Friday, October 2, 2020

HHSE "Current" Status Restoration / Uplist / MyFlix & More

Greeting HHSE Friends & Followers:  

First of all, regardless of your personal political affiliations or leanings, we hope that you will join Fred Shefte, Eric Parkinson and Randall Blanton as we extend our sincerest best wishes for the recovery of President Trump and the First Lady from the COVID-19 virus.  With all of the turmoil and instability already affecting our nation, we do not need an additional political crisis at this crucial time, and we hope that their recovery is swift and complete.  For those of you directly affected by COVID-19 - whether through direct affliction or from the tragedy of watching loved ones die - as well as for all of us - we hope for a speedy solution to this worldwide viral crisis.

Meanwhile, here are a couple of HHSE updates of interest to shareholders.

1).  OTC Markets - We obtained verification yesterday that our renewal of the OTC Pinksheets subscription will be 100% transferrable into our OTC QB filing fee. We did not promptly renew the OTC Pinks subscription ($3,500) out of concern that this would be lost money due to the OTC QB subscription fee. But with the Yield Sign imminently turning into a STOP sign - we have renewed the filing access to post the Q2 and Q3 filings and be restored as CURRENT REPORTING.  We believe that our filing access to post the Q2 and Q3 reports will be restored TODAY, and that a review of these filings will occur on MONDAY to remove the "STOP" sign.  UPDATE - (Sunday, Oct. 4) - Renewal payment was wired to OTC Markets on Friday. However, HHSE's access to upload filings was not  restored prior to closed-of-business Friday.  Accordingly, we will press our contacts at OTC on Monday morning to reactivate our subscription access so that the required filings needed for "CURRENT" reporting status can be immediately uploaded.  TUESDAY (Oct. 6) Update - HHSE was asked on Monday to advance an additional $1,000 to the OTC Markets due to the lapsed time of the subscription renewal.  This was unclear as the invoice received from them via email last Thursday only listed the $3,500 (which was promptly paid); this additional $1,000 was also promptly paid (via bank wire) already.  We are awaiting their reinstatement of filing access so that the Q2 and Q3 disclosures can be posted and the "Current" status for the company restored. 

2).  MYFLIX - We have signed-up a new supplier partner with very large film library (over 3,000 titles), which elevates both the stature of our releases and the overall available title count (15,000+). We had written an exciting press release about this development, but recognize that we must respect the value of our existing suppliers who have not yet been announced.  A revised "consumer teaser" press release is being drafted which we hope will be substantive but not exclusionary or dismissive of some of our original suppliers.  MyFlix has three consulting firms helping us with the preparation and launch (e.g., Website design, APP creation and PR Outreach); we also now have forty-four (44) supplier partners, which makes an announcement challenging.  This will be resolved as we plan to launch consumer awareness by the end of next week (Oct. 9);

3).  FORM 10 - Company is on target for release this month;  there is some material information about a significant production financing / distribution partnership that is being reviewed and modified so that the Form 10 can proceed with or without specifying non-public information impacting a separate public company. Hold tight...

4).  "SALUTE TO TAHLEQUAH" - Over 250 local businesses, actors and crew in N.E. Oklahoma have helped with the production of "WILDFIRE" - many of whom are likely to be on the HHSE-Snowy Morning Production team once again in June and July with the multimillion dollar production of "THE LEGEND OF BELLE STARR." In a nod of respect and gratitude, Snowy Morning, Inc. and Hannover House, Inc. have placed a full-page color ad in this weekend's edition of the TAHLEQUAH DAILY PRESS thanking the community for the tremendous support received.  In a world that has grown increasingly tense and divisive, it never hurts to show some class and manners with a sincere "thank you" to those of merit.