Thursday, October 17, 2024

HHSE Rocks Hollywood with a Super Successful PREMIERE for "UNHOLY SONG"

Greetings HHSE Friends & Followers - The indie film world is ripe with surprise successes, and HHSE's new horror thriller UNHOLY SONG is now a player in that phenomenon!

As some you may know, last weekend saw HHSE distribution partner Cinedigm / Cineverse* shake-up the major studios with it's #1 Box Office Hit, "TERRIFIER 3" - opening to over $18-mm at the box office (and now at over $25-million in less than a week!).

Not since "The Blair Witch Project" 25-years ago, has a micro-budgeted indie horror film opened to #1 at the North American box office... and this indicates the tide of support within both the exhibitors community as well as with consumers, both seeking fresh and frightening new films.

Step in Hannover House with our just completed thriller, "UNHOLY SONG." This film was shot last October and November in Northern California, and just launched on Tuesday to a wildly successful premiere in Hollywood. The audience response was effusive and enthusiastic, and the major horror media attendees have pledged feature stories prior to the film's Feb. 21, 2025 theatrical launch. 

Special thanks to the ACADEMY OF SCIENCE FICTION, FANTASY & HORROR FILMS - as well as to the LOS ANGELES FILM SCHOOL (for use of their impressive 350+ seat, stadium-style theatre). Thanks also for the support from major media and specialty publications, including GETTY IMAGES, DREAD CENTRAL, COLLIDER and FANGORIA.

How impactful will "UNHOLY SONG" prove to be for Hannover House? 

We will know soon. But in the meantime, for Cinedigm / Cineverse, their comparable "TERRIFIER 3" is on track for $40-million at the box office (which should net about $20-mm in "settlements" from exhibitors) - after Cinedigm / Cineverse spent less than $500,000 on the film and $500,000 on the national distribution costs. That's great math... and the sort of success that we will seek to replicate for our shareholders at Hannover House!


The Los Angeles Film School Theatre - 6363 Sunset Blvd. in Hollywood - was the venue for the warmly received world premiere of "UNHOLY SONG" on Tuesday, Oct. 15, 2024. Principal cast and crew attended, along with national and specialty (horror media) - for a successful premiere launch of this exciting, unique and terrifying new indie thriller. The film will open in USA theatres on Feb. 21, 2025 from Hannover House (OTC: HHSE).

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*Cinedigm / Cineverse acts as the USA mass-merchant sales agency for selected HHSE new release titles onto DVD and Blu-Ray. 

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

HANNOVER HOUSE - Office Tour for Our Shareholders!

Greetings HHSE Friends & Followers - We have been extremely busy lately with corporate ventures, filings, financings, productions and MyFlix activities. So much so, that have neglected to give our shareholders a photo-tour and update on how well our combo office-warehouse-production facility has worked out for the company. While HHSE has evolved with changing markets and product direction over our 31-years of operations... we have adapted our offices to meet present demands. Our current home these past 8-months has been working perfectly for our "post-DVD" business model. So, here's a quick history and some photos of our operations. 


The company's first office was leased in 2001 at the "Old Post Office" on the downtown square of Fayetteville, Arkansas. This was a super-cool office, right in the center of town and the weekly farmer's market. But we outgrew it quickly (and frankly, some of the support staff were freaked out about the "rumor" of the Postmaster's Ghost - to which every creaking sound was attributed).  

In 2004 - HHSE relocated to "THE ICE HOUSE" in Fayetteville - located just south of the Walton Arts Center. This location also proved to have logistics problems - as the lack of a loading dock and warehousing space resulted in senior managers stopping work almost daily to load orders or unload other shipments. SO - in 2008 - HHSE moved to an Office-Warehouse combo in Springdale, Arkansas. This was a great location for eight years... until such time that the company MOVED the storage of DVDs to an off-premises warehouse...

