Friday, July 19, 2013

Congrats to "Valley Inn" - third week of principal photography

HHSE extends a hearty Congratulations to director KIM SWINK and producers KERRI ELDER and KENN WOODARD on completing your third week of principal photography on the "Valley Inn" feature film.  Hannover House visited the set this week (and was happy to also see our equipment & trucks!) and found the performance being filmed from lead actress Joey Lauren Adams to be powerful and heartfelt... One more week to go, so keep up the good work! 

As far as the effect on the rest of us back at the office, we're telling the staff and visitors that the heavy truck traffic, generator, star wagons and more will lighten up in about a week, too!  Part of the collateral impact from making a feature film is a ton of people, cars, trucks and equipment for about four weeks at a time!