Thursday, March 25, 2021

Best Wishes to the Resilient and Legendary BOB DOLE

     DEAR HHSE FRIENDS & FOLLOWERS - Sometimes personal relationships can provide a conduit and catalyst for the greater good. 

     I hope that we can all be "more like Bob Dole" in respect of his character, persistence, integrity and longevity.

At age 97 - after being shot in the back and right arm during World War II - and then giving another 50+ years of service to the USA - Bob Dole remains a fighter. He is a refreshing throwback to a time when politicians were consistent and sincere. Although we don't agree on all political policies, I am proud of his example and to have known him all of my life.

Bob's impressive and inspiring story of survival as a soldier and as a dedicated political statesman has all of the elements to make a terrific movie.

-- ERIC PARKINSON, C.E.O., Hannover House, Inc.

From: Dole, Bob <>
To: Parkinson, Eric <>
Sent: Thu, Mar 25, 2021 9:45 am
Subject: Thank you
Thank you for your kind message about my current health issue. I remain optimistic as I undergo treatment and believe I will be a winner. I am grateful to the wonderful doctors and medical staff working with me.
Also, thank you for your support over the years. You have a great heritage and family.
Your thoughts and prayers are greatly appreciated. Have a good day.
God Bless America,

Saturday, March 13, 2021

A Message from D. Frederick Shefte

A Message from D. Frederick Shefte - President of Hannover House, Inc.


March 15, 2021


Dear HHSE Friends, Colleagues, Suppliers and Shareholders –

In the last two days I have received multiple messages from Hannover House shareholders thanking me for my work at HHSE and wishing me well. I thank you for those and I thank the many shareholders I have met at our shareholder meetings and at premieres of films that Hannover House has brought to the market. Thank you for your many courtesies and your support.

 Of course, my most heartfelt and complete thanks goes to my friend and business associate Eric Parkinson. I also thank the fine employees of Hannover House for their expertise, diligence and dedication; and also for their friendship. While there are so many to thank, I especially want to acknowledge the years of work and assistance from Jon McCallum and Maryevelyn Jones.

 Through Hannover House, I have met many wonderful people – both on the business and artistic side of the film and publishing activities for the company.

 I have had fairly severe personal and health set-backs in the past couple of years, and I have therefore not been able to be as involved as I would like to in the day-to-day operations of Hannover House. And so, it is time for me to withdraw and do something I never thought of or prepared for:  retire.  There will be many difficult parts of this retirement for me, but perhaps the most difficult for me will be not going into the Hannover House offices on College Avenue in Fayetteville every day. I have truly enjoyed reviewing and entering into distribution agreements with producers and others for their creations and to help present their dreams to audiences. I suppose that sometime in the next week, I will go into the office, take some of my personal items, perhaps turn off the coffee pot (Eric and I drink a lot of coffee), and feel a profound sadness as I lock the door (if I am the last one out that day).

On the business side, I am saddened that I will not be on board to see MyFlix become the great success that I am confident it will be. Eric and I and others have discussed the changing nature of our business for many years, and MyFlix will be a leader in these changes. I continue to be confident in the unique characteristics and sound business plan of MyFlix.

As President of Hannover House, it has been my pleasure to work with Eric and others on the public company disclosures, signing (even electronically), the filings and quarterly reports that review the past accomplishments and provide a road map for the promising future.

It has saddened me in recent years to see that there are some who continue to attempt to manipulate the Hannover House share pricing through fanciful and untruthful statements. Their goal has been to profit by hurting the company and our shareholders. As I retire, I can only say “shame on you.” We all know who they are – cowards who hide behind chat-board pseudonyms, spewing falsehoods in an effort to scare shareholders into selling HHSE stock at the lowest possible price. While these manipulative tactics have occasionally hurt the share price, the resilience of our loyal shareholders has enabled the company to maintain and build our market cap and prepare for an extremely exciting 2021.

There are exciting changes coming for Hannover House. While I won’t be there at the helm alongside Eric, I will be watching and applauding. I know all of you will, too.  I am truly grateful for my 14 years as President of Hannover House, and I thank all of you.



Don Frederick Shefte, President




Hannover House, Inc., 355 N. College Ave., Suite D, Fayetteville, AR  72701

Friday, March 12, 2021

"The Measure of Intelligence is the Ability to Change" - (ALBERT EINSTEIN), and for HHSE: times, they are a changin'

Greetings HHSE Friends & Followers - As was so eloquently written by Shakespeare, "Beware the Ides of March."  There is change in the air, in our society, in the world's economy... and closer to home, in the Executive Suite at Hannover House, Inc. As Albert Einstein so accurately observed, "The Measure of Intelligence is the Ability to Change."

