Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Robust first week at Cannes for HHSE and MyFlix!

The Cannes Festival and Marche has gone exceptionally well for HHSE and MyFlix. Here are a few highlights; ***** 1). WILDFIRE screening at the Palais was enthusiastically received - and supplemented with a direct viewing link sent via email by the Cannes / Cinando team to over 2,500 registered buyers (for those unable to attend the screening). Details of our distribution partners and release dates will be jointly made, post-Cannes. ***** 2). COWBOYS OF CANNABIS finally has a USA streaming partner for its launch in August. It is with a top streaming service under a Fortune 100 owner - which we feel will generate maximum immediate revenues - and set the property up for a nice second life on MyFlix. ***** 3). NATIVE FABLES - a collection of original films written and directed exclusively by indigenous filmmakers - was well received as a timely forum for these under represented cultures. HHSE / MyFlix was applauded for being the most prominently supportive studio for Native American voices. *****
4). The LAST DAYS OF BELLE STARR promo has ignited major studio interest in this historic, western actioner, and substantial press intrigue due to the many similar themes in Scorsese film, KILLERS OF THE FLOWER MOON. Watch for Belle Starr to help elevate the stature and credibility of HHSE / MyFlix this year.
***** Speaking of KILLERS OF THE FLOWER MOON, HHSE CEO Eric Parkinson was honored to portray the Fairfax Marshal in the film - which seems well-positioned to be an Oscar favorite this year. The after-party was equally epic, and was held at a mountain-top chateau overlooking Cannes. Attendees included Parkinson, the film’s top cast, Director Scorsese and industry CEOs Tim Cook (Apple) and Jeff Bezos (Amazon). Other Guests included Paramount and Apple Studios executives and VIP members of both the Oklahoma and Cherokee Nation Film Offices. The New York Post described the event as “a real life Great Gatsby,” and we concur. *****
More news and updates to follow… GO HHSE!
At the Palais des Festivals for the world premiere of KILLERS OF THE FLOWER MOON were performers SAMUEL FRENCH (C.J. Robinson), NORMA JEAN (Vera) and ERIC PARKINSON (Fairfax Marshal).
ERIC PARKINSON with screen legend TANTOO CARDINAL at the Apple-Paramount after-party.
Top cast attending the after-party included ROBERT DeNIRO, JESSE PLEMMONS and LEONARDO DiCAPRIO (pictured here with ADDIE ROANHORSE - Photo bombed by Parkinson wearing a Cherokee made cowboy hat).
TIM COOK (Apple) pictured here with ADDIE ROANHORSE. Security handlers for Amazon CEO JEFF BEZOS were prohibiting photos.
PARKINSON with DiCaprio best bud LUKAS HAAS, in the VIP area.
A spectacular layout and estate for a historically epic celebration.

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

DAY ONE - Hannover House / MyFlix at the CANNES FILM FESTIVAL and Marche du Film

Greetings HHSE Friends - for the 12,000+ registered attendees of CANNES this year, anyone visiting the registrants only website (CINANDO), won't miss our HHSE / MYFLIX banner ad across the top of the home page.  This banner LINKS to a Hannover House CANNES page (see link below), which in turn links to our four trailers and encourages buyers to attend the SCREENING EVENT on Sunday, May 21 at the Palais.

Here is the BANNER AD - Running for 12-days:

Here is how it looks on the Cannes / Cinando webpage (apologies for the iphone screen image):

And here is what it LINKS to on the HHSE site:


PLEASE NOTE that not all of the trailers are posted as of the timing of this BLOG... but will be posted by tonight or tomorrow morning.

Some additional updates and news:

WILDFIRE - we are honored to have MO BRINGS PLENTY ("Yellowstone") as the Narrator for this trailer. The prior version of the WILDFIRE Trailer had a temporary / place-holder narrator.  We think his voice is recognizable and comforting for viewers.

