Sunday, February 23, 2020

Live Streaming for HHSE Shareholder's Meeting - Saturday, Feb. 29 at 11-am Central Time

Greetings HHSE Shareholders - As previously announced, the annual meeting of shareholders will be held this coming Saturday, Feb. 29 at 11-am Central Time (originally planned for the following Saturday - but a scheduling conflict that will be disclosed during the meeting suggested that we accelerate the Shareholder's meeting date to Feb. 29).  

Some shareholders have emailed HHSE managers and asked questions such as:

"How are shareholders supposed to pre-register to gain access to view?"  and...

"Do I need special equipment, software or an APP to view the shareholder's meeting?

The answers are: 

1).  No preregistration or qualification of viewers as being existing HHSE shareholders will be required this year.  It's open to the public.

2).  No special equipment is needed... the management presentation will be "live-streamed" via the internet, and viewable on a to-be-added link page that will be posted onto the company's website:

QUESTIONS from shareholders can be submitted via TEXT to:  479-871-8713 (but only during the meeting, please don't send text questions in advance... if you have a question you wish to suggest BEFORE the meeting, please email it to:  

Unfortunately, time limitations will not enable managers to respond to all questions received during the presentation from shareholders, nor to respond to any non-shareholder questions.


Sunday, February 9, 2020

Updates on Form 10 Filing & Timing

Greetings HHSE Friends & Followers - While we are still technically in "early February" at this moment in time, we are well past "late January" as has been pointed out to HHSE managers by several of our friendly and loyal longs. Not surprisingly, in the past few days, we have received quite a few emails from shareholders requesting a definition of what we meant a couple of weeks ago on this blog site with the vague promise of the Form 10 filing being within days?  It's a fair question.

We have struggled with finding a balance between "updating shareholders" and the prospect of inadvertently "self-sabotaging" the process.  We have also been told that telling shareholders in advance of a specific filing date could appear manipulative - and that this very act could impede the S.E.C. approval of our Form 10 registration.  

Even so, it's always dicey to try to predict the amount of time that is required for third parties to perform their duties, and with the HHSE Form 10, we are literally working with three different CPA's, a separate PCAOB auditing firm, four attorneys (each handling different aspects of disclosure, legal responses and filing reviews) and a XBRL formatting service. Any time there's any notable change to the financials (whether it's from a comment from our CPAs or in response to an auditor's question), the company has to respond with changes in all of the textual write-ups and relay this to the XBRL formatting tables. 

It's only hard like this the first time... as once all parties agree on the assumptions, supporting data and general starting point of the financials, then the quarterly reporting on a going-forward basis is much more rudimentary. 

The filing date is close. That's the most specific that counsel can recommend that we disclose tonight.  Please stay tuned...

Meanwhile, HHSE sends an enthusiastic CONGRATULATIONS to our friend, director MARSHALL CURRY on his first Oscar win tonight (for "The Neighbor's Window"). With "RACING DREAMS" holding onto it's 100% FRESH rating on Rotten Tomatoes, we knew that it was only a matter of time before Marshall would be accepting the Academy Award!