Thursday, January 24, 2019

MyFlix Updates and More Developments of Interest to HHSE Shareholders

Greetings HHSE Shareholders, Friends & Followers - This has been an eventful and exciting week thus far for HHSE, despite the shortened week due to the M.L.K. Holiday. As promised earlier, this blog will contain (among other topics) an update on MyFlix.

MYFLIX UPDATE - First of all, Parkinson and Shefte have taken some deserved criticism for promising a MyFlix Blog update LAST WEEK, but not delivering. We have determined that it's better for us to NOT provide such specific timing predictions, because circumstances often create impediments. In the case of MyFlix, the plan was to start releasing the names of our forty principal program suppliers, beginning with five or six per week via the Blog and via wide-distribution Access Wire press releases. However, this well-intended plan encountered several obstacles:  

a). Which do we list first, and does this make the other suppliers look "less important?" 

b). How can we begin wide release press announcements without telling the WHOLE MyFlix launch story (knowing that we absolutely CANNOT announce a studio supplier partner ONLY via a blog mention).  

c). How do we control the overall messaging and branding of MyFlix - which focuses on the concept of being one of the world's largest DIGITAL SUPERSTORE OF MOVIES & ENTERTAINMENT - by only disclosing information about a handful of suppliers at a time?  

So, no. We want to keep our HHSE shareholders in the loop of updates... but not at the expense of sabotaging the venture's successful launch. Without jeopardizing the launch, we can state that the venture is on-track for a significant consumer launch that should position MyFlix quickly as a major digital streaming portal / website and APP. Management firmly believes that the greatest growth opportunity at this time in the media industry is through the creation of consumer direct streaming portals. Rather than building a digital portal that aspires to be the "Science Site" or the "Mandarin Film site" or the "Comedy Site"... MyFlix is being built to be the "EVERYTHING SITE" - and it is this SuperStore concept that we believe will ultimately prove to be the winning formula. Maybe it's the local WALMART mentality that has inspired our vision?

We can say this to our shareholders and followers: over the next few weeks AS IT IS APPROPRIATE TO RELEASE MYFLIX INFORMATION, this Blog will be timed with Access Wire press releases to be a simultaneous vehicle for the dissemination of such updates. We're insanely excited about MyFlix - and are dying to talk about it 24/7. But as has been said, "loose lips sink ships," and we must be cautious with our messaging on the launch of MyFlix.

ORIGIN MATTER UPDATE - As we predicted, the appointment of a "receiver" in Texas was both absurd and unenforceable; accordingly, HHSE was not surprised to learn today that the receiver who had been appointed to the case has declined to accept the appointment, stating that there is nothing in the State of Texas to attach. For those of you that read and follow this HHSE management blog (as opposed to intentionally inaccurate sources), the Origin matter is NOT a great big, scary "ooohhh, you'd better sell us your shares now" development. It is, in fact, a matter that has a meritorious legal basis at this point in time to be completely set-aside. For your edification, below are excerpts from the HHSE Blog of Jan. 13 (mentioning the company's strategy), and from last week, January 18 (mentioning the unenforceable nature of a Texas-based receiver against a non-Texas entity). 

(Excerpt from HHSE BLOG, Jan. 18, 2019) "Well, the Dallas Texas Civil Court that has been handling the ORIGIN VS. HANNOVER HOUSE litigation made the unusual (if not Draconian) move to approve the assignment of a "Receiver." This is odd at best because Hannover House has no offices in Texas, no assets in Texas and no customers with headquarters in Texas. The appointment of a receiver in Texas has the same "real world impact" as appointing a receiver to attach Hannover House assets on the Moon."

(Excerpt from HHSE BLOG, Jan. 13, 2019) "Item 7 (referring to Origin Releasing) is a judgment which was voluntarily entered into by HHSE, but newly obtained documents show that the HHSE was induced into accepting the judgment based on an agreement that had been modified by the Plaintiffs; accordingly, this provides the basis to either re-open the case in Texas or to dismiss it under Arkansas Law."

CRIMSON FOREST MATTER UPDATE - As of yesterday, a settlement with Crimson's counsel and Hannover House is now being mutually drafted... and this dispute will be removed from calendar and future actions in the Los Angeles Superior Court. Upon mutual approval, additional details concerning the principal terms of this settlement may be released.