Friday, October 30, 2015

Unknown Share Issuance

HHSE was just informed (by shareholders) that Stabdard Registrar (the company's current Transfer Agent) has once again - without notice, authorization or basis - issued a ton of HHSE shares to toxic lenders. We are livid and will be taking action.  Standard has not yet responded to our request for clarification and the recipient party. Fred Shefte speculates that it might be shared to JSJ - as they balked at HHSE's offer to pay off notes in cash - as they preferred the toxic conversion formula in order to make a return on investment which violates the usury laws. But we don't yet know - and will update as soon as new information is released to HHSE by Standard Registrar.

Needless to say, in addition to our legal actions against Standard Registrar, we intend to move ASAP to a more reputable Transfer Agent.