Thursday, June 26, 2014

Strong retail response to Spanish DVD Label from Hannover House

Dear HHSE Friends & Shareholders - the launch of a Spanish-language video label from Hannover House has been well received by Walmart, Best Buy and Redbox, indicating that the sales forecasts for this product line will need to be adjusted upwards.  Originally planned as the "Peliculas Ole'" brand - the new name for the label is now "Peliculas Fantastico" due to trademark and title clearance issues. 

First key releases will be the limited theatrical titles "ASALTO AL CINE" and "BORRAR DE LA MEMORIA" with direct-to-video titles comprising multipacks and additional releases.  Plan is for two releases per month from this Spanish-language video label, which Hannover House feels is complementary - and not competitive with - the other titles being released by HHSE and affiliate label suppliers for Medallion Releasing.