Moving DVD storage resulted in the 8,000+ square feet of the Springdale office being over-kill in terms of space. Accordingly, in 2016, the company moved to office at College and Dickson Street in Fayetteville. These were nice offices... but on the "second year" of the lease, the landlord started charging 30% more rent. This  arbitrary surcharge resulted in a dispute and ultimately in a lawsuit.  So, in 2018 - HHSE moved across the street to another office. 

Frankly, with DVD product stored off-premises and a focus on location productions and MyFlix development - the company really did NOT need offices anymore at that point. But former HHSE President (Fred Shefte) wanted a work-space that was separate from his residence... so we basically got the office for Fred. There was a period of time in which the Fayetteville office was still under lease - AND - a separate office was operating in Tahlequah, Oklahoma (as a production office). Then there was a period of time in which ONLY the Tahlequah office was under lease (2022 - 2023). But when the company finally found its current location in Fayetteville (Feb. 2024), we knew we had finally located an ideal space.

Our offices are more than sufficient in terms of managerial office space. But more notably, we have over 1,500 square feet for STORAGE, plus separate office / work areas for Construction, Film Equipment and Wardrobe. Most notably, we have the largest cinema quality Green Screen production stage in Northwest Arkansas.  Financially, we are paying only about $1,000 per month MORE than what we had been paying for various storage facilities each month.

At our current offices, we can receive semi-trucks, process orders, and even "build sets" or build props. In fact, we recently "built" an 1880's style Prisoner Transport Wagon for use in the HHSE movie, INDIAN TERRITORY. We were unable to find or rent one... so we BUILT it for $1,500... and have since already "rented" it to a different production for $1,500, first rental out!

We still have the same HHSE Directors: Eric Parkinson, Christian Large and Kyle Martens. We also have an operations (warehouse) manager and an administrative secretary on staff. As for "advisors" - we are working with some very high-profile and well-known entertainment investors and executives, which will be evident quite soon (disclosure of advisory panel will occur contemporaneously with our current uplist filings). 

Yes, what we are doing is VERY ambitious and has a MAJOR upside for our shareholders... But also YES, it has taken quite a bit of time to pull it all together. It's notable to remind our longs that HHSE has paid or otherwise eliminated over $6.5-mm in debt in the past five years... AND... the company has not had any lawsuits of any sort in the past five years (corresponding to the timeframe that Fred Shefte took a medical-leave-of-absence... ending his prior strategy of "allowing" out-of-state disputes to go to judgment). NOW? If we have a dispute with a vendor or producer-supplier, we resolve it without litigation... thus our spotless record these past five years. 

Regarding business model - we are focused on the production of original feature films that the company owns or controls (instead of just "earns a fee for a short period of time"). We are also continuing work on what is likely a $100-mm venture:  MYFLIX. Yes, it has taken a long time... but that's because we are putting it together WITHOUT the benefit of millions of dollars of working capital. Such handicaps require more time...

MEANWHILE - there will be some fun news over the next two weeks... so stay tuned!

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Hannover House sets FEB. 21 (2025) Theatrical Date for Exorcism Thriller, UNHOLY SONG

Greetings HHSE Friends & Followers - The recently completed horror-thriller, UNHOLY SONG, will enjoy a national theatrical release on Feb. 21, 2025 from Hannover House. 

The exorcism-themed thriller was written & directed by Arthur G. Night and was shot in the Bay-Area of Northern California, including Sacramento, Stockton and Lodi, CA. 

A premiere screening for VIPS, buyers and press will be held on Tuesday, Oct. 15 (2024) in Los Angeles. 

Stay tuned for more details! 

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Updates / Revisions Underway for HANNOVER HOUSE, WILDFIRE and MYFLIX websites

We have been advised to UPDATE and REVISE the three, key websites controlled by HHSE, in advance of our major news.

Accordingly, over the next few days, changes are occurring for:


HHSE Management 

UPDATE: These cosmetic tweaks and website updates were planned for two weeks ago... but are still falling further down on the company's "priority" list - for reasons which will soon become evident to all!


