Tuesday, May 31, 2016

NYC Exclusive Engagement of HOMELESS BILLIONAIRE starts June 17

Greetings HHSE Friends & Followers - "THE HOMELESS BILLIONAIRE" opens at the Regal E-Walk on Friday, June 17, in New York's Time Square.  The film was shot primarily in New York City, many scenes in Times Square... so the launch of this film at Regal E-Walk represents a full-circle in the long and winding journey that film's sometimes take to make it to the theatres.

The film was shot clear back in 2009, and under the prior title of "MY FATHER'S WILL" - and based on the book by writer-director Fred Manocherian.  But as has been said in the movie business, "dying is easy, comedy is hard," and despite a hilarious script, "My Father's Will" suffered the fate of many comedies of "death by a thousand cuts."  Is it funnier to hold onto an actor's face after they deliver a punch line... or should the editor cut to the startled reaction of the by-standers?  Little decisions and fractions of time can make-or-break the comedic response that happens to the audience at a brain-synapse level... and with the wrong timing or editing choices, humor can fall flat.

So, with great care and attention, "My Father's Will" was carefully re-edited for comedy by Faryar Mansouri, and fully rescored with an entire new music track by Jack Lenz... and the result is the funny and touching film that director Manocherian always intended.  Retitled as "THE HOMELESS BILLIONAIRE" - the film is finally getting a mainstream release - with Hannover House handling the launch in New York - and expanding to theatres nationwide on Labor Day Weekend.  Home video will occur in Q4, and Netflix in Q1, 2017.

The New York City launch will be supported with newspaper ads, internet banners, spot market cable, and a cross-promotion with the New York Health and Racquet Clubs.

Check out the trailer - Just posted to YouTube about 10-days ago:


Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Timely "same-sex" Marriage Feature, A REMARKABLE LIFE" opens this Friday!

Dear HHSE Friends & Followers - The "timely and important" same-sex marriage / romantic-comedy "A REMARKABLE LIFE" opens in theatres this Friday from Hannover House and Green-Apple Entertainment.  Initial markets this weekend are NEW YORK CITY (Cinema Village), BOSTON (Apple Cinemas) and DENVER (Northfield 18).  Next week, the film opens in LOS ANGELES (Laemmle's Music Hall), and on June 10 and June 17, about a dozen more markets will be added.

Check out the trailer - and if you live in or near one of this weekend's launch markets - check out the film!


Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Success at Cannes, new ventures provide relief for small creditor issues

Greetings HHSE Friends & Followers - HHSE senior staff members are all back from Cannes as of tonight - and we're ready to jump into a variety of projects, releases and corporate matters. One issue that has greeted our return are the two creditor debts represented by attorney Steven R. Davis, specifically Tribune Ent., and Accutrack. Apparently, during the Cannes market, Mr. Davis became restless after several phone messages to the office were not returned (we were unable to remotely retrieve voice mail messages from France, and most of the support staff remaining at the office were packing out a 10-pallet order of Dark Awakening DVDs for Walmart). In any event, with his calls going to voice mail and his messages being unreturned, Me. Davis felt that his clients were being ignored...So he filed (again - perhaps for the third or fourth time over the past two years?) a garnishment writ to attempt to get HHSE management's attention.

As communicated to Mr. Davis today, his timing was contemporaneous with HHSE's outreach to him on these two matters. You see, the successful results from Cannes, plus new production funding ventures, new theatrical servicing clients and a new cash-rich DVD wholesale agreement with Cinedigm have changed the course of HHSE. While we've certainly endured some rough cash flow and business challenges over the recent past, they say "that which doesn't kill us, makes us stronger," and the focus to implement working solutions and to launch new revenue rich ventures has placed the company back in solid form.

These small, old creditor issues can no longer be viewed as any sort of "material threat" - the company's current successes with theatrical servicing and international sales have provided a clean and new revenue stream that empowers management to accelerate the retirement of old debts related to the older (DVD-driven) business model. Not every small and old HHSE debt will be paid in full immediately (that would be bad cash flow management).  But with respect to the current matter, a resolution is in process with Mr. Davis's clients, and the big ole "scary" writs will be set aside, just as all other writs have ALWAYS been removed in a timely manner.

