Tuesday, June 15, 2021

A Special THANKS to the HHSE Longs & Supporters!

Good Evening HHSE Friends, Followers and Partners - As we embark on the beginning of an acceleration of momentum, we wanted to take a moment to give a HUGE and SINCERE "Thank You" to those who did not lose the faith or patience during the past few (especially challenging) months.

We share the enthusiasm for those shareholders who want to know "are we there yet," with the destination (usually) being the release of the Form 10 Registration, the launch of the new raising, or the consumer campaign for the MyFlix streaming service.  Any one of these three MAJOR endeavors is exciting enough... but when you put all three together at the same time - it's the perfect collaboration of concept, funding and structure.

You will notice news much more frequently now... beginning with what might appear to be somewhat "lackluster" historic overviews of the company and MyFlix... but working-up over the next few weeks into significant news that LONGS do not already know. The rationale of this press campaign is based upon the expectation that we will now begin attracting first time visitors and new attention to the company... people and funds that do not already know about Hannover House and MyFlix. To skip over the basic explanation and historic overview might be comparable to asking a college student to start German classes at a Level 3 course... as opposed to Level 1, then 2, and finally knowing enough to comprehend what is happening when they reach Level 3. We think this process of enlightenment to our new eyes can be completed in just about two weeks...

Meanwhile, there is likely to be more attention and interest in HHSE... not only due to our enhanced press strategy, but also due to the shedding of legal issues that have fueled concern and criticism in the recent past.  As could be seen in the stock activity just two weeks ago... a modest influx of new volume can quickly double the HHSE share price. So, we are cautiously optimistic about what could happen with a large influx of new volume.

Thanks again for your patient support of HHSE!

(Left to right):  HHSE CEO ERIC PARKINSON, Cherokee Nation Deputy Chief BRYAN WARNER, "The Voice" winner CHEVEL SHEPHERD and "Yellowstone" star MO BRINGS PLENTY.