Wednesday, September 4, 2024

HUGE CONGRATS due for HHSE Friends: Producers & Distributors of "REAGAN" Movie

In a move that is causing major ripples through the movie exhibition community, newly launched SHOWBIZ ENTERTAINMENT (Kevin Mitchell & Mitch Roberts - from the "CINEMARK THEATRES" family), scored a HUGE HIT this weekend with the release of the Dennis Quaid drama, "REAGAN." The film opened on 2,750 screens and grossed a whopping $10.3-million for the opening weekend. As of yesterday (Tuesday) the film actually jumped into the #1 position for all releases... and is enjoying a 98% audience approval score. Not surprisingly, the "critics" score on Rotten Tomatoes is a lowly 22% - as many critics have perceived the film as having a "pro-G.O.P. agenda." Uh, yeah. It's about REAGAN. 

Anyway, this success is not only an endorsement of the power of Cinemark Theatres... but also shows that the industry and exhibitors beyond the Cinemark locations are willing to support a well-made, indie film with a "hook" and a "star." The success of "REAGAN" is a complete validation of the business model that Hannover House has been pursuing with our current and recent production activities. 

Stay tuned... there's much, much more to this story!


Friday, August 23, 2024

Various HHSE Updates...

Greetings HHSE Friends & Followers - Just a quick summary of activities.

1).  WILDFIRE - in respect of our yet-to-be-publicly-disclosed Distribution Alliances for the film's USA Theatrical Release and VOD launch, we will be updating our websites, press listings and other data with new release information in the next two weeks. It's been a crazy summer for movies, and getting a large block of screens requires finesse in timing with the exhibitors and corporate cross-promotional sponsors. Honestly, every one who is actually an industry insider already knows about the ground-breaking theatrical release program for WILDFIRE, and several major studios are already working to replicate our campaign (which has not yet been proven successful). But fresh ideas are what drives success and this industry, so we are excited to have developed a rather revolutionary way to sell movie tickets for WILDFIRE!  

UPDATE (Sept. 6): Without circumventing our distribution partners and their specific press announcements, we are authorized to disclose the following:  

a). The WILDFIRE Theatrical Release involves a major theatre chain and a major retail clothing chain. The "tickets promotion" involves the printing and distribution of hundreds-of-thousands of movie passes to targeted audiences under an all-new revenue formula. 

b). The Release date will NOT be Oct. 4, but is a 2024 theatrical date; 

c). "Top Radio Station" campaigns are in place for all of the major USA markets, also tied into the exhibitor-retailer tickets promotion; 

d). Talent is confirmed for major national TV Talk Shows; 

e). A "new trailer" will launch very soon;  

f).  Posters have already been shipped to hundreds of confirmed theatre locations;  

g). Distribution of the trailers and movie content masters are being handled by a top Hollywood Lab. 

2).  NATIVE FABLES - The fourth-and-fifth film segments of the Native Fables Anthology program are now in production. This program is a collection of short films written-by and directed-by registered Native tribal members. We are grateful for the continued support and help of this project from elders of the United Keetowah Band of Cherokees, who have assisted us with native and historical consultation on prior projects, including WILDFIRE, BELLE STARR and INDIAN TERRITORY. There are nearly 6-million registered tribal members in North America. We are hopeful that many will go to TUBI to see the premiere of NATIVE FABLES, as this advertiser-supported-VOD platform is widely accessible and free of charge to watch films. 

3).  UNHOLY SONG: THE EXORCISM OF EVIL - Hannover's initial outreach to the major theatrical exhibition chains for this title consisted of Poster Art and a 2-minute "sizzle reel." The response was superb... and we are now booking locations for a MARCH 2025 Wide Theatrical Release. 

4).  OTC MARKETS UPLIST - "Review Statements" for Q1 and Q2 will supplement the 12-31-2023 audits as part of the OTC uplist. The delay in filing has been the fast-moving status of major corporate funding for HHSE, which dramatically / materially impacts the write-up portions of the uplist and registration filings.  We have received clearance to proceed upon announcement of the WILDFIRE theatrical and distribution ventures, as that singular project is so impactful to the company's growth that any issues or delays with the other projects are less material. 


Friday, August 2, 2024

Some Opening day shows of DARK FEATHERS are SOLD OUT!

