Sunday, April 5, 2020

HHSE Strategy to maneuver through COVID-19 delays issues with the Securities and Exchange Commission

Greetings HHSE Friends - As everyone now knows, the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in the functional closing of most businesses as well as the governmental service agencies moving into either a complete hiatus - or in some instances, reduced staffs or work-from-home staffs. 

The Securities and Exchange Commission was one of the first governmental agencies to move to a work-from-home policy in early March, and this immediately raised concerns for Hannover House with respect to our Form 10 Registration filing and the timing of the S.E.C. review of that submission. 

In respect of what is already being predicted as a 45-to-60 day backlog with the S.E.C., it has been recommended that Hannover House include the just completed 3-31-2020 numbers into the Form 10 filing (under a  CPA "review" quarter to supplement the two full "audit" most recently completed full years). The purpose of adding in the 3-31-2020 numbers is to protect against the possibility that the Form 10 could become stale while awaiting S.E.C. comments or approval.  It is unknown if the prior policy of automatic registration for issuers on the 60th day following a registration filing is still in effect.  Assuredly, we are advised, the S.E.C. comments to the HHSE Form 10 would not be provided before the 60th day if we were to file at this unusual moment in time. 

Accordingly, we are taking the safe route and including the 3-31-2020 numbers.  Early this week, this quarterly report will be released to the S.E.C. Edgar site (and simultaneously to the OTC Markets site). Days (not weeks) later, the 3-31-2020 numbers will be included in the Form 10 filing, which will be updated through the XBRL formatting process to be consolidated into the company's Form 10 registration filing.

Meanwhile - we continue to navigate the other issues that have been impacted by the COVID-19 shutdowns.  For instance, all of the courts for which HHSE has active matters are technically shut down, except for electronic access of filings for parties already recognized by the clerks of the court as an approved and recognized respondent. Accordingly, some of the filings that HHSE has prepared or submitted do not yet appear on publicly-searchable court docets.  It's "as if time were frozen" in the Arkansas, California and Pennsylvania courts back in mid-March.  Our attorneys have assured us that ANY filings made electronically by any other parties will not usurp the additional time that the courts have granted to ALL respondents in ALL cases as a result of COVID-19 courthouse closures.  So time remains frozen at the courts, and nothing of consequence can occur until the courts re-open and the time clock returns to the moment when the courts were closed (in respect of the number of days that a particular response would have been due prior to the closure of the courts). 

One more item of interest, and it seems a bit mercenary to even mention this. But, HHSE titles on streaming sites are having a RECORD month.  People are following the CDC guidelines to "stay at home" - and streaming services are reaping the benefits.  It's an unexpected silver lining to an otherwise very dark cloud that has cast its shadow over our economy, our nation and the entire world.

Stay strong, stay safe, stay at home and STAY LONG on HHSE!

Pick-up Shots and Second Unit Filming continues on the feature film "WILDFIRE" - while adhering to the State of Oklahoma guidelines to limit gatherings to ten persons or less, and "social distancing" as much as possible. Special Thanks to the CHEROKEE NATION MARSHALL'S DEPARTMENT for providing emergency vehicles and officers for key Third Act search and rescue sequences.