Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Thank you MSN Money for listing Hannover House as one of the top three Most Notable companies in Arkansas!

Always nice to have the mainstream media recognize the value of the Hannover House brand name!

I guess when you've been operating continuously for TWENTY-FIVE years, and with over EIGHT-MILLION (8,000,000) total published / distributed units sold into the marketplace (books and videos combined), you start to become a known commodity to consumers!

What a great honor to be one of only three companies listed, the others being Walmart Stores, Inc. (arguably the world's largest company based on the dual factors of gross revenues and total employees) and Stephens, Inc., recognized as the largest institutional investor group outside of Wall Street.  Two other Fortune 500 companies were skipped over:  Tyson Foods and J.B. Hunt... making our designation quite impressive!  Go HHSE!

Over in Arkansas, one major company rules the roost: Walmart. The planet's biggest retailer is headquartered in the town of Bentonville. Other leading Arkansas-based businesses include private investment bank Stephens and media distributor Hannover House.
Slide 5 of 52: Over in Arkansas, one major company rules the roost: Walmart. The planet's biggest retailer is headquartered in the town of Bentonville. Other leading Arkansas-based businesses include private investment bank Stephens and media distributor Hannover House.

Monday, February 12, 2018

Battlecreek Week One Retail Results SLAM in at 200% of Sales Goal!

Greetings again HHSE Friends & Followers:  Initial week depletions of BATTLECREEK DVD and BluRay formats (combined) clocked in at more than double the first week's sales forecast!  You can find this Hannover House item on sale at WALMART, TARGET, BEST BUY, K-MART, FAMILY VIDEO and many other top locations nationwide.

BATTLECREEK is benefiting from the momentum that star BILL SKARSGARD has created from his current # 1 top selling national hit, "IT" - to his upcoming new TV Series from JJ Abrams and Stephen King:  "CASTLEROCK" on Hulu.  Hannover House is "at the right place at the right time" with BATTLECREEK.

Pictured below is HHSE graphic designer JON McCALLUM admiring his packaging work at his local TARGET Store.  Also pictured below that is Mr. McCallum admiring the "hot-off-the-presses" movie posters for DEATH HOUSE - which launches to theatres beginning next Friday (Feb. 23).

We are frequently surprised at the hilariously-absurd levels of misinformation on the IHUB Chat Board.  Stock-Bashers pretending to be Movie industry workers or Broker-level stock experts flood the HHSE page with laughable misinformation.  So to be abundantly clear - once again (and apologies if these sentences are too complex for them to follow) - we will clarify our business model:

As with all theatrical releases for Hannover House, the company also controls the ancillary home video market, which (combined with Netflix / SVOD) are the real income sources for smaller independent films.  The exercise of releasing films like BATTLECREEK to theatres is geared primarily for satisfying release goals and benchmarks needed for the key video retailers and Netflix qulaification. Of course, we also make some money on the box office settlements... but we have yet to have a film where box office (ALONE) generates a positive return on the Prints & Ads (P&A) investment.  In this respect, we look at theatrical releasing as being the marketing engine that takes movies like BATTLECREEK, DAISY WINTERS, DEATH HOUSE and others to the "next level" of video sales success and streaming revenues.  In some cases, HHSE also controls the worldwide sales... so the theatrical activities fuel this awareness as well.  ONWARD!

Hannover's SOCIAL MEDIA campaign in support of the widely-available BATTLECREEK release has already generated over 800,000 impressions on FaceBooks, Instagram and Twitter!

Pick-Ups day for RIOT ACT provides HHSE with opportunity to shoot E.P.K. Interviews

Greetings HHSE Friends & Followers - the first pass edit is completed for the feature film, THE RIOT ACT, and director Devon Parks decided to shoot some additional scenes for pacing and continuity last Friday. This day of "pick-ups" occurred inside one of the period-restored Rail Cars of the Arkansas & Missouri Railroad in Springdale, Arkansas. After the full day of shooting, HHSE Director of Marketing DESIREE GARNIER and videographer JOSH IRWIN were able to get lengthy interviews with director Devon Parks and Producer-Leading Lady Lauren Sweetser. 