 Congratulations to Hannover House client Crystal Huang on the successful theatrical launch today of DARK FEATHERS: DANCE OF THE GEISHA.. Although the film is in limited release, some shows are already sold out, prompting BRENDEN THEATRES and CINELUX in the SF Bay area to move the film into larger auditoriums. This has literally never happened before on a Hannover House theatrical release. So, it's a very good sign for the films potential expansion success. 

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

DARK FEATHERS: Dance of the Geisha - is a MUST SEE Indie Film (say top reviewers)

Hannover House is assisting director Crystal Huang and Unbreakable, LLC in the launch of the indie thriller, "DARK FEATHERS: Dance of the Geisha." This acclaimed film has won over 20 indie festival awards, and will launch on Aug. 2 to selected theatres before a wider theatrical expansion on August 16.

Although noted for it's masterful choreography of both dancing and martial arts - some reviewers have found the "Geisha" aspects to be tantalizing and bold. FILM THREAT summed it up best as follows:

"First, the idea of combining samurai culture and ballroom dancing in the same picture is brilliant. The alchemy of butch and femme interests results in indie date night gold. Second, it creates an explosive moment of such depravity that it will get anyone’s attention, with the word spreading like wildfire. It isn’t even something you can see, as it is the pristine crunching sound effect during the show-stopping scene. It’s the scene where a woman cracks a walnut open with her twiddle."

Yes, there are still some scenes never-before-seen in movies (!!). Men are literally DYING to make love to the Geisha star of this film... and if they can't have her, then life isn't worth living. 

Opening an indie movie in mid-summer against a slate of blockbusters is never easy. Accordingly, this film will have a staggered release throughout the month of August and into early September before the Sept. 17 streaming launch. Check out the website and if there's a theatre near you... it's worth checking out the movie!


Sunday, July 14, 2024

Hannover House - Prior plan for "quick" release of Q2 Results are DELAYED due to substantial developments

Greetings HHSE Friends & Followers - Management has been advised by counsel to hold the Q2 reports for another week from OTC release. This is due to major financing and operational developments that have a profoundly positive impact to the Company. 

The concern is that to release the OTC Q2 report NOW, without disclosing these material activities, would be an omission. However, to release the OTC Q2 report NOW and include the details of developments that are still in a "review" / due diligence process would be premature. As the OTC Markets rules do not require the release of the Q2 news until August 15, counsel feels it's best to complete these next few business days of document and performance review, and then include the developments in the Q2 report. 

The initial letters-of-intent occurred prior to June 30 - and while the due diligence is still in process - all parties anticipate that the ventures will proceed and therefore, can be attributed as a Q2 initiated transaction. 

Hold tight - really good times are coming. 

  • FYI - This is a "random photo" unrelated to the above HHSE Blog Post. However, Google advised HHSE that blogs WITHOUT a photo do not get "tagged" for searches as easily as Blog WITH an image included somewhere within the post. As we do not have a visually compelling photo of HHSE managers staring at the already completed Q2 report (and wondering WHEN is the best time to release it)... we instead selected this photo of CEO ERIC PARKINSON with General COLIN POWELL and Texas Billionaire TRAMMEL CROW - shot years ago when Parkinson and Powell were the keynote speakers at the Video Software Dealer's Association convention. 

Friday, July 12, 2024

HHSE Specialty / Limited Release of DARK FEATHERS is earning Festival Awards & Reviewer Acclaim

Greetings HHSE Friends - While we are all focused on the HUGE deals and HIGH-PROFILE feature projects for the Company... it's still fun to see how some of our specialty programs are performing.

DARK FEATHERS: Dance of the Geisha opens in selected markets starting August 2 - and expands on Aug. 9, Aug. 16 and Aug. 23 before hitting a wide range of streaming platforms on Sept. 17.

The film has won over 20 festival awards, and is starting to get some favorable REVIEWS, such as this article yesterday from FILM THREAT (see below).

A V.I.P. celebrity screening is occurring in Palo Alto, CA tomorrow night (July 13) - and media coverage is confirmed and growing. 