After months of deliberation, Hannover House, Inc. has accepted the resignation of Officer / Director D. Frederick Shefte as President of the Company, effective Monday, March 15, 2021 (a date to correspond with the Form 8 notification filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission).

Fred Shefte has been a loyal warrior for Hannover House since April of 2007 (14-years ago), but began working with the company as far back as 2003 as the V.P. and Trust Officer for the Bank of Fayetteville - in charge of the collections and disbursement of millions of dollars in Hannover House sales revenues each year.  The transition from bank executive to Hannover House President was an easy one for Fred, as his years in business, banking and in legal practices as an attorney had provided a wide breadth of skillsets.  Within months, Shefte was handling all managerial aspects for day-to-day operations for Hannover House, at a time when the company's DVD volume at Walmart put the company into the top ten of all pre-recorded video suppliers.  

Back in 2007, the "DVD Budget Bin" at Walmart was an ATM for Hannover House, as the Major Studios had not yet accepted that $5 was the right price for their catalog titles... leaving companies like Hannover House with a carte-blanche mechanism for turning secondary movie titles into impulse purchases near the Walmart cash registers. Slowly, over time, the Major Studios began cycling in older hits to the budget bins, like "TOP GUN" and "HOOSIERS" - and by 2010, the Budget Bins were mostly major studio titles. 

This was the first of many significant market-paradigm changes to impact Hannover House and the tenure of Fred Shefte as President. The next big market shift was when Blu-Ray releases began to take retail shelf space away - thus forcing companies like Hannover House to implement "limited theatrical releases" in order to be considered for premium DVD placement at major retail accounts.  But in time, the mere action of releasing a film to theatres became less relevant to the buyers than whether or not the title generated any significant box office results while in theatrical release.  The final two paradigm shifts were the steady transition from consumers away from physical discs in favor of streaming services... and the acceleration of that trend with last year's and the ongoing Covid Pandemic forcing many people to stay at home. 

When Shefte started at Hannover House, there were more than forty independent distribution companies operating under a similar DVD-driven business model.  Now there are only a handful, and most of these survivors have transitioned into streaming-centric business models.  That said, Shefte was a key element in devising and implementing a successful evolution of Hannover House over the years.  He was there for the genesis of the "VODWIZ" streaming concept - which grew into the MyFlix multi-studio venture - and which most sage investors now forecast to be the future revenue king for Hannover House. 

As was disclosed in this blog back in the late summer of 2018, Shefte became gravely ill and was hospitalized with a poor prognosis for survival. Eighteen weeks later, with the benefit of some aggressive treatments and medication, Shefte was released and given the go-ahead to return to work.  At that time (late 2018) Parkinson met with Shefte to discuss WHY he would choose to return to Hannover House when he has been granted a miraculous second-chance at life?  Shefte's response was that he believed in Hannover House, in MyFlix and in the company's future... and that he wanted to be a part of this journey for as long as possible.

Recent developments have brought Shefte's journey with Hannover House to an end. While his health status remains stable, his personal situation has declined following both a divorce last year and a bankruptcy filing last month. At this time, Hannover House is a distraction to Shefte... and Shefte is a distraction to Hannover House.  While his dedication and commitment to seeing a successful Form 10 Registration and MyFlix launch remains, there are too many other obstacles impacting Shefte's ability to perform his duties as President of the company.  Accordingly, Shefte's resignation was accepted today - and will be effective on Monday, March 15 - the proverbial "ides of March" as Shakespeare's soothsayer so predicted.

On an interim basis, C.E.O. Eric Parkinson will assume the corporate duties as President. However, the company is finalizing the deal terms for the recruitment of a highly-skilled executive as President of HHSE, and this is major management hire is expected to be completed in less than thirty days.  In the event that the engagement of a new President takes longer than 30-days, HHSE will file an amendment with the Wyoming Secretary of State to list Parkinson as interim President.  Otherwise, the updated officer filing with Wyoming will list the newly engaged President. 

The HHSE Corporate Records will forever acknowledge the valuable services of Don Frederick Shefte as the company President from April 15, 2007 to March 15, 2021. We wish Fred continued good health and success in his future endeavors.  After Monday, Fred's current email ("") will be rerouted to Parkinson... and he will be using his personal email account: for those of you that want to send him best wishes on his new chapter in life.

Change can be good... and we welcome all of the exciting changes that HHSE / MYFLIX are implementing. Hold tight, the season of change is upon us!

Parkinson and Shefte on the SONY Pictures Studios Lot in Culver City, CA. 

Parkinson & Shefte at the CANNES FILM FESTIVAL (2018) 
Formation Announcement of the MYFLIX Multi-Studio Streaming venture.

Session Director Star Noor with Shefte and Parkinson at the recording studio.