing, and submitted it to MacReport Media for processing.  This report covers the quarter ending Sept. 30, 2012, and is functionally identical to the filings already made to the OTC Markets (except, formatted into XBLR for the EDGAR submission).  This filing will bring the company current with Edgar until the next scheduled period, which would be the annual report (10-K), due in March.  It has been the company's stated plan to begin filing with Edgar, and once started, to maintain this schedule.  We needed confirmation that our 2010 and 2011 audits would be completed in time for H-T to release the 2012 audit for this forthcoming 10-K deadline.  It's been a tough year for the HHSE stock trading price, which is especially ironic due to this also being our most profitable year by a huge margin (with our refocus on high-margin DVD releases).  We've also reduced debts by nearly $750,000 this year, to continue to strengthen our balance sheet and operational focus.  We look forward to another great year in 2013, and hope that we'll see some positive activity within the investor community to our current "bargain-priced" stock shares!  Best Regards and Happy New Year from all of us at Hannover House!  

Friday, December 21, 2012

Sable Shore: When midlife crisis turns deadly.

James Danielson's debut novel, "SABLE SHORE" weaves a complex plot of self-discovery, romance, murder and mystery.  A relaxing escape to the lake takes a deadly turn when a witness to murder becomes a target.  Coming in hardcover and e-book formats in February, 2013 from Hannover House.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

"BLIND VISION" -- A riveting and powerful new historic novel

Hannover House is proud to announce the Jan. 29, 2013 release of "BLIND VISION" from best-selling author Vivian Jeanette Kaplan ("Ten Green Bottles" / Penguin-Putnam Publishers). This highly anticipated book is a beautifully written and riveting literary historical novel based on one of the most horrific times of the late 15th Century.  Thousands of new Christians in Spain, forced to convert from Judaism to Christianity, were accused of continuing the Jewish faith, resulting in their torture and brutalized execution. These events were led by the Vatican appointed Grand Inquisitor, Tomas de Torquemada as well as King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella.  These real life events, and the subsequent emigration out of Spain by disenfranchised Jews, was featured today on National Public Radio's All Things Considered.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Outstanding W.W.II True Story told in "One of the Lucky Ones"

In May of 1940, with the occupation of France by Nazi Germany, 14-year-old NICOLE HOLLAND (aka "Cipa Widermann"), was included on a list of Jewish compatriats designated for arrest and hard labor in a prison camp. At the instruction of a neighbor, little Cipa hid in a closet while the rest of her family was arrested and carted away, never to be seen b her again (except, for the miraculous reuniting with one of her brothers years later).  To survive and avoid arrest, little Cipa adopted a new name and persona as "Nicole Holland," disguised as a Catholic girl being protected and schooled by Parisian nuns.  But there was more to her cover-up than just a new name and religion.  Nicole was also a secret spy, a bicycle courier and a member of the infamous French Resistance Army.  Her schoolgirl disguise was the ideal cover to facilitate the delivery of critical messages, and in some cases, the delivery of weapons and bombs inside her backpack.  "ONE OF THE LUCKY ONES" is the amazing and true story of a Jewish girl in the French Resistance -- Cipa Widermann / Nicole Holland.  This real-life, World-War II set biography was written by Nicole's daughter, BRENDA HANCOCK, and is told in a compelling new book release, coming in January from Hannover House (in both tradeback and e-book formats).

Monday, December 17, 2012

20th Century Fox delivers an early Holiday Bonus to Hannover House!

20th Century Fox Home Entertainment surprised us today with a welcomed but unexpected bounty in the form of initial sell-thru sales results (and royalties) from their recent push with "TWELVE" at retail!  What a pleasant surprise, and right before the holidays, too!  We should take time to thank FOX for the incredible job they have done with the release of "TWELVE" for Hannover House, and their ongoing commitment to promoting the title for sell-thru and new placements.  I know that we managers at Hannover often complain about the huge investment the Company made to acquire and release "Twelve," and the associated debt burden it created. But let's take a moment to acknowledge that 20th Century Fox has done an amazing job with sales, revenues and PAYMENTS and for their help, we are most grateful and thankful this holiday season!