Successful releases are always fun to handle. 

* * * * *

The fangs are out as the heels hit the floor in the samurai ballroom thriller Dark Feathers: Dance of the Geisha, co-directed by Crystal J. Huang with Nicholas Ryan. The movie opens on a roof in San Francisco, with Kate (Crystal J. Huang) informing a man who gave up everything for her that she is finished being his lover. By the time she exits the building, he hits the pavement. Ex-detective Remy (Gilles Marini) is brain-picked by his ex-partner James (Scott Lea) over the case, giving him a gander at a photo of Kate.

Remy attends the ballroom dancing class his wife Amelia (Karina Smirnoff) teaches, where he is surprised to see the same Kate from the homicide picture. He is filled in that Kate is a wonderful dancer but cannot keep a regular ballroom partner, as they all keep dying. Remy can’t wait to start dancing with Kate and maybe even win the big contest. Maybe he would have been more careful if he had had an inkling of the ancient practices that Kate follows. Or about her shadow life in an underworld kingdom overseen by Princess Edo (Lan Kay) and Kensei (Michael Madsen), the white samurai.

Star Huang wrote the story for Dark Feathers: Dance of the Geisha with Jin Yao, who wrote the screenplay with contributions from Daniel Benton. Everyone involved in forming this maverick narrative deserves a round of applause. There is a delicious white-hot tingle behind the forehead when, during a movie, you suddenly realize you have a rule breaker on your hands.

First, the idea of combining samurai culture and ballroom dancing in the same picture is brilliant. The alchemy of butch and femme interests results in indie date night gold. Second, it creates an explosive moment of such depravity that it will get anyone’s attention, with the word spreading like wildfire. It isn’t even something you can see, as it is the pristine crunching sound effect during the show-stopping scene. It’s the scene where a woman cracks a walnut open with her twiddle.

“…Kate is a wonderful dancer but cannot keep a regular ballroom partner, as they all keep dying.”

Lastly, there is a renegade attitude in the story structure where people who are not supposed to die do, and boy, is it in some interesting places. I counted three surprising “F**k Yeah” moments along the way, which is two more than some of the best movies out there. Ditto for the lesbian elements, as there are some peppers in this sauce.

The look of the opening credits, as well as the PG-13 treatment of the material, give Dark Feathers: Dance of the Geisha the initial impression of a TV melodrama. Good. Melodrama attacks boredom like a mongoose on a cobra. Melodrama is speed metal compared to drama’s yacht rock, so a film should wear it like a badge of defiance. No matter how it is packaged, in the end, it means a high-voltage thriller.

If you question whether this production has enough balls for you, take a gander at the genius casting of Madsen as a white samurai. He maintains that ritual cool air while rocking the s**t out of that samurai suit. This, along with his turn in Christmas Thieves, shows Madsen’s pop culture spire continues to climb.

Smirnoff is pure joy, knowing how to blast her way through high-volume emotions. And she dances, too! But this is Huang’s vehicle, and she drives it like a Stinger in launch mode. Huang’s the perfect femme fatale of the future, giving a master class in exuding that love you can die from. She also gets to parade a fierce armory of fantastic fashions. Huang’s dresses alone make this imperative watching.

Dark Feathers: Dance of the Geisha will ruffle your feathers in the most delightful way.

Monday, July 1, 2024

Public Company - Disclaimer Regarding Informative Blog Posts & Updates

Greetings HHSE Friends & Followers - HHSE was advised years ago that our status as an OTC Markets Pinksheet company does not require that each of our BLOGS or PRESS RELEASES contain the industry-standard "forward looking statements" disclosures that apply to fully reporting companies. When we first launched the HHSE Shareholder's Blog - the intention was to provide a "real-time" (almost weekly) forum to share project status updates and other information to shareholders. The purpose of the blog has always been to provide maximum transparency, and to share information about what is happening while projects are still in progress. Never has the company anticipated or suggested that this blog be relied upon as a financial advisory source to guide the readers with the investment - or divestment - of Hannover House stock or any other entity. Hannover House management has always followed the philosophy that the managers work for the shareholders - and to the fullest extent possible (e.g., without violating public company rules, or breaking an agreement for non-disclosure or hold-backs with arm's-length suppliers, venture partners or auditors) we have strived to get frequent and transparent updates to our supporters.

