Wednesday, May 23, 2018

First post-Cannes Summary

Greetings to all of our HHSE friends, followers and associates. Getting back to business as usual after an especially robust Cannes market.

The organizers of the festival continue to be challenged on arranging proper internet bandwidth access during the market. This is the fourth, consecutive year in which most supplier attendees (including HHSE) were unable to access many websites - including the Google-hosted site of this HHSE blog. As a result, we were unable to post blog updates, or file the Q1 report while away.

Here's a few quick take-aways from the Cannes market and our meetings with over 100 program suppliers:

1).  MyFlix is huge. The unanimous supplier support for this streaming venture - including support of on-boarding fees and supplier provided marketing - indicates that this venture is the right business model (and finally) at the right time. We believe that Cannes 2018 will be marked as the point in time that HHSE evolved into primarily a streaming portal.

2).  Theatrical Release is essential for assuring physical (packaged) home video success... but only if you have "truly theatrical" worthy films.

3).  Television (basic cable) deals can now be more lucrative than Netflix licensing, due to increasingly lower license fees from Netflix - while key cable channels are increasingly supportive of higher fees for the right titles.

4).  Longevity Matters - in an industry with lots of "pop-up" new suppliers that almost always quickly "poop-out" - a company like Hannover House (operating continuously for over 25-years now) has built-up a lot of credibility and recognition within the supplier community and industry trade press. You can't buy that sort of familiarity... it must be earned over a long period of time. But clearly, with the unanimous supplier support of MyFlix, we are finally witnessing a commercial harvest of the goodwill and recognition of the Hannover House brand.

More to follow - including images, a press update and audit filing report.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Update - Much in Progress....

Good morning HHSE friends & followers - this is a critically important week for HHSE on many fronts that will become evident of the next few days as news and announcements are released.

The top three material issues in motion this week include:

1).  CANNES Activities - including VODWIZ information and general sales and licensing activities;

2).  AUDIT / FORM 10 Activities - including completion of the 2016 / 2017 pre-audit package and the current (in-progress) Q1, 2018 report.

3).  DISTRIBUTION UPDATES - from films currently playing in theatres - to home video activities (including those with new distribution partners).

This blog will be updated throughout the day today (Tuesday, May 8).