Management feels that this is a very good time to be a HHSE shareholder. It would be a great time to get shares now "on the cheap" before film industry trade stories start running. So stay tuned! We love our longs, and our recent successes suggest that it's now a good time for the longs to start loving us back (again!). If success is measured by bottom line results, then we have arrived!

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Hannover Launches Medallion International at Active Cannes Market

(Cannes, France) Independent film distributor Hannover House, Inc. (OTC: HHSE) reports heavy traffic to its Cannes Film Festival / Marche du Film exhibition booth, with sales activities on many of the 32 titles being showcased, including distribution ventures for the U.K., France, Spain, Italy and the Czech Republic.  Additional sales negotiations are continuing post-market for anticipated sales into Germany, South Africa, South Korea, China and Poland which the company hopes to finalize in the next few weeks. The Cannes Film Festival Marche Du Film is widely regarded as the most important international film licensing market of the year.  In respect of the number of program suppliers being represented, Hannover House elected to brand its international sales activities at Cannes under its Medallion Releasing, Inc. sales venture as Medallion International.

“The market was extremely lively at most times, with meetings often overlapping or being forced to reschedule,” said Eric Parkinson, C.E.O.  “Most of what we were presenting at the market were new releases that required a lengthier presentation for buyers. But the response was strong, and we expect to exceed our target goals as the licenses for the higher-budgeted new productions close in the post-market weeks.”

Principal new productions for Hannover House / Medallion include: the dramatic thriller “AJA” (commences principal photography July 18, Savannah, GA); the live-action family fantasy adventure “MOTHER GOOSE: JOURNEY TO UTOPIA” (commences principal photography Sept. 12, Atlanta, GA); and the supernatural-thriller “DELIRIUM” (commences principal photography Oct. 3, Greensboro, NC).  Buyers were also shown a promo reel from the first week of principal photography for the science-fiction musical feature, “KRAFTROC”, now filming.  Financing for “AJA” and “MOTHER GOOSE” is being provided by Silver Line Films, Inc.  Financing for “DELIRIUM” and “KRAFTROC” is being provided by Atlantic Studios, Inc., a recently formed entity for the specific purpose of producing feature films in partnership with Hannover House as distributor.  While Hannover House has no equity ownership in Atlantic Studios, Inc., the company is the beneficiary of the distribution rights to these, and prospectively other, feature films to be produced under this venture.

Hannover House / Medallion also had four films as Official Cannes Market Screenings:  “THE ALGERIAN”, “THE DOLL”, “VALLEY INN” and “THE HOMELESS BILLIONAIRE.”  Hannover House released “THE ALGERIAN” to theatres in the USA market last summer, and the title will debut on DVD and BluRay in July.  “THE DOLL” is a new production from director Susannah O’Brien, whose first feature, “ENCOUNTER” was also represented by Hannover House for all media.  “VALLEY INN” is a family feature starring Joey Lauren Adams and Mary Steenbergen.  Hannover House / Medallion are representing this film for International, Video-On-Demand and Television sales.  “THE HOMELESS BILLIONAIRE” is a romantic-comedy that Hannover House will launch to theatres beginning June 17 at the Regal E-Walk (New York City) before expanding nationwide on Labor Day Weekend.

“Our hands-on experience with these titles as the USA Distributor has carried a lot of weight with the international buyers,” Parkinson continued.  “Unlike most of the exhibitors at Cannes, Hannover House is a full-service distributor in our own territory, so we understand the needs of the licensors and can help them with marketing materials and strategies from our own experiences with these titles,” he concluded.

