Sunday, January 31, 2021

Forward momentum: MyFlix, Productions, Filings & More

 Greetings HHSE Friends & Followers - as requested by a few key shareholders, we're taking a pause tonight from the MyFlix construction just to say "hi" and to update our progress.  It's been near 24/7 the past few weeks as we onboard more-and-more titles, and continue to sign-up program suppliers and "MyFlix Exclusives." While our primary moniker as a One-Stop-Entertainment-SuperStore will still apply... it's nice to know that quite a few titles will be MyFlix Exclusives... which has been a big part of the draw for subscribers onto Netflix and Amazon Prime.  Obviously, each major supplier - and each major Exclusive - deserves more than a passing listing in a Sunday night blog.  Their PR showcase announcements will come. But it's still nice to backlog such a quantity of news and activities, to fuel the HHSE enthusiasm post F10 filing, post MyFlix launch and post S1 raising.

We were pleased to see that "The Vanished" (starring ANNE HECHE and THOMAS JANE) is holding solid in the TOP TEN at Netflix going into its third week of release. 

Regarding HHSE Financials, our 12-31-19 filings will be modified (yet again) to conform to decisions made with respect to the 12-31-20 numbers (not yet released), as well as to reflect the cash-basis reporting of the company's corporate / consolidated tax returns.  This is an inconsequential item with respect to the actual publication of the Form 10, which has previously been delayed almost entirely due to MyFlix issues of disclosure and launch. We have since developed a modified timing schedule. Still, we feel it's essential that each of the key steps of our actions occur in a very specific order and time-frame for the maximum benefit to shareholders and to the success of the S1 raising. 

We realize that many shareholders have been waiting patiently for weeks, months, YEARS for our final F10 filing, and we appreciate the impatience and general frustration. But as has been proven recently with stocks such as Sycamore Entertainment and GameStop - understanding the dynamics and timing of the circumstances affecting the company - and implementing a strategy to circumvent such obstacles - is the formula to achieve maximum success.  We are on this cusp....