Thursday, May 20, 2021

Shareholders update on Lewin dispute.

Greetings HHSE Friends - we have received some shareholder emails asking “what’s next” and “what does this mean” regarding filings made by HHSE in the Lewin matter. 

Here’s the brief answer:

1).  Arkansas - the collection agent for Lewin has 21 days to oppose our motion for “stay of enforcement.” If  they oppose, a hearing will be scheduled for the judge to rule. If they don’t oppose, it’s expected that the HHSE motion will be granted. Meanwhile, enforcement is stayed by virtue of this motion and the actual facts in the case. 

2). New York - the HHSE attorney response in New York is much more complex as it involves four motions plus an affirmative defense and answers to all Discovery and Interrogatories that were ignored while Shefte was hospitalized in 2018. If for some reason the NY Court declines to reopen the case, all of these filings can be used in Arkansas, where we can open the case for adjudication under Arkansas law. The Lewin claim in New York was “breach of contract” - yet they were unable to produce a contract as HHSE only had a contract with the production company, and not with Lewin (who was providing P&A on behalf of the production company). 

As stated previously on this blog - our attorneys are confident in the HHSE position and that we will prevail. Already, we stopped their attempt to enforce a non-existent debt... so that’s a big victory. 

TIMING WISE – as a result of our clear victory in stopping the attempted writ actions in Arkansas (which could have possibly raised questions for the S.E.C. during the review period) we can now move to reinstate our corporate filing activities (Form 10, S1, Q1 on Edgar), as well as to commence Publicity and Outreach activities that had been on hold for the past two weeks.

This is a great time to be a HHSE shareholder – and a sad period for those betting against the company.

In an unrelated matter, the 2004 exam of former HHSE President Fred Shefte was completed yesterday - with the trustee and counsel disallowing attempts to obfuscate Shefte’s personal circumstances with Hannover House business activities and ventures. This hearing went exactly as predicted on this blog.

We are invigorated with the new corporate mandate to swiftly attack and dismiss the four remaining default matters against the company (described in recent blogs). Armed with competent counsel and meritorious defenses in each case, we can now remove these perception threats and in the process, also remove about $4-mm in reserves that the company has held back off the balance sheet. In three of the four cases, we are also moving for sanctions and legal fees… so we hope to establish a precedent that we are no longer tolerating fraudulent claims against HHSE in litigation. It’s time to get these distractions off the HHSE / MyFlix plate. 

Much more good news to come!

Final Cabling / Wiring is underway for the new Dolby 7.1 Surround Studio Facility (previously mentioned in this blog). Watch for more news on production ventures, facilities and financing as part of a slate of upcoming HHSE / MyFlix News!



FACILITIES MANAGER:  So, do you just want a representative image of what the Post-Sound room and recording booths will look like when completed?

ERIC - Yeah, why show the work-in-progress before the walls are sound-proofed, before the windows are double-glassed, before the giant screen and mixer are installed? I want to hold the completed facilities reveal until after the corporate filings are posted.

FACILITIES MANAGER:  Yes, you have smart shareholders who will understand the use of a representative image.

ERIC - Our shareholders are smart. But there are stock chat board posters that don't reach room temperature I.Q.  Maybe for the cheap seats, we should show a few images of the work-in-progress?