These interviews will provide useful material for National Broadcast Entertainment Shows and general media as part of the film's "Electronic Press Kit" (E.P.K.) in support of this summer's theatrical release.  This footage will also become one of the sources for the "making of" featurette that will appear on the DVD and BluRay copies of THE RIOT ACT.

This film looks superb, and seems well positioned for commercial success!

Director Devon Parks (left), with Camera Crew for Pick-Up Shots (Feb. 9, 2018)

Producer & Leading Lady Lauren Sweetser awaiting scene where she aboards train.

Lauren Sweetser, as Allye Pearrow, in THE RIOT ACT

HHSE Director of Marketing Desiree Garnier and star Lauren Sweetser await as Videographer Josh Irwin finishes the set-ups for the taping on the Electronic Press Kit on THE RIOT ACT.  

Director Devon Parks with HHSE's Desiree Garnier

Star Brett Cullen (right) is held prisoner by a mysterious spectre in THE RIOT ACT

Producer Lauren Sweetser with director Devon Parks on the streets of Van Buren, Arkansas, which were completely shut down for a week, converted to be consistent with the 1903 period, and covered with 70 dump truck loads of dirt for the filming of exterior sequences of THE RIOT ACT

Overcast skies, drizzly rain and muddy streets added to the character and grit of THE RIOT ACT - but posed no problems for the crew in getting complex dolly-tracking shots.

Sunday, February 4, 2018

The Superbowl of HHSE Blog Updates!

Greetings HHSE Friends & Followers - As many of you plan to watch the Superbowl today, we will do our best to keep this post concise.  But it won't be easy:  there are so many positive activities in motion!  So without further delay, here's the CLIFF NOTES abbreviated summary:

1).   UPLIST REGISTRATION - The dissolution with Crimson Forest will be completed this week, with a formal termination document that has been mutually approved, and a series of short-form terminations for the individual title agreements (as some had different licensors than Crimson Forest Entertainment Group, Inc.).  This will also trigger the long-requested removal of HHSE management names off the Nevada Secretary of State listing as corporate officers. Part of the overall settlement with CRIM involves the reversion of rights in "Where's the Dragon" back to the original licensors... which is why this item has not appeared on any of the HHSE release schedules for the past four months.  With the Crimson merger obstacle removed, the next steps for our uplist are as follows:

a).  PRE-AUDIT - Completion of formatting and overview by outside CPA - covering 2015 Tax Returns, and the full years of 2016 and 2017.  This step is expected to be completed this week, with the results handed over (along with the remainder of the audit materials) to our PCAOB firm.

b).  UPDATED LIBRARY REPORT - This step is expected to be completed by Feb. 26, and provided to the auditors as the last item for full delivery.

c).  REDRAFTED FORM 10 REGISTRATION - This is already completed, awaiting review by outside S.E.C. counsel, and the auditor's letters.

d).  TIMING - Once filed with the S.E.C., the registration becomes effective on the earlier of 60 days, or S.E.C. approval.  This will trigger our uplist to OTC: QB and the activation of stock share transfers electronically through the DTC.  Management believes that being fully registered, and uplisted away from the Pinksheets, will spark a wave of new investors and funds.