As is always the case in running a business - and perhaps even more so when running a company in a rapidly evolving business sector such as entertainment - management plans and goals at the beginning of one month might no longer apply a few weeks later. 

Opportunities for deals come-and-go, based on many factors that are usually not within the control of Hannover House management. For instance - last year, the company announced a venture to record three Academy Award winning performers to be voice-talent in an animated / A.I feature project called "Journey To Utopia." At the time of that project's announcement, three qualifying stars had expressed (through agents) that they were committed to this project. However, one of the performers subsequently became too ill to work, and had to withdraw from the project. As the co-production funding venture had a requirement for three Oscar winners as catalyst to the release of funds, we have since been back in the talent fishing pool to find a suitable replacement performer, to qualify for the funding commitment. Some shareholders have said "why didn't you wait until you had the actors attached" before announcing? Well, that's exactly what we did. Others have said "if you had three Oscar winners attached but did NOT tell the shareholders, that's an omission of a material development." That is also correct. 

So, we walk the tightwire of "do we share information or not?" Referring back to our philosophy that managers work for the shareholders, we decided that it's BETTER to share with our team exactly what is happening as it happens... but with the obvious reality that some things are out of the company's control... such as the health of a performer... or maybe the opinion of an auditor as to how some costs are reported or values calculated. We present the news, as it happens, and caution our shareholders to NOT make investment decisions based upon news and blogs. 

In conclusion - and in respect of the company's current uplisting activities to OTC: QB -  we have decided to start acting more like a NASDAQ company... and less like a Pinksheet equity. Accordingly, we are sharing with out Blog readers again our FORWARD LOOKING STATEMENTS disclosure below.... and reminding the readers of our press releases and blog posts that the sharing of news does not constitute a suggestion to buy or sell the Hannover House shares. It's simply the news as it has occurred... with the knowledge that circumstances often do change over time.  We will continue to share important news as it happens, because more shareholders has requested this than those suggesting that we never provide activity updates. ONWARD!

* * * * *


Corporate Disclaimer Regarding Content of Shareholder’s Blog.

“Forward looking statements”

The statements and information contained within this Blog may contain certain forward-looking statements relating to Hannover House, Inc. (the “Company”) and it’s activities in projects, which statements are based on the beliefs of the Company’s management as well as assumptions made by and information currently available to the Company’s management at the time that each Blog is posted. These forward-looking statements are, by their nature, subject to significant risks and uncertainties. These forward-looking statements include, without limitation, statements relating to the Company’s business prospects, future developments, trends and conditions in the industry and geographical markets in which the Company operates, its strategies, plans, objectives and goals, its ability to control costs, statements relating to prices, volumes, operations, margins, overall market trends, risk management and exchange rates.


When used herein, the words “anticipate”, “believe”, “could”, “estimate”, “expect”, “going forward”, “intend”, “may”, “ought to”, “plan”, “project”, “seek”, “should”, “will”, “would” and similar expressions, as they relate to the Company or the Company’s projects or management, are intended to identify forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements reflect the Company’s views at the time that each such statements were made with respect to conditions at the time of the blog posts - with the expressed acknowledgement that anticipated future events are not a guarantee of future performance or developments.