“We have surprised and shocked a lot of industry members here at Cannes,” said Parkinson.  “Although we have attended the market for many years as buyers for U.S. rights – and two years ago, we shared a seller’s booth with Odyssey Pictures – this was our first true presence as a seller.  It’s unprecedented for a first time exhibitor to have four major productions, four films in screenings and 32 total titles on offer.  We literally had some major territory buyers come by our booth and ask ‘who are you guys and how do you have so many good titles?’  It was a great way to start a new relationship.”

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Day 8 - Cannes Film Festival - So MUCH to Say, So Little Time!

Greetings HHSE Friends, Followers and Shareholders - what happens with you have 6,000 journalists and 11,500 registered attendees and 100,000 tourists converge onto a small area of about 2-square mile area in southern France?  Well, quite a bit, actually.  But for several frustrating days, what was most annoying for HHSE / Medallion was the total crunch of internet bandwith - data and WiFi access.  Like 20-pounds of potatoes trying to cram into a 5-pound sack, only the priority fiber-optic owners seemed to get good access, and those on the Palais Des Festivals WiFi Network have been challenged to get even emails to open.

Daily updates have been logistically impossible.  But we are going to present a brief overview now...

HHSE / Medallion screened FOUR films in Palais Market Screenings. Good response!

HHSE / Medallion titles were advertised DAILY in the Official Cannes Show Daily (full page ads!);

HHSE / Medallion conducted over 150 meetings thus far, with buyers / licensors from Germany, Spain, France, Italy, U.K., Australia / New Zealand, South Africa, Pakistan, India, Phillipines, Malaysia, Indonesia, Korea, China and Japan.  Our heads are spinning and we have stacks of notes, agreements and quite a bit of follow-up for post-market closings.

This weekend, meetings will occur in the U.K. with the financing parties behind Silver Line Films - the company with whom HHSE has contracted for the full-financing of "AJA" and "MOTHER GOOSE" (each at $3.5-mm USD and each FULLY FUNDED!).  "AJA" commences principal photography in July (in Savannah) so there's already a crew on staff and working now for this production. "MOTHER GOOSE" stars Sept. 12, but the only staff currently working are the production design team (character design, make-up, prosthetics, wardrobe) and the primary producers.  "AJA" is an Oscar-caliber film (that's our goal) and "MOTHER GOOSE" is a freakishly commercial film (also our goal).  So the two films represent the two primary creative / financial goals that HHSE / Medallion will be seeking as we emerge from the limitations of direct-to-video level films, and take these important, initial steps to become a Major Independent (ala Lionsgate / Summit). 

HHSE Managers will be back to the corporate offices next Thursday after the conclusion of Cannes meetings and London / U.K. finance meetings.

Much More Later - including the Promo Reel from KRAFTROC!

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

HHSE / Atlantic & Dr. Freeze Pact on "KRAFTROC" - Now Shooting!

Here's a few assorted stills from the first week of Principal Photography on the epic science-fiction / musical feature, "KRAFTROC" from producer Elliott Straite (aka "Dr. Freeze"), director Dean Jones and producer Christopher Powell.  Musical Stars and Celebrities from the Hip-Hop World are on board for this unusual and impressive film - that one recording superstar has described as "the most original, long-form musical feature since 'Purple Rain.'"  We agree!  Watch for more updates....


HHSE / MEDALLION set a major International Stage at the CANNES Festival!

Dear HHSE Friends & Followers – Today (Wednesday, May 11) marks the first day of what film-industry insiders are calling “a new era” for Hannover House.  Today is the broad launch of the International Sales division under Medallion Releasing, Inc. (the wholly-owned subsidiary & affiliate of Hannover House) at the prestigious Cannes Film Festival and Marche Du Film in Cannes, France.

Hannover House / Medallion have a significant presence through a market booth on the main floor of the Cannes Palais, on a corner placement of the Aisle for maximum traffic and visibility.  The company will be presenting thirty-two (32) titles at the market – many of which are listed on the S.E.C. Form 8 Information Statement, a copy of which is posted below (the actual Form 8 is “in process” for publication via Edgar momentarily, we’re told – more on this below).

