Thursday, December 30, 2021

New Productions and Ventures Position Hannover House for Record Revenues in 2022

Fayetteville, AR – Elevated from streaming income and high-end feature productions, Hannover House, Inc. (OTC: HHSE) is looking for a record year in 2022 for both gross revenues and profits. The veteran indie studio (founded in 1993) is forecasting gross revenues of more than $20-million with pre-tax profits of over $4-million in the coming year.  The company’s prior revenue record was set in 2007, at $11.4-million in gross revenues – a time when the company held an impressive number of titles in the Walmart and Best Buy DVD budget bins.

   “We are emerging from a rebuilding period these past three years,” said Eric Parkinson, President and C.E.O. of Hannover House.  “As the physical DVD and BluRay business evolved into a consumer streaming preference, we had to retool our operations to evolve into this new medium. As a result, our MyFlix multi-studio streaming concept is expected to generate at least $15-million in 2022, and this result would comprise three-quarters of the company’s total gross revenues for the year. The other significant paradigm change for Hannover House is the company’s new involvement in facilitating the production of high-end feature productions, which will generate overhead and fees for the company. These new productions are expected to generate about $3.5-million in revenues, with a margin of about $1.5-million in 2022.  And finally, the company’s long-standing activities in selling physical DVDs, BluRays and Books will continue to generate activities, but at a far less consequential level as compared to MyFlix and the major productions,” he concluded.

The MyFlix service will offer the best of several successful streaming competitors. Consumers will have a very large access to titles through MyFlix – over 15,000 titles – and these can be watched through a monthly subscription (ala Netflix), or on per-transaction fee basis (ala Amazon), or under an “ad supported” option in which the programs are interrupted with ads (ala Tubi). MyFlix hopes to eventually offer an educational portal, interactive games, and the option to upload videos (ala YouTube).  The launch of MyFlix will cost about $4-million, which the company expects to be provided through an investor-backed credit line.

   “If you compare MyFlix to existing services, it’s very easy to project potential revenues in excess of $100-million by year two of the venture. We’re taking a far more conservative view and projecting just north of $1-million per month, which is only $86 per title. So, we may need to revise the 2022 forecasts by late summer if the consumer response is closer to the venture’s potential,” said Parkinson.

Hannover House shares are traded on the OTC Pinksheets exchange, and have been hovering under $.02 for the last several years.

   “Our major shareholders are confident that the share price will dramatically improve as we move into 2022,” Parkinson continued. “If competitors like Netflix can support a market-cap of $250-Billion, it’s not unrealistic to look at Hannover House / MyFlix as supporting a market-cap approaching $1-Billion at a reasonable time as MyFlix builds brand awareness. Obviously, if this were to occur, the impact on the Hannover House stock shares would be significant.”

Hannover House, Inc. is a Wyoming registered corporation. The company maintains a production office in Oklahoma and a marketing office in Arkansas.

For more information, contact:  ERIC PARKINSON / / 818-481-5277.

* Cowboys of Cannabis revenues refers only to upfront Presentation Fees for Season One, and does not include HHSE Distribution fees and profit participations in the series.

Sunday, December 26, 2021

Countdown to Form 10 Registration - The Emergence of HHSE / MyFlix as a Major Media Company!

Greetings – From the majestic ski-slopes of Interlaken, Switzerland! 

Just kidding – the HHSE Team has not taken any time off for the Christmas and New Year’s Holidays as time is of the essence for our corporate filings and MyFlix activities.  Maybe next year? 

Meanwhile – as we turn the corner on 2021 and close-the-books on the end of the prior HHSE struggles – we find ourselves in a calm state of confidence for our imminent emergence. The paradigm shift of transforming HHSE from a struggling, nearly-drowned DVD distribution company into a multi-studio streaming giant is looking to become one of the big stories and stock plays for 2022. What sort of market-cap is realistically obtainable for HHSE?

In the ten years since NETFLIX transitioned away from DVD’s delivered via US Mail into a Digital Streaming Company, their share price increased from $25 up to today’s price of $615 (a growth of 2,460%) and a current market cap of $252-Billion.  