Readers of this informative Company blog are strongly cautioned that reliance on any forward-looking statements involves known and unknown risks and uncertainties. Actual results and events may differ materially from information contained in the forward-looking statements as a result of a number of factors, including any changes in the laws, rules and regulations relating to any aspects of the Company’s business operations, general economic, market and business conditions, including capital market developments, changes or volatility in interest rates, foreign exchange rates, equity prices or other rates or prices, the actions and developments of the Company’s competitors and the effects of an evolving marketplace for the production and distribution of filmed entertainment products. Subject to the requirements regarding public company disclosures, the Company does not intend to update or otherwise revise such forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. However, as material level changes impact the Company’s activities, projects or schedules, the Company may elect to post a new blog disclosure while still allowing the prior, outdated blogs to remain publicly visible. As a result of these and other risks, uncertainties and assumptions, forward-looking events and circumstances discussed herein might not occur in the way the Group expects, or at all. Accordingly, you should not place reliance on any forward-looking information or statements. All forward-looking statements herein are qualified by reference to the cautionary statements set forth in this section.

* * * * *

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

HHSE Approved for OCT. 4 Wide USA Theatrical Release of WILDFIRE

 At long last - HHSE has been granted approval to commence theatrical marketing, booking and releasing activities for WILDFIRE - which will now launch to theatres on October 4, 2024. Approx. 6-weeks later, our major studio distributor partner will debut the film onto Premium Streaming Services (note: the announcement of our streaming partner is still subject to their timing hold-backs). 

We are super-excited to start shipping POSTERS out to theatres... as well as our the debut of our NEW AND INCREDIBLE Wildfire 90-second Trailer. There will also be 15-second and 30-second TV Ad spots, along with Social media campaigns, national TV appearances and the entire gamut of big-PR-noise that accompanies successful family film releases. 

How do you go from tiny-revenues to MILLIONS in a month? Release the right product, and that's how major independent studios are built. 

Standing room only at the LoneStar Premiere - packed house (excepting only for the front three rows that were roped off by the festival due to being "bad seats") - over 550 persons in  the Theatre!

Sunday, June 2, 2024

General Update and Follow-up on CANNES and Major Activities for HHSE

Greetings HHSE Friends - As requested, here are some additional updates on CANNES activities and other general activities for Hannover House, Inc. / MYFLIX and our affiliates.

1).  INTERNATIONAL SALES - Direct licenses were made for FRANCE, ITALY and SPAIN on selected HHSE titles, most notably, "UNHOLY SONG: THE EXORCISM OF EVIL." A separate deal was consummated for all sales, licensing and distribution rights to WILDFIRE outside of North America (however, the licensor retains the right to control the timing of the announcement).

2).  MULTI-MILLION DOLLAR PRODUCTION FINANCING VENTURES - Although we are still under N.D.A. restrictions on two of the titles, we can announce that major financing was structured for THREE (3) separate major features. Two of these are slated for production in Hungary and Germany (budgets are $6-mm and $12-mm), and one of these is slated for production in Malta and France. For the Hungarian-German co-productions, one of the films features a 2023 Academy Award nominated actress, and the other film features one of the highest ranked stars in the world (both in terms of IMDB Star Ranking as well as worldwide box office results).  Again, N.D.A. restrictions are required due to the partners and stars involved. Any one of these movies are major "game changers" for HHSE in terms of production fees, distribution fees, profit participation and general stature / credibility for the company. To have three such projects in the same year is beyond significant for the future of HHSE.

3).  MYFLIX PARTNER STUDIOS - lots of meetings at Cannes and support and enthusiasm continues high for MyFlix. However, all of the major suppliers agree with the strategy of launching MyFlix with the multi-faceted marketing strategy originally planned for the venture.  There was no support, only concern, that buckling to pressure from shareholders to proceed with the venture without proper marketing and ad support would likely result is a failed launch. Timing wise, HHSE has several likely financing sources for MyFlix, all triggered by the current OTC: QB Uplist project.

4).  WILDFIRE RELEASE & GENERAL UPDATES - Prior to the major studio streaming launch of this title, HHSE will be given a 60-day window for the exploitation of North American theatrical rights. As of this date, the V.O.D. premiere window date has not been finalized (although, we're being told that it will LIKELY be between Thanksgiving and Christmas this year - prime time for family programming). Accordingly, the most likely theatrical launch date will be MID-SEPTEMBER. 

