Saturday, February 2, 2013

S.E.C. Reporting Status

The FORM 10Q submission to Edgar from Hannover House has been received and approved for content and format.  However, prior to posting by Edgar, Hannover House was assigned on Thursday to work with a compliance director at the S.E.C. to reinstate the reporting status for the Company.  The last filing under the Company's Commission code was in 2005 (under "Mindset Interactive Corporation" -- a predecessor to Target Development Group, Inc., now known as Hannover House, Inc.).  So all of this activity to reinstate reporting status is in motion with the S.E.C. / Edgar Filings Department, and the Company will be able to maintain full reporting status, hereafter.  We expect a timeline on Tuesday for the publication of the FORM 10-Q, and will report back at that time.