If HHSE were to have a comparable PPS growth - based on our current share pricing - the company would be trading at $.35 / share with a market cap of $350-mm. What if MyFlix and our high-end feature productions enable HHSE to  grow our revenues to $500-mm annually?  $1-Bn?  More?  Look at the 12-day grosses for “Spider-Man: No Way Home” at over $1-Bn already.  Shareholders have said that HHSE is “one hit movie away” from  being another LIONSGATE, and with funding deals already structured for films like “BELLE STARR” and “MELTDOWN” – it’s no longer a “some day” aspiration… it’s a “working on the productions right now” reality. 

Meanwhile – we are cognizant (and reminded many times each day from shareholders) that there is widespread impatience regarding the filing of the company’s Form 10 Registration.  The original intention of this registration was to improve the company’s credibility and stature so that a major raising could occur via a S-1 offering. The need for the S-1 has dramatically diminished with respect to a more beneficial credit line arrangement for the launch of MyFlix. But the benefits to shareholders for the HHSE F10 registration is the expectation of greater visibility and market support for the stock shares. 

Both the company and HHSE shareholders benefit from the Form 10 Registration. It boggles-the-mind to try to think of good reasons why a public company C.E.O. with a fully registered and reporting company would ever file a Form 15 withdrawal of registration?  Laziness? Incompetence? Disregard for shareholders? But let’s not digress…

HHSE is closing out Q4 right now, and will deliver the audit package for this final quarter on Saturday; we are told to expect to have the details of this final quarter audited and back to us by Jan. 10 for XBRL formatting and submission to S.E.C. Edgar (incorporated within our prior financials and F10 write-up). 

In these final days and weeks before filing, we expect to see enhanced “chat-board basher” pressures as they frantically struggle to fling mud in a desperate effort to cover their short-sell positions. These HHSE naysayers only have a few trading days left before the buying demand from new shareholders is expected to overwhelm their stock-boxing strategies. With a bit of luck, it’s quite possible that a short-squeeze could deliver the karmic ending that these bashers deserve.  

Over the coming days, there will be several seemingly unexciting filings and public disclosures made by HHSE, but all of which are essential items for the F-10 and the MyFlix launch. The BIG news is the F-10 and everything else that happens over the next few days will be in support of that key endeavor. 

If it were easy to do… we would have done it last year. But this has been a huge project (to address all of the company's prior, material issues in order to proceed in a new direction) and we are immensely grateful for the SUPPORT and PATIENCE of our longs and friends!

Stay Tuned!  AND Merry Christmas / Happy Holidays and a WONDERFUL NEW YEAR for all our HHSE Shareholders, Friends & Family!

Monday, December 20, 2021

HHSE Acquires PORTALS Thriller for Exclusive First-Premiere Window for MYFLIX

Los Angeles, CA - Hannover House, Inc. has acquired the North American rights and first release window premiere to the current production, "PORTALS" for its new MyFlix streaming service and APP.  The film is described as a futuristic, sci-fi thriller with a spiritual theme.  

"We are excited to add new and unique productions to the MyFlix product line that will premiere as exclusive titles," said Eric Parkinson, C.E.O. "Our multi-studio concept will already offer many more titles than almost any other service. But the model of offering some of the titles as exclusive product has been the mainstay for both Netflix and Amazon Prime, so it's a worthwhile addition to our MyFlix strategy."

Principal cast and crew for "PORTALS" is being kept under wraps - as is the script and other production logistics - which Parkinson described as competitively essential to protecting the project's premise.

"Consumers will  have to sign-up for MyFlix to find out the surprise concept and stars," he advised.

(Teaser Art - Not Final Concept)

Michael Shea “death threat” against HHSE C.E.O. is a step too far

Greetings HHSE Friends & Followers – Both Shefte and Parkinson had tolerated the absurdities posted by Michael Shea (as “ANVIL”) on stock chat boards over the years.  Mr. Shea likes to refer to Parkinson as “The Failure” – although only Shea himself has failed at running a public company (ILST) before his removal.  Projecting his own inadequacies onto others is a classic narcissistic trait.  Sometimes a narcissist will turn on a total stranger for being better looking, smarter or more talented. In this case, we feel that Michael Shea simply cannot STAND that he was unable to manage a public company while HHSE continues to defy his incessantly wrong predictions of imminent demise.  So, we’ve ignored him as just another pathetic stock basher… until now.