Friday, December 14, 2012

"Fathers of the Sport" added to Wal-Mart Black History DVD mix!

So pleased to report that Hannover House has yet another nationwide DVD placement at Wal-Mart with the addition of the basketball documentary "Fathers of the Sport" hitting stores February 5, 2013.  The pre-history of the NBA is presented in this acclaimed documentary from director Xavier Mitchell and Executive Producers Penny Marshall  ("A League of Their Own") and Eric Parkinson ("Off Road Warriors").  With this placement, Hannover House will have a total of eight (8) titles on the shelves at Wal-Mart in February!

HHSE Corporate Governance Policies Update

Greetings Shareholders & HHSE Friends -- at the request of many of our legitimate "long" shareholders, an impressive agenda of suggested changes to corporate governance were suggested to the Board.  These will be reviewed at noon (CST) today in a Board of Directors meeting and the results of applicable Board Actions will be promptly posted to the OTC Markets as a public disclosure.  We thank our shareholders for their support and advice, and hope together to implement strategies to restore the PPS to a level at least comparable to our sector (avg. Price-Earnings ratio is 20-X... HHSE is currently trading at onlyh 3-X !!).  Let's hope that these actions and strategies will kick-start a nice "Santa Claus" rally, and give the company's shares a positive trajectory going into the new year.  We think the stock should reflect the growth in our core business and revenues, and it's time to restore logic, sanity and reality to the Investor Relations activities.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

"TURTLE" selected for Wal-Mart Budget Bins!

So pleased to have learned that another Hannover House title, "Turtle: The Incredible Journey" has been approved for the Wal-Mart budget bins (on sale in January).  The revenues from the budget bins can be significant;  as stated previously, some of the better-selling Hannove House releases to the Wal-Mart budget bin have generated between $1-million and $1.5-million (e.g., "Oxygen", "Martial Arts Pack", "SWAT"); and with DVD replication costs lowering every quarter, the margins keep improving on these sales.  Even our "worst-selling" budget bin item at Wal-Mart was a healthy success!  We'll keep you posted as this item (and other HH budget bin placements) begin to generate reorders!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Direct-To-Video "Genre" titles are a great foundation for the HHSE Release Schedule

Good Morning HHSE Friends and Shareholders -- Just got word of yet another successful mass-merchant placement for Hannover House.  Coming April 2, 2013, watch for "COWBOYS VS VAMPIRES" at Wal-Mart, Best Buy and other major retailers and video specialty shops. 

Some shareholders have asked HH Management about the releasing philosophy for the company, and whether or not we will continue to pursue higher-profile releases (or limit the schedule to direct-to-video level fare).  The short answer is "yes," we will continue to develop and pursue major caliber titles... but will rely upon these easily and affordably marketed direct-to-video titles each month to generate nice cash flow and operating margins. 

There is not a great upside to the company if we were to only release movies like "COWBOYS VS VAMPIRES" even though this sort of title is the proverbial "no brainer" to decide upon for release (limited investment, but significant sales).  There is a definite upside limit to what level of annualized revenues Hannover House (or any supplier) is likely to achieve if the release schedule consisted solely of two or three direct-to-video-titles each month.  In order for Hannover House to hit a more impressive revenue and bottom line result, we need to supplement the meat-and-potatoes schedule with two to four "event" level releases each year. 

For the Major Studios, an "event level" release would be something like "The Avengers" on 3,800 screens.  For an indie company like Hannover House, an "event level" release would be quite a bit more modest in both production scope and release breadth.  We could, for instance, get extremely excited (and see material impact) from a 500-print release of a movie such as "The Mothman Chronicles" (which, by the way, has an AMAZING but not-yet-public lead star!).   A movie like "Mother Goose!" (which has a visual production design strikingly similar to the new trailer for "OZ: The Great and Powerful") could easily be the company's first 1,000+ print theatrical release (assuming it turns out as well as its potential).  Anyway, much more to come.

Friday, November 30, 2012

HHSE Corporate Structure is not confusing... unless you want it to be!!