2).  CURRENT RELEASE ACTIVITIES - So much to report, but here are the highlights:

a).   BATTLECREEK hits most major retailers this TUESDAY (Feb. 6) - and is already the company's largest new release "shipped" item in five years.  Based on current pre-orders with, which are STRONG (actually 10-X stronger than last year's top video, "Lost in the Pacific"), we are hopeful that this consumer interest will also apply to Walmart, K-Mart, Target, Best Buy and other locations.  Check out this film, it's worth the modest purchase price!

b).  BLOODFEAST - A limited release of "R" rated DVDs and BluRays will also hit selected retailers on Tuesday... but the BIG GUNS will be blasting with our "SPECIAL, UNRATED AND UNEDITED DIRECTOR'S CUT" - which is rolling out "only in theatres" on a city by city basis.  Management believes that the hard-core Horror fans will support this Unrated version, and thus far, the response from the specialty media supports this belief.

c).  DEATH HOUSE - opens in theatres Feb. 23 - this deserves an entire mega blog to itself.  For now, we'll include the new trailer link.

d).  GETTING GRACE - opens in theatres March 23, and is already proving to be the company's top theatrical title, probably of all time (several "sneak peek" screenings have already occurred and SOLD OUT, with literally thousands of tickets cumulatively already sold!).  This title deserves two or three mega-blogs.  But for now, we'll include just a few images and a link or two.

Trailer # 1 (long version):

"When Audiences Get Grace" (short film after one of many sold-out sneak peek events):

EVENT BRITE - Notification of THREE MORE sold out shows, after only 3-days of tickets going on sale! 

Oh... and did we forget to mention the 26-city BUS TOUR prior to the theatrical opening?  Or the National Religious Broadcasters (NRB) promotion in Nashville?  Or the first-time-ever that the Children's Miracle Network has cross-promoted a theatrical release film? There's so much more to the Getting Grace release campaign, that other blog(s) would be required!

e).  QUIETUS - Retail support for this Feb. 27 long-anticipated re-release (and HHSE's first release of this item in Quality Trade Cover format), continues to build.  Shown below is the FULL PAGE ad for the Feb. 12 issue of PUBLISHER'S WEEKLY, the trade industry guide reaching 68,000 book industry professionals and book stores each week.  Also below is the product link...

Many top reviewers have described QUIETUS as a literary masterpiece... so get a copy and find out for yourself why major retailers such as Barnes & Noble, Books-A-Million and Hudson Group are presenting this book - first released in 2002 - back on the New Release shelves!

3).  SONY PICTURES HOME ENT. & DISTRIBUTION STRATEGIES - HHSE has been working for over a year now with industry veteran ERIC DOCTOROW, who is best known for his 20+ years as President of Paramount Home Entertainment (a $-Billion+ Division), and more recently as C.E.O. of Random Media.  Many current and upcoming HHSE titles will enjoy the distribution support through SONY as well as Video-On-Demand with The Orchard, and for selected titles, worldwide distribution with Sony Pictures International.  HHSE / Medallion are maintaining the existing distribution pacts with other wholesalers - most notably Cinedigm. But for eligible and qualifying titles, the distribution access into Sony's powerhouse field sales force and distribution pipeline is something of a material development for HHSE.  This move enables HHSE Management to focus on productions, acquisitions and theatrical release activities - and turn over the distraction and difficulties of home video distribution (as well as the cash-flow drain of video manufacturing and freight) to be handled under more beneficial terms.

The initial titles that will benefit under this new distribution pact are:  DAISY WINTERS, THE ALGERIAN and BONOBOS: BACK TO THE WILD.  There are other notable developments in motion with BONOBOS that will merit a separate blog or press announcement. But for now, here's a link to a behind-the-scenes look at the production of this film, and the woman behind the Lola Ya Bonobo Sanctuary in Africa:
Some HHSE longs will recognize that both ALGERIAN and BONOBOS were summer, 2015 theatrical releases for Hannover House.  These items were held-back from Home Video release initially due to the prior merger with Crimson, but more recently due to the expectation of greater sales upside that may be obtainable through the Sony sales network.

4).  VODWIZ - There's so many exciting developments and updates for us to cover on this venture - that even a Cliff Notes summary at this time cannot do it justice.  Stay tuned for separate news on this topic!

Who Will Win the SUPERBOWL Today?  Hard to predict... but it's not hard to predict that HHSE has reached a significant turning point in the company's history!