Friday, January 14, 2022

Another Major Legal VICTORY for HHSE in our March to Success!

Greetings HHSE Friends & Followers - The HHSE Motion to Dismiss the "default judgment" in the Daisy Winters / Shuttlewood matter was ruled in favor of HHSE... and this sets the issue into motion for a quick settlement resolution.  As stated previously, HHSE had reached a settlement in this case, and we were quite surprised to find out months / years later that a litigation-attorney in Orange County was pursuing a lawsuit. Perhaps this was a strategic move due to the incapacity of HHSE former President Fred Shefte... and looked like an "easy default" due to HHSE non-response? 

But those days are over, and HHSE is not only responding to all legal matters, we are PREVAILING.  Most crucially, there have not been ANY new lawsuits for activities since summer 2018 (when Shefte was first hospitalized)*.  Under our new management structure, if a producer has an issue, we address and resolve it immediately. Thus, no new actions.

With respect to the disputed legal bills from Hinds-Shankman, this matter is also moving quickly towards a settlement... as did the much larger "Lewin matter" out of New York **.  One-by-one, HHSE is winning or settling these prior legal issues in order to clear our path for the S.E.C. registration, our uplist to OTC: QB as well as creating a baggage-free launch of MyFlix.

More news coming Monday!  HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND!

* The "most recent" lawsuit for HHSE was filed in 2019, but was covering the release of GETTING GRACE in March of 2018. The producer's claim of breach related to the non-delivery of accounting reports during the summer of 2018, due to Shefte's hospitalization.

** Specific settlement terms with the Lewin NY matter were mutually agreed to be maintained as confidential (to the fullest extent allowable under HHSE public company reporting requirements).