Thursday, October 16, 2014

Miscellaneous Updates - Info Requests from Shareholders

Good Afternoon HHSE Friends & Shareholders.  Crazy "GOOD" day today, including the already released news of our receipt of the private funding portion of the "MOTHER GOOSE" production.  Here are a few updates as requested by various shareholders covering a wide range of topics (and listed in no particular order of importance):

1).  EXPLAIN THE MOTHER GOOSE "PRIVATE EQUITY" DEAL - someone wanted to know if this meant that HHSE is issuing $3-mm in shares.  The answer is a very clear NO, there is no HHSE "share" component to the private investor commitment of $3-mm for this film.  The "private equity" component is equity in this specific FILM, not equity into Hannover House.  This specific financing item has been a critical component as it triggers the other funding commitment elements.

2).  WHEN WILL PARKINSON & SHEFTE RECEIVE THEIR FORM 4 SHARES? - As of this date, neither Parkinson nor Shefte have requested the issuance of their share certificates, although each holds an irrevocable authorization to receive these shares.  Neither officer has any plans to sell the shares - which would be restricted under Rule 144 in any case (and therefore NOT be 'in the float'), and there is no urgency or benefit to immediately issue them.

3).  WHAT IS THE STATUS OF THE AUDIT AND FORM 10 PROJECT?  - The Form 10 filing is completed and updated.  The audit letter is expected in the next few days and will accompany this filing.

4).  WHAT IS HAPPENING WITH THE ENFORCEMENT ACTIONS AGAINST HHSE SHARE PRICE MANIPULATORS? - HH has been instructed to send letters to known bashers in order to establish legal notice of demand; otherwise, we have been instructed to not comment publicly on the status of the investigation and federal prosecution activities. It is okay to say that we are VERY EXCITED as to where this situation finally stands.

5).  COMPLAINTS ABOUT EXCESSIVE CONTACTS TO TRANSFER AGENT - HHSE has been asked by Standard Registrar & Transfer Co., Inc. to require all inquiries about share structure and other HHSE Stock issuance matters to be made by EMAIL only, and not via telephonic request.  Please email future requests to: