Saturday, March 24, 2018

Here's how to tell when something VERY GOOD and VERY BIG is about to occur at HHSE...

Greetings HHSE Friends & Followers.  About an hour ago, a huge smile came across the face of HHSE C.E.O. Eric Parkinson, as he read an email from a shareholder that contained a hilariously fictional post that a "new" stock manipulator apparently put onto one of the stock chat boards.  This poster, under the fictional name of BB Jones, claimed to have engaged in a conversation with Mr. Parkinson, during which time Mr. Parkinson purportedly gave an audit date of "2020" (or possibly not even then). Most amusingly, this alias poster purported that the conversation was "recorded"... and then, in a closing line meriting a Comedy Hall of Fame Award, the poster went on to describe himself as a "Truth Teller."  Well, this is your day, Mr. BB Jones!

Mr. Parkinson has agreed to PAY this poster the sum of $10,000 CASH and ALL THE GETTING GRACE CANDY  that he can eat... if only this recording is immediately released!

We accept the truthfulness challenge, and respectfully request that "Mr. Truth Teller" now reciprocate by producing this alleged evidence.


The humor of the situation is the obvious cycle of these stock manipulators.  Whenever something MAJOR is underway at HHSE, their efforts to "box" down the stock price - or to try to "spook" shareholders into selling - dramatically picks up pace.  They KNOW that GETTING GRACE is performing well... they KNOW that the company's new distribution pact with SONY will have a profound impact to HHSE revenues... they KNOW that our "silence" on the audit and uplist is not because it's not happening, but because it IS happening and we do not want to empower their efforts to try to sabotage the process.

Remember, these are the same stock manipulators that bragged about getting the company's prior auditor de-certified as a PCAOB auditor. These are the same stock manipulators that bragged about calling ICM to try to dissuade Samuel Jackson from accepting a role in the HHSE "Mother Goose" feature project.  These are the same stock manipulators that contacted Crimson Forest principals to try to muddy the merger enthusiasm.  The only thing that's different is their new "alias" names this month for posting... as they keep getting banned from various chat boards, or put into "virtual jail" for their profusive spewing of ridiculous misinformation... so they come up with a new alias name and continue their agenda.

Something else happened last week:  there was a strong effort on their part to try to artificially DRIVE DOWN the HHSE stock price. This was done through easily monitored and observed "stock boxing" techniques... in the hopes of sparking fear among legitimate shareholders.  But our HHSE shareholders are smarter than this cluster-bomb of clowns.  The HHSE shareholders didn't buy into these absurd scare tactics... but they DID buy into the HHSE stock, buying up millions of artificially manipulated cheaper shares... thus infuriating the stock manipulators and raising the stakes.

There's an easy way to tell when something very significant is occurring at HHSE:  watch the posts from the alias-manipulators. When they start rumors of impending doom, or pretend that they know something no one else knows. or in this case cite non-existent phone calls... you KNOW that they are scrambling!  We know who these five people are... even with their oft-changed "alias" names.

So on this lovely Saturday, the gauntlet is down:  Mr. BB Jones (current alias) will not accept this challenge, because no such conversation ever occurred.  What's ironic is that he presents himself as the Truth-Teller. Yes, the irony is thick. Thick as a brick.


$10,000 Cash Reward (!!)  Will the challenge be accepted!?! Don't hold your breath.