Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Amazing August at HHSE!

This has been an AMAZING month at HHSE for so many reasons:

a).  NEW RELEASE DVD SHIPMENTS:  For the first time ever, HHSE has manufactured and shipped initial title quantities of FOUR (4) new release titles in a single month!  AMERICAN JUSTICE, POSSESSION WITHIN, SPRING BREAK MURDERS and VALLEY OF THE WITCH are all shipping out NOW to retailers and wholesalers.  In addition, FATHERS OF THE SPORT has shipped for the Walmart Budget Bins (yowsa!) and replenishment orders shipped for five popular selling catalog DVD items to a variety of retail and wholesale accounts.

b).  NEW STAFF FOR EXPANDED ACTIVITIES:  Five new employees are in action at HHSE, which dramatically enhances the company's ability to respond quickly to opportunities and to fulfill operational activities.  Support from new employees handling Accounting, IR-PR, Production Management, Sales Admin and Webmaster positions will enable HHSE managers to get the big-important stuff "done" without distraction or delay.

c).  BIG THEATRICAL SCHEDULE:  To enhance the company's consumer profile and market credibility, HHSE is releasing several titles to theatres beginning Q4, including "ON ANY SUNDAY: THE NEXT CHAPTER", "BONOBOS", "THE WEATHER STATION", "BORRAR DE LA MEMORIA" and a couple of 'surprise' acquisitions for release to theatres in Q1 (2015).  The work to get these movies marketed and released is happening NOW!

d).  OTHER DVD / BLU-RAY SLATE:  Over 25 additional titles are "in queue" for release during Q4 and Q1, and the preparation work for those is also now underway.  Talk about a HUGE revenue spike in process!

e).  VODWIZ ON-BOARDING and CONSUMER LAUNCH:  "Be careful of what you wish for," as enormous opportunities require enormous effort.  With each movie being added to the site, HHSE and our supplier partner studios (as well as our VODwiz site-operational partner, Nanotech Entertainment) must put together very specifically formatted masters, and a tonnage of meta-data in a consistently structured database.  It's a Herculean task to get the train rolling... but watch what happens when this new venture is up to full speed.  "Scary-Exciting" is the term that HHSE C.E.O. Eric Parkinson used in yesterday's staff meeting, the likes of which he has not experienced since the release of Terminator 2 (and the simultaneous re-release of Terminator 1 - both of which simultaneously hit #1 in their respective sales categories). 

f).  PRODUCTIONS:  Holy smokes, the status update on each production alone requires a lengthy blog!  But news on each key production venture will be released as deemed appropriate. 

And there's more (not the least of which is the work that Regina and Daniel are conducting for the audit portion of our Form 10 filings).  But put it all together and you've got an AMAZING MONTH for Hannover House!