Meanwhile, we have not come to terms with Warner-Chappell Music on the use of our new "WILDFIRE" song master, except for the use of this version withing the movie itself. We will need a separate license for using this recording within a TRAILER, or as a component of a free-standing MUSIC VIDEO. Accordingly, we have pulled down both the trailer version (from last year) and the Anne Heche music video tribute, as these utilized the new master, but did not have the "publishing rights" for these additional uses. We were already making a new trailer for the film which does NOT use our new recording as featured in the movie. It is possible we may go back and license the rights to use our own version of the song for use within a film trailer... but it's also possible that our key distribution partners will agree that the new trailer works very well with the other music already owned outright. So, to be clear: the rights to the "WILDFIRE" song were previously licensed "for use in the movie" but not for other uses. I know it sounds crazy that we cannot use a song master that we own outright, but that's how "music publishing rights" work:  the master of a recording and the "copyright elements of the song" are considered two separate assets, each subject to separate licenses. Definitely not a big deal, but we wanted to clarify. 

5).  OTCQB UPLIST - Yes, still awaiting final audit opinion, but are otherwise ready to submit. There will be no advanced warning at this point. We will publish the OTC:QB documents as soon as the final audit opinion is provided. Could be any day, any moment. As mentioned before, conforming all of our assets, balance sheet items, payables, receivables and contracts is hardest "the first time" - and then these are established assumption items for all subsequent financial reports. 

6).   REVISION OF Q1 2024 FILING - In December, 2023, Management filed with the Wyoming Secretary of State for an increase in the Authorized Shares of HHSE to a max A/S of 1,250,000,000, as opposed to the prior ceiling of 1,100,000,000. This application was not immediately processed by the Wyoming Secretary of State for unknown reasons, and as a result, the A/S was not formally recognized on the company's 12-31-2023 year-end report. However, it was accepted in January, and acknowledged by Standard Registrar in February of 2024. Accordingly, the 3-31-2024 Quarterly report has been updated and corrected to show this higher A/S which was, in fact, effective during that reporting period.  The purpose of the higher A/S is to allow for a cushion of unissued treasury stock in order to meet some current financing structures, which include the option - but not the assurance - that shares might be issued in part for major production and MyFlix ventures. To date, no such "options" have been issued; however, counsel advised that the A/S needed to be adjusted to allow such deals to be pursued. 

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Solid launch for first few days of CANNES market

Greetings HHSE Friends - it’s easy for us to project a record revenue year for HHSE in 2024, based solely on the distribution and production deals made during these first five days at CANNES.

International licensing deals have been made on six key titles (including two, previously unannounced features: SWEAT IT OUT and TEMPUS PORTA). Even more exciting: over $22-mm worth of production and financing ventures involving co-production (PSA) arrangements, government incentives and equity investors from Germany, Australia, Malta and Hungary will fund five major production titles (four not yet announced). 

Post Cannes wrap-up will go into greater details.  Onward soldiers, the victory is ours! 

Thursday, May 9, 2024

HHSE - Office / Warehouse / "Insert Stage" Work-in-Progress

 Greetings HHSE Friends - here's a few updates on HHSE activities:

1).  Q1 filings will be posted on Monday (May 14) to the OTC markets.

2).  Still waiting for final Audit review for the OTC:QB up-list. But the application filing is otherwise ready to go at a moment's notice.

3).  Significant high-level "MATERIAL" meetings at Cannes next week, which have the potential of reshaping / revolutionizing the activities and stature of HHSE. Will report on these as they conclude.

4).  Office-Warehouse-Stage combo project is well underway in Fayetteville. Five work stations in the enclosed office (for HHSE and MyFlix activities), plus men's and women's restrooms, and approx. 2,500 sq feet of storage, 1,200 sq. foot of an "insert stage" and cyclorama back wall. More to follow as this project approaches the finish line.

And last, but not least:  big release development (VOD schedule confirmation) is being finalized for WILDFIRE. Our previous "HHSE selected release dates" were thwarted by the requirement that we withhold the theatrical launch until "not more than 60-days prior to the Streaming Launch." So, to have that date about to be announced, frees us up to get back to the exciting task of a major theatrical launch with WILDFIRE!