Because of the “material” level scope of many of the titles being presented today at Cannes (and the dollar value of the private financing secured for these ventures), company counsel advised that this news needed to be presented via both a Form 8 disclosure, as well as through this informational blog (due to publication delays with getting materials onto Edgar – again, more on this issue below).  All of the titles listed on the Form 8 are being presented to international buyers at Cannes, starting today.  Most of these titles are also described in far greater detail on the new Form 10 registration filing that shareholders will be happy to see soon. 

HHSE / Medallion titles will also be featured in an impressive TWO-PAGE CENTER SPREAD of the Official Cannes Film Market Guide – which all attendees will receive during the market.  Additionally, each of the principal eight days of the Marche du Film will have a full page (tabloid sized) ad for HHSE / Medallion (or for a title-specific promotion or screening announcement), on the Inside Back Cover of the Le Film Francais Show Daily.  This is also an extremely high-visibility support for our titles.  HHSE / Medallion have four “Official Cannes Market Screenings” – THE HOMELESS BILLIONAIRE screens on Thursday, May 12 (and will be launched to USA theatres by Hannover House on June 17 – more on this title soon); VALLEY INN screens on Friday, May 13; THE ALGERIAN screens on May 14; and THE DOLL screens on May 15.  More on all of these deals will be released soon.  HHSE is also showing a teaser / promo reel from the first week of principal photography on KRAFTROC – an outrageous science-fiction musical feature originally developed by and for Michael Jackson, before his untimely death in 2009.  Obviously, there will be much more on this title to be released soon, as well.

As a result of our email campaign to film buyers – and their reaction to seeing a broad range of theatrical and commercial home video releases – we are proud to announce that we have over 160 appointments with buyers during the market, representing all of the top 30 largest media territories. In fact, we’re a bit freaked out about how many meetings we have stacked up each day… however, we have four booth / sales team members including Fred Shefte, Eric Parkinson, Shane Ahaus and Desiree Garnier.  VP of Sales TOM SIMS is closing a major domestic deal and could not attend Cannes this year (you will be hearing about this exciting VODWIZ venture immediately after Cannes). And theatrical relations manager JAYSON BLOCKSIDGE needed to stay in the USA to handle details with the upcoming release to theatres of A REMARKABLE LIFE and THE HOMELESS BILLIONAIRE. Last but not least, we are both proud and sad to announce that HHSE Home Video Director of Sales, CAITLIN McKENZIE has accepted a sales position with Universal Music Group, and will be leaving HHSE on May 20.  Caitlin is a superstar, smart, hard-working, loved by the customers, and it’s not at all surprising that Universal wants her for their team.  Not to worry, though, we have a replacement in mind for her sales-support position at HHSE, and a final hire will occur later this month for a seamless transition.

Separate and apart from the titles being launched at Cannes today – watch for a new distribution partnership announcement from Cinedigm with HHSE / Medallion.  We are pleased to add Cinedigm to our family of wholesale partners, and look forward to a long and mutually beneficial relationship with this well-funded entertainment distributor.

Regarding S.E.C. Edgar filings, HHSE was surprised to discover yesterday that MacReportMedia is no longer handling any Edgar filings for any companies.  PattyAnn Phillips is no longer employed there, and the response received to our Form 8 filing on Sunday was that a “change in business” at MacReport required that they eliminate Edgar reporting and only handle press release distribution.  Accordingly, the Form 8 that we wanted to have posted on Tuesday by MacReport needed to be submitted to a different Edgar filing service.  This required the reissuance of new CCC access to supplement the CIK filing details for our entity.  So this has created an unexpected delay in getting the Form 8 (below) onto Edgar.  But it’s “in process” we’re told. 

