Sunday, June 2, 2019

Hannover House - Blog Update / Week Ending June 2, 2019

Greetings HHSE Friends & Followers - Management has endured some criticisms lately for our recent actions in making limited updates to this BLOG (and our virtual cessation of formal press releases). We're told that such periods of information black-outs tend to "feed the naysayers" into making ever more ridiculous prognostications and claims on stock chat boards, such as I-Hub (which site has no requirement for its posters to make factually accurate statements - unlike the higher standards for accuracy and truthfulness that public company officers must attain). 

It would be so much easier for public company officers in general to "just make stuff up" - like the chat board naysayers.  FORTUNATELY, it's only the weak and scared Internet trolls that hide behind fake identities on chat boards. It takes a far greater individual with moral fortitude and sincere conviction to stand up as the public face behind a company, and to put their name and signature behind a public proclamation or disclosure statement.

So, here I am, ERIC PARKINSON, proud to be C.E.O. of Hannover House, Inc. and our affiliated labels. I am REQUIRED BY LAW to post accurate and truthful statements about Hannover House and our activities, and I do my best to keep our loyal and cherished "longs" up to date on all of our activities. My cell phone is 818-481-5277, and my email is:  I'm very accessible, and while I will never reveal any proprietary or non-public information, at least you know that I'm available to speak to shareholders and proud of what we are pursuing, achieving and striving to attain.

Next time you see a gnarly I-Hub attack on HHSE, or any of its managers, call out the poster. Tell them to STAND BEHIND THEIR STATEMENTS PUBLICLY, just like the HHSE management. Tell them to post a name, email and telephone number to show their COMMITMENT to whatever it is that they are saying. Parkinson has put himself out there, publicly, almost every week for the past ten years. IF A CHAT BOARD ATTACKER WILL NOT STAND BEHIND THEIR POSTS, then you KNOW that they are pedaling 100% B.S. and that they are a short-seller or PPS manipulator seeking to MISINFORM and DISCOURAGE shareholders. This is the easiest test in the world:  tell a chat board attacker to STAND BEHIND THEIR ATTACKS, or they will have self-outed as PPS manipulative troll.  Period.

Completely contrary to the naysayer's narrative - one could surmise that a period of information black-out may be occurring because the company has some very material events in motion that cannot be discussed?  Perhaps there's a major financing deal in motion for three "event level" feature films, and HHSE management doesn't want to usurp a well-staged release of information?  Perhaps there's a jaw-dropping deal with MyFlix that could propel the company (and stock) to unforeseen new heights?  Perhaps the Form 10 and S1 could be filed momentarily - triggering a likely spike to the stock and a dramatic overhaul of the company's resources and upside?  We could only pity the fool who would be scrambling to cover short sales after any one of those scenarios... much less the impact if all occurred on or about the same moment in time.

REGARDING THE FORM 10 - HHSE has no apprehension whatsoever that the Form 10 financials will conform to the standards set forth by the S.E.C., as our top-shelf auditing firm has multiple offices, dozens of auditors and handles many very large public companies. Additionally, we have been in communication with the S.E.C. Division of Corporate Finance, and are confident that we have addressed all requirements for the registration. For what it's worth, anyone with a computer can "google" their office location.

REGARDING MAJOR FEATURES - HHSE has determined that low-budget indie features without significant stars are no longer a viable product category. Accordingly, the company's focus on the development and financing of event level features (meriting wide theatrical release) is a business model with multiple revenue streams for the company. For what it's worth, none of our three major features have had any sort of "PPM" offering utilized for funding. They are each being funded with presales of specific distribution rights and film incentive programs.

REGARDING MYFLIX - The marketing addage that "momentum creates momentum" certainly applies to MyFlix as the volume of supplier partners and programming that is now part of this new streaming venture has made the set-up and launch far more difficult and costly. But even DISNEY / FOX (with almost unlimited financial resources) had to move their streaming site launch date from MARCH to this coming NOVEMBER.  So, while a streaming site with 100 titles would be fast and easy to launch... a consumer brand like MyFlix, with 12,000+ titles and 40+ suppliers is a logistics challenge. But what an incredible problem to have!


a).  STATUS OF FOREIGN / FRAUDULENT JUDGMENTS - Our attorney's are addressing the remaining issues of "foreign judgments" earned under fraudulent or contestable circumstances. We are required to have made reasonable responses (or resolutions) for our Form 10 - but in the short term, have been advised to not telegraph the timing or content of such activities and filings.

b).  FINANCING PARTNERS ON MAJOR FEATURES - Again, our attorney's advise that we refrain from advance disclosure of the sources, amounts and monetization activities relating to the funding for these important, event-level pictures.

c).  CAST MEMBERS FOR MAJOR FEATURES - Again, we are advised that advanced, public disclosure of major star attachments for these important features has no benefit to HHSE.

d).  FINANCING STRUCTURE FOR MYFLIX - Despite lots of shareholder emails about this subject, the upside for a successful launch of MyFlix is so great for HHSE that we simply must be disciplined and not disclose more than is required under S.E.C. rules at this time.

So, that's the update for this week... there's a lot in motion and it's all pretty astounding. We'd love to share more of the details with our shareholders, but the benefits at this moment in time do not outweigh the risks that such improperly timed news might incur.

Hold tight, you won't be waiting long.

Proud & Relentless Warrior for HHSE Success!
He's a REAL PERSON and he stands behind all HHSE disclosures.
Cell 818-481-5277 / 

(NOTE:  Parkinson's cell phone voice mail only holds 30-messages at a time.  During regular business hours, Eric is USUALLY on a prescheduled call. Therefore, it's best to send an email first to request a call time, as a random, unscheduled call is likely to run into one of the prescheduled calls, which will then either send it to voice mail or get it rejected as his voice mail fills up every hour or two. Email first to schedule a call... it's that easy!)