Okay, so the new "alternate reality" of the day from the infamous "say anything you want I-Hub" board is an intentional refusal to read our filings in order to create the false impression of some corporate errors with Hannover House.  As a courtesy for those who can read and comprehend, we will recap what is clearly filed with the OTC Markets, and which is readily accessible through the respective Business Portals of the Arkansas and Wyoming Secretaries of State.

The structure is simple to follow, and clearly explained in OTC filings.  The operating entity is Truman Press, Inc., d/b/a "Hannover House" which merged into (and became a wholly owned entity of) a Wyoming-domiciled, publicly traded company in December, 2009.  The 100% owner of Truman Press, Inc. is this Wyoming entity, which at the time of the acquisition was known as "Target Development Group, Inc."  In February, 2012, to avoid confusion with other companies named "Target" -- as well as to streamline the identification of our company stock for prospective shareholders that might have seen our videos in retail stores nationwide -- the Wyoming entity was renamed as "Hannover House, Inc."

"HANNOVER HOUSE" has always been the d/b/a ("doing business as") releasing label of Truman Press, Inc. Truman Press, Inc. was originally organized as a California corporation (from 1993 through 2008).  In 2008, Truman Press, Inc. was redomiciled and registered as an ARKANSAS corporation -- where the offices were essentially operating from.

So there are two corporate entities:  the operating company (Truman Press, Inc.), registered in Arkansas (in good standing) and doing all the day-to-day work activities... and the "parent company" (Hannover House, Inc.), registered in Wyoming (in good standing) and owning 100% of the stock of Truman Press, Inc.   Bank accounts, office leases and day-to-day business activities are handled by the Arkansas entity -- the stock for which happens to be 100% owned by the publicly traded Wyoming entity, Hannover House, Inc. (symbol: HHSE). 

There is no "privately owned" company venture for HHSE principals Parkinson and Shefte.  Truman Press, Inc., d/b/a "Hannover House" was 100% acquired by TDGI in the merger agreement.  It's all in the OTC filings.  Anybody that doesn't understand this, doesn't want to.

It appears that the I-Hub poster is hoping to create confusion due to an entity that was opened -- and promptly closed -- back in 2004.  Eight years ago, the Governor of Arkansas was a gentleman named Mike Huckabee, and the Film Commissioner was name Joe Glass.  Truman Press, Inc., d/b/a "Hannover House" President Eric Parkinson was contacted by Mr. Glass from the Arkansas Film Office with the good news of an impending "State Film Incentive" program, for eligible, Arkansas-domiciled entities.  As structured, this Film Incentive program would have created a 25% to 30% benefit for a very broad range of activities relating to the business activities of "Hannover House."  For instance, as worded, even the manufacturing and production of DVDs would have been eligible for this significant State rebate, provided that certain qualifying conditions were met.  Other states with film incentive programs have carefully structured their legislation to be strictly limited to apply only to new film "production" activities... and not worded as broadly as the Arkansas plan was, that covered general administration, distribution and the manufacturing of home entertainment products.  So this pending incentive act looked like a very promising opportunity.  Accordingly, and at the advice of counsel, a new corporation was filed with the State of Arkansas in order to be eligible for this prospective financing source. The name of the entity formed in 2004 was "Hannover House, Inc."  However, as often happens in politically contentious state houses, the bill ultimately did not pass into law, so the hoped-for incentives windfall was not to be obtained.  The newly formed Arkansas entity ("Hannover House, Inc.") was never operational.  It was allowed to be "revoked" rather than "dissolved" since both have the same defacto result, but have significantly different costs and filing requirements.  The opened (and closed) 2004 entity, "Hannover House, Inc." exists only in the archives of the Arkansas Secretary of State's office.  Yes, it has the same name as the publicly traded, Wyoming entity that was formerly known as Target Development Group, Inc.  But it does not otherwise exist. 

Unlike most Pinksheet companies, "Hannover House" has been operating for a very long time.  In fact, we're into our 20th year!  In ALL of that time, the operating company has always been -- and continues to be to this day -- Truman Press, Inc., d/b/a "Hannover House."  It's a wholly owned division of the Wyoming corporation, and to make it easier to identify who we are, the Wyoming corporation was renamed "Hannover House, Inc."  There is only ONE operating entity called Hannover House, Inc.   It's the public company with stock trading as HHSE.  I hope that this clarifies what looks to have been "intentional" confusion!

