Sunday, September 24, 2017

General Update - Sunday, Sept. 24

Greetings HHSE Friends & Followers - quick update for the coming week.

1).  BATTLECREEK response to last week's new release announcement has been superb. The rising star stature of our leading man (#1 IMDB Star!) has motivated media and theatres like we've neve before experienced.

2).  CRIMSON FOREST Update - this is their final week. If we are unable to receive the needed istoric back-ups required by our more thorough audit requirements, we will have to proceed with HHSE as the audited entity. Due to new reporting activities implemented in 2015 for audit compliance, it is easy now for HHSE to promptly satisfy all audit practices and supporting documentation.

3).  "DEFAULT" JUDGMENTS - some shareholders have asked about two old "foreign default" judgment cases - and the company's strategy to address these. Firstly, as evidenced by our succcessful total "freeze" of collections activities by TCA GLOBAL last year, the laws of the State of Arkansas allow for "foreign default" judgments to be contested and defended. TCA was an actual, true obligation:  HHSE had borrowed money and paid it back in full... but TCA was pressing for usurious interest and unearned fees. Still, because it was a default from another state, HHSE attorneys were able to completely stop collection-enforcement activities, and ultimately force a fair and reasonable settlement. In the cases of both BEDROCK and INTERSTAR, there is no legitimate basis to their claims - so setting these aside should be even simpler. BEDROCK clearly committed fraud by failing to provide HHSE with the required $1.5-mm in funding; it was quite bold of Bedrock to sue to be repaid the partial amount that they DID finance ($500,000), because Bedrock received 200-MILLION shares of HHSE stock (then known as TDGI) in consideration. To sue us for repayment of proceeds which were only a partial payment against the total stock purchase and investment transaction opens up a variety of remedies against Bedrock and its principals (including stock and criminal charges). Now that Bedrock has moved this fraudulrnyly obtained foreign judgment into Arkansas, our attorneys will move swiftly to freeze collections actions and open up the case for adjudication. In the case of INTERSTAR, there is an actual balance of $27,000 due for royalties of "Dawn of the Living Dead" which we have offered repeatedly to pay. However, Barry Strudwick (an assignee of this matter) filed a false report with the CA courts after getting a default judgment - and misrepresented that the amount due was more than 10-tines the actual, verified obligation. The Arkansas courts have little patience for puffery and malicious invention - as was shown in our victory over a similar "inflated" royalty request by Amityville Asylum earlier this month. Bottom line for these two, easily contested, fraudulent judgments is "bring it on," in the State of Arkansas, as we look forward to removing both claims from our balance sheet.

This is a big week for HHSE. We are positioned for significant wins in publicity, theatrical promotions, corporate structuring and legal adjudications. Sit back and enjoy the ride!

Onward and upward...