Sunday, November 15, 2020

HHSE insights on Disclosure, Timing and Actions

Greetings HHSE friends & followers - While the Coronavirus pandemic rages ever more out-of-control, the anticipated turmoil in the streets following the Presidential elections did not manifest, and the general stock market response has been surprisingly robust. Accordingly, most of the general market apprehensions expressed by key S1 financing parties have been placated - and HHSE is back on a good track for the completion of our corporate filings.

As often stated in this blog - and to a lesser extent in press and OTC Markets filings - the primary point of HHSE filing the Form 10-12(g) registration is to elevate the company's credibility and accounting transparency in order that the S1 raising can occur. Theoretically, a S1 could be filed without first being preceded by the Form 10-12(g), but the opportunity to uplist off the Pinksheets is more assured if we follow this prescribed order.

Over the next few days, there will be several filings with the S.E.C. Edgar Department that cover HHSE filings and activities. The first should publish tomorrow (Monday, Nov. 16) or at the latest on Tuesday. This first filing covers a series of Board of Directors actions relating to the Form 10, the S1, the change in share structure and a courtesy "advance notification" to the marketplace via the legitimacy of the S.E.C. Edgar Database, that HHSE is moving forward with a new share issuance under the S1. Our counsel advises that advance notification prior to a new stock offering / issuance (even if at a per-share price that is nearly 3-times the current level ), is a diligent and respectful move for formal, prior shareholder notification. Other filings this week will cover operational issues and legal actions impacting the company's pre-offering balance sheet.  The filings will culminate with the Form 10 registration, quickly followed by the S1-offering (which is tied closely into the Form 10 business activities for the Company).  

Many shareholders have sent emails to HHSE managers discussing various prognostications about the market's potential response to the Form 10 filing and the S1 offering. All have been positive and quite hopeful in their predictions of attracting new shareholders, new volume and significantly improved pricing per share. Obviously, we hope that these shareholder predictions prove true - certainly there is a logical basis for such expectations. While 2020 has been a challenging year on so many levels... it has proven to the world that streaming services are the entertainment delivery medium of both TODAY and for the FUTURE... lending great interest into the company's MyFlix business model.  STAY TUNED....