Finally! HHSE Blu-Ray Titles at Wal-Mart!

At long last, we received today our first Purchase Order for direct placement of a Hannover House "Blu-Ray" format video into Wal-Mart Stores nationwide.  Watch for TOYS IN THE ATTIC to appear in the Blu-Ray Modular beginning February 5, 2013.  The Wal-Mart "Everyday Low Price" will be only $12.96, which is a significant discount off the title's $19.95 suggested retail list price.  While we are not allowed to discuss unit quantities, we can say that the initial order quantity is more than all of the Blu-Ray units sold across our entire line for the past 12-months!  It's a very exciting development -- especially knowing that Wal-Mart is committed to promoting the Blu-Ray format for 2013 and beyond (they even offered a $38 Blu-Ray player on Black Friday!).  Yoo-Hoo!!  For the record, the Hannover House theatrical release "TWELVE" was also sold on Blu-Ray at Wal-Mart, but not under the Hannover House (direct label); it was released by 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

What's going on with all the absurd I-Hub nonsense?

As stated previously, Hannover House has aspirations for eventually having our shares traded on a "higher" exchange than the OTC-Markets Pinksheets.  In fact, we're told that as a half-step, we'll be automatically elevated a half-step (so to speak) to the OTC-QB simply by posting our financials to Edgar.  But we'd like to shoot for higher, not to disrespect the QB or even the QX.  We'd like to be traded on the BB or higher in part to squelch a lot of the "beyond-bizarre" silliness that sometimes passes for I-Hub posts. 

What's the reason that someone would ignore all facts in order to say that we're not REALLY an entertainment distributor, but are, instead a "Coffee House"?? Can anyone give even a half-ounce of credibility to an anonymous basher who is so obviously delusional that they would make such a claim?  How many shareholders have visited our offices and warehouse over the years, including our receptions held here?  We don't even have a decent coffee maker!  And all this perpetual "sky is falling" nonsense and the vague promises that these idiots "know" something that no one else knows, and "oohhh boy... if you knew then you'd go running, believe me" and "of coarse"  (bozo's cannot even SPELL properly, let alone think clearly).  Look back at the basher posts from more than a year ago, promising imminent demise in the next few days and weeks.  Really??  So if these bashers really think they know something, then why can't they come right out with it!?

The truth is, Hannover House has disclosed all our activities, including the ugly matters of litigation and the potential threats that these could have for the company.  Read the filings.  It's all there, warts and all.  We stand behind our company and filings, and do not hide in the dark like anonymous little basher-boys. 

Fact is, we got into a deep hole 2-years ago with "TWELVE." Bedrock Ventures insisted that we acquire this expensive title and insisted that we go deep into debt to release it, because they had a financing obligation to the company to cover most of these costs.  But they defaulted on the payments to Hannover House, leaving us with the debts.  This has all been disclosed, as have the various creditor and litigation issues that arose from this ill-advised venture. 

So what has the company done about it? First of all, we stopped spending big money on acquisitions, and we stopped spending big money on theatrical P&A.  We refocused the company on direct-to-video titles, and it's proven to be a great cash flow business.  As for Bedrock, Hannover was willing to walk away and write it off as another one of Bedrock's breached ventures, but now we are forced to respond and to fight.  They want back the $500,000 from "Twelve?"  Okay, we're going to fight for the $1-mm that was not funded under the Investment Banking agreement. But we're not going to fight the case on a blog site or I-Hub Board.  Yes, "MeanMe" is an appropriate I-Hub screenname selected by Fotis... but why would he want to bash our stock on I-Hub?

Suddenly, there's a group of "new" names posting to I-Hub / HHSE and inventing anything they can think of to bash our stock and our officers.  Besides Fotis / MeanMe, apparently, "pdgood" has some history with an Arkansas individual that he wants you to think is associated with HHSE.  I guess his contact is not considered a  good guy?  In this bizarro logic, the HH officers and employees are now responsible for anything and everything that happens to all other people that live in the State of Arkansas (population 2.5-million+)??  So if that's the logic, why isn't he writing about the important and successful people our managers really DO have contact and activities with, such as the WALTON and TYSON families among others?  Because all he's spewing is baloney, and it's designed to try to scare low-information traders away from the stock.  But these guys will not win. 

