Sunday, June 4, 2017

Post-Cannes & Merger Follow-Up Blog Post Slated for Tuesday, June 6

Greetings HHSE Friends & Followers - At the request of a good number of legitimate shareholders, we have been asked to release both a "post-Cannes" follow-up report... as well as an update / status blog on the present status of the Crimson Forest-HHSE merger completion.

Both topics require third-party approvals of information (or legal counsel);  accordingly, we have set Tuesday (June 6) as our target date to release whatever level of new information is approved for disclosure at that time.

As stated previously, the Cannes Marche du Film was brisk and productive for the combined entities of Hannover House - Crimson Forest, and there were significant new venture deals structured for an impressive slate of high-profile theatrical titles with major stars.

Also, as per prior disclosures, the two companies (Hannover House and Crimson Forest) are already operating as a combined entity, with the only outstanding issue being the stock-for-stock swap (of Hannover House shares into a newly rebranded Crimson equity); the steps for this final process are well into motion, but require regulatory review and approval which is outside of the direct control of HHSE-Crimson managers.

For a variety of reasons, the Cannes Film Festival and Marche du Film is the unquestioned, dominant world market for high-end films.  The luxurious destination is an attraction for the major buyers, and the costs and obstacles to travel and obtain festival credentials pose obstacles to keep away the sort of peripheral non-industry-outsiders who might otherwise clog the lobby of the AFM Lowes Hotel in Santa Monica. The coveted Cannes Buyer's Badge is the ultimate pass to all locations and major events, but requires multiple, positive-referrals from registered sellers.  So, we have been very honored to have achieved this recognition status for the past four years:  a validation of Hannover's stature, proclaimed by top industry insiders and some of our current and prior program licensors.

Assorted photos from Cannes meetings are below and on prior Cannes blogs...