Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Initial Teaser Ads to INDUSTRY / TRADES Publish THURSDAY!

Good Morning HHSE Friends & Followers - On Thursday (Sept. 23), Hannover House and the film "DANCIN' IT'S ON" will have tremendous visibility in the two top industry trade publications and websites, VARIETY and THE HOLLYWOOD REPORTER.

The HOLLYWOOD REPORTER print edition ad is a full-page (Tabloid Sized) Color Ad - which we're pleased to note features both the Hannover House Logo and the OTC: HHSE ticker symbol.  Readership of the print edition is approximately 336,000 per week.

The VARIETY print edition ad is smaller (about 6 X 6-inches in size), but reaches a larger readership audience of 515,000 per week.

The digital coverage is even greater.  The banner on the website, www.THR.com, will generate over 500,000 impressions during the week of Sept. 23 - 29, and the www.VARIETY.com "Marketplace" ad will generate an impressive 1.4-MILLION impressions during its one-week placement. All told, approximately 2.8-million impressions will be made from these ads - which should include ALL of the top movie theatre exhibition chains, ALL of the top film critics and reviewers, THOUSANDS of media industry stock investors, and OVER ONE-MILLION consumers listed as "the top tier of movie going frequency" in the nation.

Watch this space for more news on the current activities in support of the Oct. 16 release of "DANCIN' IT'S ON."

UPDATE:   Just a few hours after this blog was posted, both the Hollywood Reporter and Variety ad teams offered HHSE "bonus" distribution and exposure if we delayed the issue date by one week for the Toronto Film Festival recap issues.  So the ads will run Sept. 23 - 29, but we are now receiving 500,000 additional impressions as a result.  Also, please note that this blog site often features "first draft" layouts as a courtesy to provide shareholders with new information as quickly as possible.  Before ads and posters go to print, they are always reviewed for typos and tweaks to assure that our advertising materials never have errors.