Final issue to address today: some shareholders have asked WHY the International Division and booth presence at Cannes is under MEDALLION RELEASING and not HANNOVER HOUSE?  This is due to perception issues for our product suppliers.  For instance, HHSE is handling the International Rights to VALLEY INN, but we’re not handling the domestic home video or the television rights.  To avoid market confusion, it’s simpler to list INTERNATIONAL titles under Medallion (instead of under Hannover House - even though the rights are contracted with Hannover House, to be released "By Hannover House or an affilate or division of Hannover House, including but not limited to Medallion Releasing, Inc.).  This is so that companies like Monarch Entertainment or Cinedigm don’t appear to be overshadowed by a company (Hannover House) that also competes with them in the North American market for new release title acquisitions.  It’s politics – and courtesy.  A possible comparison would be to look back when DISNEY created TOUCHSTONE Pictures: some titles made MORE SENSE to be handled by a company NOT named Disney.

DAILY BLOG UPDATES FROM CANNES – You will want to see what’s happening here… JUST WATCH!!
Washington, D.C. 20549
Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
Date of Report (Date of earliest event reported):  May 10, 2016
Hannover House, Inc.
(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)
(State or Other Jurisdiction
(I.R.S. Employer
of Incorporation or Organization)
File Number)
Identification No.)
1428 Chester Street, Springdale, AR 72764(Address of Principal Executive Offices) (Zip Code)
479-751-4500(Registrant’s telephone number, including area code)
f/k/a "Target Development Group, Inc."
f/k/a "Mindset Interactive Corp."
330 Clematis Street, Suite 217, West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 (561) 514-0936(Former name or former address and former fiscal year, if changed since last report)
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Pre-commencement communications pursuant to Rule 13e-4(c) under the Exchange Act (17 CFR 240.13e-4(c))


Management hereby discloses the execution of a variety of new agreements governing the representation rights granted to Company for a multitude of new releases, catalog titles and current productions that will be announced as of May 11, 2016 at the Cannes Film Festival and Marche du Film – including through a two-page (Center-Spread) ad layout in the Official Cannes Film Festival Market Guide / Le Film Francais, for distribution to all registered attendees at this year’s Cannes Festival and Market.  The following titles are listed and described in abbreviated form for the purposes of providing shareholder disclosure.  Additional information on most of these new ventures, titles and productions will be released by Management over the next two weeks of the Cannes’ market through the Company’s blog-site, and through title-specific news announcements.


a).  KRAFTROC – Company has contracted with Atlantic Film Studios for the production and distribution of a feature length musical film.  Under the terms of the agreement, Atlantic shall be responsible for raising the production funds, estimated at $3.5-mm USD. “Kraftroc” was originally developed as a film for Michael Jackson, who was working with the principal producer, Elliott Straite (“Dr. Freeze”) prior to Jackson’s sudden and untimely death in 2009. The film chronicles the story of a team of interplanetary travelers, sent to Earth by Captain EO and challenged to spread enlightenment through music. Although visual images voice recordings of Michael Jackson are part the existing materials for KRAFTROC, there is no assurance that the trustees governing the Michael Jackson Estate will authorize such uses. Regardless, Atlantic is proceeding with the production and has already commenced principal photography. Company will be presenting a promo reel at the Cannes market and offering international rights licensors the opportunity to buy the film for their applicable territories & media.

b).  AJA and MOTHER GOOSE – Company has contracted with Silverline Films, Inc. for the full financing of two feature films.  “AJA” is a powerful and moving drama with an internationally acclaimed director and a top team of commercially-successful producers on board.  Company has pre-approved the casting of John Malkovich or an equivalent stature leading star.  Principal photography is planned to commence on or about July 18, 2016 in Savannah, GA.  Company has also agreed to co-produce “MOTHER GOOSE: JOURNEY TO UTOPIA” with the production team assembled by Silverline, in consideration for Silverline’s agreement to provide the full financing for the production under terms that are consistent and standard within the industry for feature film financing partners.  Key Character Design work has already commenced for this film, along with other qualifying pre-production activities; principal photography on “MOTHER GOOSE: JOURNEY TO UTOPIA” is planned to commence on Sept. 12, with five weeks in Georgia and one week in Ireland. ICM Partners talent, Shirley MacLaine and Samuel L. Jackson have been offered for this film subject to scheduling availabilities; presently, no scheduling conflicts have been presented to Company.

