Friday, April 20, 2018

Quick Updates for FRIDAY, April 20

Greetings HHSE Friends & Followers - As requested, here are some quick UPDATES on various issues.

1).  ALTERNATIVE CINEMA - Our first "Alternative Cinema" promotion is for DEATH HOUSE.  On Wednesday, May 9th, approximately FORTY (40) theatres in major markets across the country will be showing DEATH HOUSE as a Featured Event... one showing only.  The strategy behind this plan is that the horror fans in each community may be attracted to the "call to action" to see it at that time while the opportunity exists... and thus cramming potentially a week's worth of ticket sales in to one big night.  The additional benefits of this Alternative Cinema special events strategy is that it reinvigorates consumer and exhibitor interest in the movie... as well as helps HHSE meet benchmarks required for qualification with Netflix and Sony Home Entertainment.  DEATH HOUSE will also open on Friday, May 4th in:  PHILADEPHIA, ORLANDO, TAMPA-ST. PETERSBURG, MIAMI-FT. LAUDERDALE and JACKSONVILLE, FL.  Later (during the month of May)  we intend to do similar openings with BLOOD FEAST and GETTING GRACE.

2).  ANNUAL ATTORNEY'S LETTER - As we have done for the prior eight years, the company plans to post the annual "Attorney's Letter With Respect to Current Information" to the OTC Markets on or before the April 30 deadline.

3).  AUDIT PERIODS - The periods covered by the Form 10 Registration audits include Q1 (2018) to give the filing a very wide comfort range for freshness of audited information. As many of our shareholders know, the audit periods cannot be aged more than 135 days or potentially be rendered stale.  The 12-31-2017 period would therefore lose eligibility as of about May 15. While the Form 10 is expected to be filed as of that date - to give the audit periods longer currency, we have added the Q1 (2018) period as our most recent filing.  This will put the audits well under the aging date, even with the potential 60-day S.E.C. review period after filing of the Form 10.

4).  FIRST LOOK TEASER - BEFORE THE "TEASER" IS COMPLETED!  Some shareholders are interested in seeing some footage from HHSE's just completed original feature production, "THE RIOT ACT."  While the Cannes Teaser Trailer is still undergoing SOUND MIX tweaks and COLOR-CORRECTION issues, here's a sneak-peek just for HHSE longs to enjoy:

(New Link updated SUNDAY, April 22 - as some shareholders were unable to view the previously posted Dropbox link). 

The polished Teaser Trailer will be posted to YouTube and used as an embedded teaser on a variety of film and theatre sites.  It will also be used to help drive media and buyer attendance at our Cannes Market World Premiere Screening of "THE RIOT ACT" - occurring on Wednesday, May 16 at the Palais Des Festivals in Cannes, France. The HHSE distribution networks were a key component to trigger the financing for this film, which was shot in N.W. Arkansas in November and December (Van Buren, Fort Smith, Springdale).  HHSE key managers, ERIC PARKINSON and FRED SHEFTE are the exclusive Executive Producers of the film - which also enjoyed over $1-mm worth of "in-kind" services and benefits from local and state incentives. The movie is a PERIOD-THRILLER which can be marketed both as a Thriller and as a Western-era feature.

5).  BARNES & NOBLE and HUDSON STORES - BOTH INTO "REORDERS" OF QUIETUS!  The Feb. 27 release date of the new Quality Trade Cover edition of "QUIETUS" has been selling well... with two of the top three chains already placing sizable re-orders from our wholesale distributors. There will be an ongoing promotion throughout the summer at Barnes & Noble, and a late summer release of this item into the U.K. and Ireland book markets.

6).  STOCK VOLUME ON THURSDAY, APRIL 19 - As clearly tracked by several longs and traders, the majority of shares traded yesterday (over 5-million) appear to be self-dealing "wash trades" sold between accounts as a ham-handed attempt to create a false narrative that the HHSE stock price was tanking. We have provided all of the day's detailed trading data to the FBI special crimes investigator handling the criminal case against the KNOWN stock trashers and manipulators.  Yes, we know exactly who these people are, despite their efforts to hide behind anonymous I-Hub pseudonyms (that they invent every few months / years). They may think that there will never be a day-of-reckoning, but they will be unpleasantly surprised! 

Meanwhile, with AMAZING and MATERIAL events now in motion for Hannover House, they are pulling out all stops to TRY to create panic, fear and a FALSE narrative against the company and its officers.  While the 1st Amendment to the U.S. Constitution does allow for Free Speech, it does NOT protect someone from saying KNOWINGLY FALSE information, especially when coordinated with an illegal activity (such as "boxing" a stock for financial gain). There is a separate, Hannover House funded Civil Action that has been in the drafting and documentation stages for some time, awaiting "the right time and circumstances" to file and launch. 

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NOW - here's a blast from the past from recording act TIMBUK 3:  "The Future's So Bright... I gotta wear Shades!"