Thursday, November 21, 2013

8k Filing with Edgar... Shareholder Questions...

Good afternoon HHSE Friends & Shareholders - there have been some inquiries (and questions) about why the Company filed an 8K report with the Securities & Exchange Commission yesterday. 

As most of you know, Hannover House, Inc. is not currently "fully reporting" in that our Information Disclosures (8k's) and our Periodic Reportings (10k's and 10q's) have not been published onto the Edgar Database & Website.  We are following a plan to rectify this matter and become fully reporting.  In anticipation of the Company's upcoming Form 10 Filing, we are initiating steps to restore our CIK and CCC access to active status with the S.E.C.

The procedure and steps we have been advised to pursue are the following:

a).    Reactivate the CIK and CCC Files with the S.E.C. by filing a 8K report;
(This occurred yesterday.  Unfortunately, and we knew this would occur, the CIK and CCC codes on file with the S.E.C. for the Company referred to the last registered name of the entity, which was "Mindset Interactive Corp." instead of Hannover House, Inc.).
b).    Follow-up the 8K report with a notification to Edgar (from FINRA last year) of the company NAME and TICKER change;  (the filing of a notification of name change occurred this morning, and is in process by the S.E.C. / Edgar team).  UPDATE:  As of 3:07 pm today, the application to change the filing name to HANNOVER HOUSE, INC. was ACCEPTED and APPROVED by the S.E.C., as per a confirmation email received.
c).    Become "quasi-reporting" under the Hannover House, Inc. name by filing subsequent 8k information statements (which may include Financials as Exhibits).
d).    Speed Up Full-Reporting Status - By having the CIK and CCC files ACTIVE prior to the filing of the FORM 10 and 2-years of Audits, it will speed up the full compliance / full-reporting status when those items are submitted.  At some point along the way - the company's stock may qualify for automatic uplisting on the OTC markets to: OTCQB. 
More good things to come, thanks for your support ~ HHSE

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Announcement of Annual Shareholder's Meeting - Hannover House (HHSE)

As per the corporate By-Laws of Hannover House, Inc., the following notification constitutes a formal announcement of the Annual Meeting of Shareholders, to discuss results and activities for the calendar year ending Dec. 31, 2013.

All verifiable Shareholders of Record, as of Dec. 15, 2013, are invited to attend the fourth annual meeting of Hannover House, Inc., to be held on:

Friday, February 21, 2014
at 1:30 pm, EST
Park Central Boardroom
Grand Central Hyatt Hotel
109 E. 42nd St., at Grand Central Terminal
New York, NY 10017

PLEASE NOTE DATE CHANGE:  At the request of multiple, NYC-based investors, the meeting date has been moved to Friday afternoon (Feb. 21), instead of the originally announced Saturday date.  This is due to many parties being unavailable to attend on Saturday, due to residing outside of the city (and in some cases, in respect of those honoring the Saturday Sabbath).  The meeting time of 1:30 - 3:00 for the primary presentation is intended to cover all significant issues.  There will be an extended Q&A opportunity from 3:00 until 4:00 pm.
Agenda issues will include:
1).   Distribution of Hannover House, Inc. Annual Report;
2).   Review and Discussion of completed Audits;
3).   Discussion of Corporate "Uplist" Opportunities;
4).   Discussion of Revenue Growth Plans for 2014 / 2015;
5).   Introduction and Discussion of New HH Ventures;
This will be a "closed" meeting for attendance only by verified shareholders; no media or non-verified shareholders will be allowed to attend.  Hannover House is announcing this meeting date and location more than 90-days in advance in order to accommodate potential travel arrangements for out-of-state attendees.
Instructions to be added to the attendees list: 
Send an email to, including the name under which your HHSE shares are held (stock ownership will need to be verifiable off the Broadridge NOBO list of shareholders as of Dec. 15, 2013).  All approved attendees will receive back a confirmation email not later than February 19, 2014.

