Wednesday, January 28, 2015

HHSE Leads Chart for Entertainment Stock Value!

Graham Financial Services, Inc., 2014 year-end analysis of 11-publicly traded Entertainment Stocks shows HHSE as the leading value.

HHSE COMMENTARY:  We thank Paul Graham and Graham Financial Services for providing this annual summary of entertainment stocks.  HHSE Management has received some emails from shareholders asking "why" the Company posted this chart, and why today, specifically?  The answer is simple:  we thought the chart was noteworthy and pretty clearly demonstrates, in hard numbers, that the stock is trading well below industry standards. 

The Company acknowledges that HHSE is the only one of the above stocks trading on the OTC: Pinksheets exchange, and this could factor heavily in its current pricing.  The Company also acknowledges that until the shares are listed on a higher exchange (which occurs following the current Form 10 filing), that some potential investors will not buy shares.

In respect of the Form 10 filing, the timing of today's post could be applauded, or criticized.  Posting now, or posting later, would result in some shareholders being displeased either way.