There is no way to interpret his post today against the HHSE C.E.O. as anything other than a bona-fide death threat.  “Sleeping with the Fishes” is a mob term for drowning a foe with cement weights… it does not refer to a natural death, and we’re confident that Mr. Shea would not refer to his grandparents as “sleeping with the fishes.”  Accordingly, we will turn over this one specific individual immediately to the U.S. Attorney’s office – and let them handle it as a criminal matter. 

(FYI - the death threat post was REMOVED from I-Hub - but captured via screen grabs first).


All four of the “habitual HHSE bashers” are named in a multi-million-dollar defamation and egregious interference lawsuit which will be posted shortly after our F10 filing.  We chose to hold off on filing this civil litigation until a few days after the Form 10 is filed - so that we don’t pollute the exquisite F10 narrative with their stink.  One of the I-Hub Board Administrators for HHSE agreed that the job is like trying to stop caged monkeys from flinging dung onto the legitimate observers outside the cages.  The monkeys squeal, stir up a lot of racket and fling a lot of dung.  Generally speaking, that’s all it is… insane antics.  But for the bashers, crossing into physical threats elevates this into a criminal referral.  Some HHSE shareholders might recall that two, armed FBI field investigators knocked on the door of a HHSE basher a few years ago… and I would expect this to happen soon for Mr. Shea.


FYI, the knowledge of Mr. Shea as being poster “ANVIL” (and his prior association with ILST) comes from his own posts and admissions on the IHUB boards (as researched and provided to HHSE from multiple shareholders).  We could publish his current address, telephone, email and auto registration to this blog… but we do not want to distract from the proper application of criminal justice.


We had wondered this weekend if the bashers would read-between-the-lines to understand the relevance of our most recent disclosure that mentions the detailed shareholder’s list?  If they had the intellectual capacity to think it through, they might recognize that they are royally & legally screwed at this point.


In any event, the registration of our HHSE shares and up-list to OTCQB will make it much harder for “boxing” of our stock to continue.  This has been their spread strategy for years: milking lunch money in tiny trades for their tiny little hands… all in the hopes of scaring legitimate investors to throw-in-the-towel and sell their HHSE shares out of fear.  Well, fellas, the parties that should be scared shirtless are the four individuals that WILL BE specifically “outed” in our civil lawsuit (we are required in the civil complaint to list the names of the bashers, how we know who they are, and all of their contact details).  Hiding behind fictitious chat board pseudonyms is no longer an option.  Stay Tuned…

Thursday, December 16, 2021

PUBCO Disclosure Statement (Week of Dec. 13-17)

The first of two planned disclosure statement filings for this week will occur tomorrow, due to the need for counsel review of format and verbiage. For clarity of communications - and in respect of the limited attention and cognition impacting some chat board posters - we feel it's important to present clearly explained disclosures, including captions to graphic charts as may be included. 

Good Stuff... hold tight... AND STAY SAFE & DILIGENT as major news outlets are beginning to share medical predictions of another COVID spike (and Omicron variant cases) for the coming weeks!

UPDATE:  FRIDAY NIGHT (10:36-pm Central Time)

We received attorney comments just ten minutes ago, and we are being asked to REVISE or REMOVE disclosure items referencing a third-party venture partner that is also a publicly-traded company.  Accordingly, the first of two filings will not happen today... but will be released tomorrow.  We thank our shareholders for their patience - and we are recognizing that the bigger the deals, the more cooks in the kitchen (so-to-speak).  So, it's a sign of good developments and our proper, corporate trajectory.

Fun, Random & Unrelated Movie Facts:

Did you know that:

* Actor GARY OLDMAN is one of the world's top ranked stars for IMDB, and one of the most consistent "positively reviewed" major stars in the world?  From Oscar winning art-dramas to major Batman and franchise films, audiences know that Gary Oldman is going to deliver!

* Film's starring Actor VINCE VAUGHN have grossed over $3.9-Billion Dollars in worldwide box office?  That's a lot of fans for the big guy!

* Actor / Comedian CHRIS TUCKER still performs on the USA Comedy Club circuit, despite being in major studio films and action-comedies (such as the "Rush Hour" series) that have collectively grossed over $1.4-Billion Dollars in worldwide box office?  Talk about staying in touch with the pulse-of-the-people!


Wednesday, December 15, 2021

HHSE Completes Financing Structure for $12-mm Period Western, The Legend of Belle Starr

Fayetteville, AR - Hannover House, Inc. C.E.O. Eric Parkinson announced today the completion of a financial structure that has been utilized to secure approximately $12-mm for the April 2022 production of "The Legend of Belle Starr."  This historic and factually-based feature western tells the story of the notorious Bandit Queen of the Indian Territory, Maybelle Shirley Starr, aka "Belle Starr" and her outspoken opposition to the Oklahoma Land Rush of April 22,1889.  Some historians - and the premise of this film - suggest that Belle Starr's opposition to the Oklahoma Land Rush was the catalyst for her unsolved, ambush murder in February of 1889. 


Subject to the delivery of two major stars (that the company has already been negotiating to secure), a domestic presale to a major studio and an international presale to a top-tier international sales agency will contribute $7-million towards the production funds. State rebates and incentives from Oklahoma and a private investor fund are expected to deliver another $5-million to complete the funding of the feature.  Hannover House, Inc. will serve as a primary production company for the film, and will receive a fee and overhead from the production budget, along with ongoing sales fees and participations from the distribution revenues in the film. 


Principal roles for stars in the film include the lead of Belle Starr, as well as the role of Senator Henry Dawes and a featured cameo for a star in the role of Buffalo Bill Cody. Parkinson believes that the engagement of high profile stars in these principal roles will motivate additional stars to join the cast.


Photography is expected to launch on April 26, 2022 with eight or nine weeks in Oklahoma and two weeks at historic Old Cowtown in Wichita, Kansas. The Cowtown location is a large western town comprised of more than fifty 1880's era buildings on a forty-acre park, which has rarely been used in major feature films. Cowtown will double for old Fort Smith scenes as well as all courtroom scenes with Judge Isaac Parker.  


"The production of this film is one of the key steps in the business model for Hannover House and MyFlix," said Parkinson.  "This high profile film will be a locomotive not only for the the company's stature and credibility, but also in terms of cash flow for our operations. The company's 2022 business model is to pursue major feature productions such as 'Belle Starr' and to focus our distribution energy towards the MyFlix multi-studio streaming venture. Both media models are accesible and profitable for HHSE, and therefore merit our focus," he concluded.


In support of the private equity portion of funding for "The Legend of Belle Starr," an action sequence was shot last month to evidence the venture's proof of concept as well as to qualify the film for 2021 investment benefits. Scene 111 - The Ambush of Standing Bear - was shot in Cherokee County, Oklahoma and featured Native American actor Phoenix Ghost as Standing Bear, along with Mike Graham ("Killers of the Flower Moon") and Chuck Mere' ("Freedom's Path") as gunmen Perkins and Hart, the hired thugs of attorney Mark Epperson (who was implementing a plan to take control of thousands of acres of Indian Territory land). Historical consultation on the film's screenplay was provided by historian Jay Casey, based on the script written by Eric Parkinson. 


Hannover House also believes that funding (approx. $20-mm) will be secured under a similar financial structure for the Sept. 2022 production of "Meltdown" - which the company describes as "Die Hard in a Nuclear Plant."

NOTE TO HHSE SHAREHOLDERS The "Belle Starr" feature project is a key element to the company's "going concern" qualifications for the Form 10 Registration - which made the proof-of-concept sequence an important milestone to evidence to the S.E.C. and opining attorneys the viability of the project to generate operating funds for HHSE during the first 6-months of 2022.

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Tuesday, Dec. 14, 2021 - Update on Selected HHSE / MyFlix Matters

The harder we work, the luckier we get.  In the process of moving ahead on all filings, projects and corporate matters - including the recruitment of studio suppliers as programming participants in MyFlix - sometimes the timing and opportunities mesh in ideal ways with the right outside entities. 

HHSE's receipt last week of a MyFlix Funding Proposal from a major media company may enable the HHSE S-1 Raising to proceed on a much more-limited basis (less total shares issued under the S-1 and at a higher premium-to-market pricing).  This development will not impede or delay our Form 10 registration in any way... but would impact the timing of the subsequent S-1, and the amount of funding being sought (a revised S-1 would be seeking to raise substantially less than the prior total of $8-mm via stock sales).  