COWBOYS OF CANNABIS - we will be releasing press news about this item and others. We have elected to release a feature documentary version - which will be sold at Cannes. The prior model of PILOT and EPISODES has proven challenging to place due to the resistance from networks and streaming services to imply that they are endorsing a drug.  However, as a free-standing feature, there is no hesitation to put it out there!

NATIVE FABLES - Pleased to announce that we will be selling this program worldwide - a collection of inspiring tales from Native American filmmakers.

LAST DAYS OF BELLE STARR - We are showing a teaser from some second unit scenes, in anticipation of our principal photography next month.

And of course, we will be promoting the MYFLIX streaming service, solidifying our supplier commitments and signing up additional studios.  Overall - it will be a stellar show for Hannover House, and a turning point in the company's history and reinvention of the revenue models.

Stay Tuned!!

Friday, May 12, 2023

HHSE Shareholders - FIRST LOOK at Cannes Trailer for WILDFIRE Movie!

Greetings HHSE Friends & Followers - Below is the link to the YouTube video of the "first official" trailer for WILDFIRE - created specifically for next week's Cannes Film Festival and Market.  There will be a different trailer for the USA Market in support the film's theatrical release this summer. But this first-look trailer will help build awareness internationally, as well as some momentum here in North America.

Over the next few days, the release of this trailer release will be promoted through AccessWire, and many other entertainment and media outlets. Some of the principal cast members have offered to promote it to their fan lists and social media followers. So, it's likely that the trailer could rack-up a large amount of views before our meetings in Cannes next week... fingers crossed!

Again, this trailer is tailored for the international buyers market... accordingly, it plays out differently than a trailer cut for USA Theatres.  It's longer in total running time, and slower-paced than most trailers for USA audiences. But it's easy to modify the edit and make the trailer punchier and more dynamic for the tastes of American audiences. Meanwhile, we're happy to have this sales tool.. and look forward to an epic response at CANNES!


Saturday, May 6, 2023

First "official" Theatrical Trailer for WILDFIRE to be released this week!

At long last, the first official theatrical trailer for WILDFIRE: THE LEGEND OF THE CHEROKEE GHOST HORSE will be released this week - both through the international markets (pre-Cannes registrants) as well as through USA websites and social media.

The long road for the completion of WILDFIRE hit dual obstacles of a COVID delay and "aging" of teen and pre-teen actors (requiring scenes to be re-shot). But the film represents the first full-length feature project fully facilitated for production through Hannover House - and the presale offers represent an enormous spike in HHSE revenues (greater than all revenues generated over the past four years), and the beginning of a new and profitable business model for the company:  original productions and MyFlix streaming as the locomotives for profits.

Hannover House and MyFlix are anticipating a great response at CANNES to both WILDFIRE and to the MYFLIX promotions.  This major international festival and market will present the opportunity for all of the pledged MyFlix supplier studios to meet the new President of MyFlix, Desiree Garnier, and to see the impressive off-line website that has been built for the venture.  As mentioned in prior / recent blogs, there are several key suppliers for MyFlix that are fully ready to enable the venture to launch this summer - and with several thousand titles to start.  While HHSE shareholders will think "well, it's about damned time," the consumer market will see MyFlix as an overnight sensation:  an exciting new streaming service with literally thousands of movies (and hundreds of which are not available on other platforms).

It doesn't take a lot of viewers to make MyFlix cash-flow positive and profitable.  So, we see this month as the launch of the "new" HHSE, complete with stock registration, new productions and an exciting "new" streaming service. 

* * * * *

In other news of interest to shareholders, the 12-31-2022 Annual Report with the OTC Markets had to be modified and refiled TWICE in order to comply with new formatting requirements. This also required that the prior attorney opinion letter be updated and refiled.  The Version 3 annual report was posted on Friday and the attorney opinion letter should be posted on Monday.  The Q1 report is ready, but won't be filed until the OTC Markets restores the company's CURRENT reporting status.  The Form 10 will not require a Q1 review statement from the auditors, unless voluntarily submitted to Edgar by HHSE during the 60-day filing period. 

(Last year's CANNES ad - while the film was still in production)