The success of Hannover House is our core business as a growing entertainment distributor -- which activity is unaffected by an artificially depressed PPS.  It's like trying to hold a rubber inner-tube underwater.  At some point, I-Hub readers will learn to completely ignore their anonymous and baseless spewings, and the natural PPS value will be restored.  Hannover House will help it too.  We will meet the uplist requirements very quickly (including the two-years of HT audits), we will fight the Bedrock case, and we will continue to place more-and-more high-margin video releases into retailers such as Wal-Mart, Redbox, and Blockbuster.  Longer-term, we're pursuing high-end titles but without the high-end cost to HHSE (such as arranging $12-mm in off-balance sheet / non-recourse financing for MOTHER GOOSE).

Will it be an easy journey?  Not likely, but far from difficult. We have to make tough management decisions daily to decide how-much of our cash flow to invest in new activities, and how much to use for debt management.  Sometimes we get it wrong, and an impatient creditor files a lawsuit... so we deal those situations as they occur.  But there has to be a balance between using all cash flow for old debt, or using all of the cash flow to generate new sales and growth (and ignoring the old debt).  Shareholders generally want earnings, and this requires new activities.  But they also don't want to see lawsuits.  It's also been communicated to us that paying off aged and impatient debts with "debt conversion" transactions (i.e., issuing new shares), is also an unpopular strategy among shareholders.  So there's always a probability that someone is not going to be 100% happy with whatever decisions are made by HHSE managers.

But through it all, we are open, accessible and we communicate with shareholders.  We are probably among the most accessible public-company managers out there.  We take shareholder calls, we respond to shareholder emails, and we tell it like-it-is.  Even when it's not that pretty.

The bashers wish that we had some dark and scary secrets, but we don't.  The only secret is who are they and what is their agenda?  Call them out on it.  Tell them to stand up for what they do and say... certainly Parkinson and Shefte do not hide in the dark.  But most of all, don't let them kick your asses by stealing from you.  Bashing our stock with false claims, innuendos and the perpetual "sky is falling" routine is no better than a criminal on the street stealing your wallet.  At some point (soon), the political powers-that-be in D.C. are going to pass sweeping reforms to stop all forms of stock manipulation and baseless bashing.  Sooner than you can imagine.  Meanwhile, Hannover is implementing our own response.

More success at Wal-Mart for HHSE

Friends -- we've had a great year with placement of DVDs into Wal-Mart stores.  Recently, the success with the budget-bin-repricing of "BOGGY CREEK" (Halloween promotion) was very strong, and we were invited to present new titles.  Accordingly, there is a commitment for five new budget-priced titles from Hannover House, beginning with the January 15 release of "The Unexpendable Collection" (previously planned by HH for release in August, but hey, you take the space when it's available!).  Budget-bin titles at Wal-Mart can sometimes be hit-or-miss, with sales ranging from 10,000 units to (literally) 1-MILLION units.  The best-selling Budget-Bin title for Hannover House has been "OXYGEN" starring Adrien Brody, which sold a cumulative 678,000 units over a 32 week life in the Wal-Mart bin!  Fingers crossed for our new line up!!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Zombies are unstoppable... a genre' that just won't die... sort of like, uh, Zombies??!?  Anyway, watch next Spring for a new Zombie thriller from Hannover House... just in time to complement the Paramount mega-event / Brad Pitt thriller "World War Z."  Coming soon:  "Zombie Warz: Falls the Shadow"

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Friday, November 16, 2012

Greetings HHSE Friends, Fans & Shareholders.  This is a TEST Posting of our new HHSE Investor Relations Blog.  It will soon be posted a link directly from the website.

Here's some new artwork / layout for the upcoming Hannover House re-release of Tony Scott's AMERICAN FIGHTER PILOT.  We are checking to see how these graphics appear on the test posting.  Cheers!

Thursday, November 15, 2012