 Shareholders who will be eligible to attend the meeting must be on record as having a minimum of $1,500 worth of stock in the company both on the date of vesting, as well as on the date of the Shareholder's meeting. All shareholders that will be admitted will be contacted by Hannover House during the week prior to the meeting.  No one not on the pre-approved list of qualified / eligible and confirmed shareholders will be admitted into the meeting, unless specifically excepted as a guest of HHSE or presenter.


Follow-ups and Updates as requested.

Good morning HHSE friends & shareholders - as promised in a recent blog, here are further details to shareholder questions that were not included in the current Q3 financials and disclosures.

LENNON BERMUDA - After receiving a "Black Friday" placement acknowledgment from the wholesaler that services Walmart for Hannover House, we were subsequently told that the item was moved to Dec. 17th.  Apparently, the buyer was unaware that the audio tracks are John Lennon songs, performed by artists other than John Lennon himself (as is the case with pretty much all tribute albums).  Rather than lose the placement (or risk being buried under a flood of Black Friday competitive items), the option of a standard "new release" placement in mid-December makes a lot of sense.  Also, instead of only having a four-day placement (as is often the case with Black Friday specialty items), this will give the CD a regular shelf spot and shelf life.  Changing the release date as such does not change the reporting period for these revenues (it's all Q4 results).  For those who have wondered, the Lennon Bermuda CD has been presented to Starbucks and is "under consideration" for Q1.  That's all we know about their interest at this time.

THE VERDICT: JUSTICE FOR JOHN F. KENNEDY, JUSTICE FOR AMERICA - Some shareholders have expressed concern about the release date timing of Barr McClellan's sequel to his 2003 best-seller, "Blood, Money & Power: How LBJ Killed JFK."  The new book builds a solid case from his original thesis, as he has incorporated substantial new evidence that has come to light during the past 10 years.  About a month ago, McClellan contacted Hannover House with the urgent request to "delay" the book's release.  His rationale' was that several "other" books had been released in anticipation of the 50th anniversary of the Kennedy assassination, and that he felt like he needed to incorporate by reference (or rebut) any relevant data or claims that these other books might contain.  His statement to Fred Shefte and Eric Parkinson was:  "I'd rather have the most complete and the most accurate book... than be the first to market."  We thought about this and decided that Barr was right.  His 2003 book continues to be the Company's top selling book title... and the relevance of the information contained in "THE VERDICT" does not turn into a pumpkin at midnight, Nov. 22. 

Accordingly, we have elected on a split release date:  the ebook will be published ASAP (possibly this week) on Kindle and Nook; the print-edition book will be published in December (likely on Dec. 17).  It's important to note that while the print edition book will be "available" in December, there's also serious shelf-space issues at Barnes & Noble, Books-A-Million, WH Smith and others during the holidays.  Therefore, we would not expect the print-edition to be widely and easily found at retail until January.  That's okay with us:  the e-book editions are fast cash flow, and low outflow (there's no printing and shipping costs).

AUDIT UPDATE - We're pleased to announce two positive developments relating to the Company's audit projects.  First of all, we have engaged an outside firm that specializes in helping OTC Market companies assemble their audit report materials.  Next, we have received ten responses to our ad for an executive level bookkeeper / controller level accountant (yes, raising the salary by $10,000 has made a world of difference in the caliber of respondents!).  A decision will likely be made this week on the full-time accounting position.  Both developments should help us meet our goal.  And what IS that goal?  The goal is to have Hogan Taylor render their audit letter prior to February 15, 2014.  And the sooner the better.  However, as some have observed, if we do NOT "beat" the Feb. 15 date, then the applicable years changes (from 2011 and 2012... to 2012 and 2013).  The rule is that the Form 10 filing must be accompanied by audits of the "two most recent reporting years".