c).  DELIRIUM / PATHWAY TO FREEDOM – Company has also contracted with Atlantic Film Studios on two lower budgeted features that Atlantic will finance and produce, with Company handling the worldwide distribution.  “DELIRIUM” is a thriller that takes place in an asylum.  “PATHWAY TO FREEDOM” is set in the pre-Civil War era and tells the true story of the Underground Railroad organization to help escaping slaves.  Both films are planned to be filmed in North Carolina by Atlantic Film Studios later this year.

d).  HALLOWEEN PARTY – A fourth feature film from Atlantic Film Studios will also be announced and presented by Company at Cannes.  “HALLOWEEN PARTY” is a horror-comedy from actor-producer Dave Sheridan, one of the principal lead stars of the successful “Scary Movie” franchise. Discussions are in motion for the participation in this film by several of the Wayans Brothers, also alumni of “Scary Movie” features.  Atlantic is responsible for the financing and production of “Halloween Party” with Company handling the worldwide sales and distribution.


e).  DANCIN’ IT’S ON – Company has contracted with East Side Story, LLC to represent the worldwide / international sales for the above film.  Previously, Company performed theatrical and home video releasing services for this youth-dance-appeal film in the USA and Canadian markets.

f).  POSSESSION: THE INGLODA WITHIN – Company has contracted with On Ride Entertainment, LLC, to add the worldwide rights to the existing North American venture for this horror film.

g).  VALLEY INN – Company has contracted with Valley Inn, LLC, for the representation of all rights outside of North America for this family feature.

h).  COOK COUNTY – Company has contracted with Greenwood Films, LLC to add the worldwide rights to the existing North American venture for this acclaimed drama.

i).  HOMELESS BILLIONAIRE – Company has contracted with Fraydun Productions, LLC for the worldwide rights to this romantic comedy, including North American theatrical (which launches on June 17).

j).  BLUES FOR WILLADEAN – Company has contracted with Kestrel Films, LLC to add the International Rights to the current North American sales and distribution representation agreement for this critically praised drama.

k).  GABRIELLE and BRUTAL COLORS – Company has contracted with Royal Blue Pictures to add the international markets to the existing distribution pacts in North America for these two horror-thrillers.

l).  THE DOLL and HALLUCINOGEN – Company has contracted with Sahara Vision Productions for the worldwide representation of these two, newly completed features.  “The Doll” will be supported with an Official Cannes Market Screening.

m).  ENCOUNTER – Company has agreed with Sahara Vision Productions to add the worldwide / international sales rights for “Encounter” to the existing distribution pact in North America for this sci-fi / horror feature.

n).  DARK AWAKENING – Company has agreed with Atlantic & Pacific Pictures and The Little Film Company to a venture in which both Company and The Little Film Company will jointly represent “Dark Awakening” to international buyers.

o).  AMERICA UNITED: IN SUPPORT OF OUR TROOPS – This ABC TV Primetime special features top musical acts and comedians, and has been contracted by Company with Freedom Partners, LLC for worldwide rights.


THE ALGERIAN – Action – Political Thriller;
CLOWN TOWN – Sci-Fi Horror (development);
DINOSAURS OF THE JURASSIC – Educational Documentary;
FUTURE SHOCK – Sci-Fi Thriller;
GRAND CHAMPION – Family / Drama;
LEGEND OF BELLE STARR – Western (development);
MELTDOWN – Action-Adventure (development);
SAMURAI: THE LAST WARRIOR – Martial Arts / Documentary;
SAVAGE LAND – Family Western;
SHADOW VISION – Sci-Fi / Horror (development);
SHUCK & JIVE – Urban Drama (development);
TEEN YOGA – Exercise / Self-Help;
TRUE FRESHMEN – Sports (development);

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, hereunto duly authorized.

 Date: May 10, 2016
Hannover House, Inc.

/s/ Eric F. Parkinson

Name: Eric F. Parkinson
Title: C.E.O.
