Thursday, July 14, 2016

HHSE / MEDALLION First-Stage Victory in Alchemy Matter

Dear HHSE Friends & Followers - HHSE / MEDALLION were instrumental in providing the Trustee with evidence of significant assets in the Alchemy / Anderson bankruptcy estate.  Accordingly, the case has been formally converted to "Asset" based, and all creditors are being notified.  HHSE's D. Frederick Shefte, Esq., will be appearing in Court in Wilmington, Delaware on Monday, July 25, regarding the official formation of the Creditor's Committee.  For a variety of reasons, this is a very good development.

As of Friday morning (July 15), twelve Supplier Labels / Studios have requested that HHSE / MEDALLION represent their interests (via Proxy) at the July 25, 341 Hearing.