DECEMBER SHIPMENTS FOR JANUARY STREET DATES - Yes, we'll get a Holiday Boost on our Q4 revenues, thanks to placements of "AMITYVILLE ASYLUM" and "BLUES FOR WILLADEAN" into Walmart and Redbox.  These items will ship and invoice in Q4, and thus appear on the year-end revenue results.  Key titles for Q1 include the home video / VOD releases of "SPRING BREAK MURDERS", "THE POSSESSION WITHIN", "FRANKENSTEIN 2014", "REACH", "SUNSHINE" and three others pending initial announcement.

Onward & Upward....!

Friday, November 15, 2013

Q3 Filing Today, plus much more... (and UPDATE)

Greetings HHSE Friends & Shareholders - Many have written requesting updates on a wide range of issues, from Q3 Sales, to specific title updates, to the audit & accountant projects.

As required by the OTC Markets under the Guidelines for Current Reporting Status, Hannover House will release the Q3 financials today.  We are pleased to report an increase in sales (Year-over-Year Q3, 2012) of sixty-one percent (61%)!  Gross revenues for Q3, 2013 were $1,205,392 as compared to $746,376 for the same reporting period last year.  Income, cash flows, balance sheet and other details will be included in the OTC Markets filing.

We will also be addressing updates on:

Lennon Bermuda - (CD and Book);

The Verdict - (Book and eBook);

December Shipments (for January New Releases: "Amityville Asylum" and "Blues for Willadean");

Audit Update (and specialty consulting firm);

It is possible, but still undetermined as of the posting of this Blog Update, that we may release news today about additional new title acquisitions and strategic partnerships. We thank those of you who have patiently supported Hannover House over the years, and we hope that our activities will help kick-start your Holiday Season in a positive direction.

UPDATE:  4:30 PM, FRIDAY, NOV. 15 -

1).  Q3 FINANCIALS - An unresolved issue regarding how to properly apply international sales revenues is delaying the OTC Filing of the Q3 Financials; this issue will be resolved and the Q3 results will be posted shortly (possibly still today, but certainly prior to market open on Monday).  Some of the International Sales net revenues generated during Q3 are pledged towards film production costs; as this is a new accounting issue for Hannover House, the proper application of the revenue portion and the production liability portions, needs verification from outside accountants.  This issue will be resolved and incorporated within the balance sheets.

2).  Q4 AND ANNUAL SNAPSHOT - As the Company is halfway through with Q4, it's possible to make a reasonable forecast of both revenues and margin from those revenues.  Listed below is the results from the first three quarters, plus the projected end-of-quarter projection for the current period.  The bottom line is a revenue increase year-over-year of about 42% for 2013 as compared to 2012; profit margins are essentially unchanged.

Hannover House
2013 Sales & Income Worksheet
Period Gross Sales Profit Margin
Q1, March 31  $                535,273.00  $               432,090.00
Q2, June 30  $                223,802.00  $                  39,377.00
Q3, Sept. 30  $            1,205,392.00  $               351,687.00
Q4, Projected  $            1,410,000.00  $               586,960.00
 $            3,374,467.00  $            1,410,114.00

All other issues mentioned in this mornings blog will be addressed within the Q3 OTC filings and compliance statements, or they will be updated separately on this blog if they are not addressed in the filings.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Successful Media Day with "Blues for Willadean"!

Hannover House wishes to thank director DEL SHORES and producer EMERSON COLLINS for helping arrange the cast members in support of yesterday's "Media Day" taping of "BLUES FOR WILLADEAN."  Interviews were shot for Entertainment Tonight and E! TV, with additional footage planned for the film's Electronic Press Kit (EPK) and as bonus material for the film's January 21, 2014 DVD release (placement into Walmart, Redbox and other major retailers).  Below are some frame-grabs of talent interviews.

BETH GRANT (as "Willadean")
"No Country for Old Men" and "The Mindy Project"

DEBBY HOLIDAY (as the "Blues Chorus")
Acclaimed recording artist

DALE DICKEY (as "Rayleen")
"Breaking Bad", "True Blood", "Iron Man 3"

DEL SHORES (Writer-Director)
"Daddy's Dyin, Who's Got the Will"