Monday, March 11, 2013

Misc Updates / Requested from Shareholders

Good afternoon HHSE Friends and Shareholders -- here's a quick update on issues that Shareholders have requested.

1).  FORM 10 FILING -- We did not complete all of the table / financial line-item formatting on Friday, but are working on it today and plan to submit this revised Form 10 to our S.E.C. / Edgar project manager tomorrow. 

2).  10K / YEAR-END FILING -- This is due on the 15th and will be posted to the OTC Markets site on time.

3).  AUDIT STATUS -- This is the next focus project this week.  In the six weeks that have transpirsed since our shareholder's meeting, we had been focusing on product shipments, corporate financing and Edgar reporting issues as slightly more critical priorities than the audit back-up.  However, Leigha and Nate are back in the warehouse, sorting historic files for data relating to the Producer Recoupment line-item entry, and will assemble this final report for Hogan Taylor this week.

4).  NATIONAL BANK OF CALIFORNIA -- Frankly, both our L.A. counsel (Marc Hankin) and Hannover House management were perplexed to have been served notice of a lawsuit by NBCAL regarding the "All's Faire In Love" P&A loan.  A loan extension agreement was negotiated (and executed on Nov. 27), and significant payments have been made (and accepted by the bank), so there is definitely a communications disconnect somewhere.  Hankin will file a response, then we'll contact the bank and ask why they are ignoring the extension agreement.

5).  SIGNIFICANT CORPORATE ACTIONS -- There has been some interest and encouragement for Hannover House to publicly disclose details of a variety of activities (new financing for productions, new distribution pacts and sales updates on current releases).  A detailed "Management Discussion" covering these issues will be posted immediately following the release of the year-end (10k) filings this week.

6).  TOYS IN THE ATTIC VOD ACTIVITIES -- We have been told by our digital distribution partner that "Toys in the Attic" has been the top (or "one of the top five") most popular downloads during the past five days since its V.O.D. launch on I-Tunes, Amazon, Hulu, Time Warner Cable and others.  That's exciting, since (as you know), V.O.D. revenues do not require the company to manufacture, store, ship, invoice and wait for payment (as is the dynamic for DVD and Blu-Ray sales).