Friday, October 23, 2020

HHSE approved for "Current Status" listings - NO LATER than pre-market MONDAY

 Greetings HHSE Friends & Followers - OTC Markets just confirmed by phone that the Q2 reports meet compliance requirements and that HHSE has been approved for restoral to "Current Information Status" - no later than pre-market Monday (could happen sooner, too).

We apologize for the disruption that occurred as a result of allowing the OTC Pinks subscription to expire, in our quest to apply payment to the OTC QB instead.  Allowing the subscription to lapse triggered a slow renewal process that we did not expect (based on prior times that the company had to renew the OTC Pink access subscription).

We hope everyone has a fantastic weekend - and for those of you living in an Autumn Fall Foliage zone, we hope that you enjoy the colors and beauty of this seasonal moment in time.  Pictured below is the lovely LAKE LUCILLE in Fayetteville, Arkansas, reflecting late afternoon sun off the leaves and into a pastel palette of reflections across the water's surface.