The deal terms of this HHSE / MyFlix credit line are still being massaged... but as required under S.E.C. disclosure principles, the venture will be publicly announced within five days of execution, if final terms are mutually accepted.  

As it stands, the cost-of-capital under this credit line proposal is far more beneficial to HHSE and our shareholders than the prior plan of issuing 100-MM+ shares via the S-1 to raise the same level of capital. 

The media entity is a well-known producer of major feature films and they would be not only a superb programming supplier to MyFlix... but their access to major capital makes them a viable source for the generation of a credit-line based funding structure for the final launch and site marketing needs for MyFlix.

Timing for this venture is imminent, and a credit line agreement could close and be announced within the next ten days.  It's an eye-opening and intriguing twist on the S-1 plan for raising MyFlix capital, and one which merits our serious consideration.  

Stay Tuned!  

Sunday, December 12, 2021

HHSE Firing on All Cylinders: Productions, MyFlix, Audit, Form 10, Library Valuation and Fund-Raising

Greetings HHSE Friends & Followers - This week will have two Wire Service Releases and several pubco-filings released, which we hope will position the company and our shareholders for happy holiday smiles. We have reached a point where even "blog" postings need attorney review before inclusion of major items can be disclosed in the level of detail that our shareholders request. Accordingly, on this Sunday evening (12-12-2021), absent of this third-party or attorney consent, we are limited on what can be revealed.  But, this blog will be be UPDATED daily this week, including MONDAY as we knock off the targets and disclosures one-by-one in our final sprint to the finish line.


HHSE's Commitment to Limiting the Public Float of Free-Trading Shares Positions the Stock for Tremendous Upside

In the past 3.75-years, the total of HHSE stock shares issued has increased by only 8.6% - and of these new issuances, only 29-MM (of 69-MM in total new issues) were unrestricted.  

But that's not the most impressive part of this situation: ALMOST ALL of the shares issued in the past 3.75-years (even the unrestricted shares) have been to committed lenders and "longs" that have expressed a commitment to HOLD shares until a significant time-frame after the registration filing and MyFlix launches.  

There are approx. 868-million total HHSE shares in issue as of the last public filing (Period Ending 9-30-2021) - however, all but 75-mm are closely held by motivated longs.  This means that the defacto public float of freely trading shares is less than 9% of the total stock in issue.  Yes, the total of HHSE shares in issue has gone-up by approx. 69-million in the past 3.75-years... BUT... the total amount of shares NOT held by motivated longs, officers and lenders has NOT appreciably increased during this timeframe. There is NOT any new inventory for weak-hands / day-traders and flip-manipulators. 

To be abundantly clear for the intentionally obtuse bashers, the chart below refers to shares issued as of the last public disclosure... there have been a small amount of RESTRICTED shares issued since 9-30-2021, and these will be reflected and detailed in the next filing (for the period ending 12-31-2021).

What does this mean in the real-world of HHSE trading?  It means that any significant, material achievement by the company can quickly explode the stock price by going first after the 75-mm shares in weak hands - thus positioning the longs for a substantial and sustainable upside.  

Together, we're gonna CRUSH this!

Stay tuned....

HHSE office activities currently span the spectrum from organizing stacks of Audit files across the conference table - to the production of Promo Videos for the MyFlix site and APP. 

Sunday, December 5, 2021

HHSE - Greetings from Los Angeles

Good evening HHSE Friends - CEO Eric Parkinson finalized the agreement covering the new library valuation venture last Friday in Los Angeles - along with three other meetings relating to new program suppliers / studios for MyFlix. Additional MyFlix meetings are set for Monday - with Parkinson returning to Arkansas on Tuesday for final F10 review. 

No photos will accompany this blog so as to preserve the current confidentiality of the new MyFlix suppliers.

In sad news, HHSE extends condolences to Parkinson on the loss of a close family friend and mentor, Senator Bob Dole; as well as to producer-affiliate Alex Avant on the tragic home invasion murder of his mother on Wednesday night in Beverly Hills, Jacqueline Avant. May the coming weeks bring us all better fortunes and happiness.