Thursday, September 12, 2013

Updates on Phones, Projects

Good Morning HHSE Friends - Here's a couple of quick updates for today, Thursday, Sept. 12.

1).  TELEPHONE & DIGITAL SYSTEMS UPGRADE - Hannover House has contracted with Cox Communications for a significant upgrade to the company's telephone and internet services.  These installations are occurring TODAY and may result in temporary outage of telephone and internet services.  The new phone systems will include personnel specific direct dial numbers and Voice Mail; the internet service includes a capacity upgrade to enable high-speed streaming of 4k products and other high-data uses to occur.

2).  MAJOR PROJECTS - While Hannover House is in various stages of development and financing for several major feature projects, we feel it's necessary to address the rumor that "NO," one of the projects is not a biography on John Lennon.  The company is pleased to be working with FB Media on the Lennon Bermuda projects, but to our knowledge, there is not a feature film in development by any of the principal parties.  The other titles generating the greatest level of inquiry and questions for Hannover House management are:

a).  MOTHER GOOSE / aka "UTOPIA" - Significant structural steps have been taken to turn this project and the international pre-sale commitments into an active production.  This title seems well-positioned for 2014.

b).  T3K ("Terminator 3000") - While progress continues on the screenplay for this 3-D animated feature, the rights issue of the franchise will still need to be resolved before actual production can commence.

c).  MOTHMAN CHRONICLES (aka NIGHT SKIES) - Still in active pre-production, financing agreements with private investors are still being finalized.  Our major star talents have been "attached" but will not be announced until commencement of principal photography.

3).  THE VERDICT: JUSTICE FOR JOHN F. KENNEDY - Media interest in booking our author, Barr McClellan, has been extremely high, and we think this bodes well for a significant result on this book's release in November.  This is McClellan's sequel to the 2003 book, "Blood, Money & Power: How LBHJ Killed JFK" which sold over 120,000 copies and hit # 1 on Amazon (and # 11 on the New York Times Best-Sellers list). 

4).  AUDIT STATUS - Outside-Accountant Diane Hagerty has been working at Hannover House almost daily in assembling elements in the format requested by Hogan-Taylor.  All of the company's historic accounts payable records are being input into QuickBooks and assigned by categories, subcategories and title-specific tracking data.  This information will enable instant verification that costs have been included and properly assigned, while eliminating the prospect of costs being improperly allocated or entered.  For the past 10-years, the company had been tracking accounts payable under an XL format of data entry, which is not compatible with the QuickBooks data tracking.  The company does not anticipate any unreasonable delays or issues impacting this audit process, and does not see this as an issue impacting the TCA Credit Line covenants.