Friday, April 15, 2022

Quick HHSE Status Update

Good Morning HHSE Friends & Followers - no time to get into great detail this morning - due to deals in motion. However, here's a quick summary in response to Shareholder email inquiries:  

1).    Final terms for DAISY WINTERS and UPTONE Settlements agreed and executed;

2).    Funds paid by HHSE in satisfaction of settlements have been paid;

3).    Still awaiting new license confirmations and term extensions back on five of the ten key titles needed for support of the new Library Valuation Report;

4).    Awaiting OTC Markets to verify full year-end compliance and to restore "current" status to HHSE OTC Markets Listing;

5).    Updated information has been submitted to Securities counsel;

Happy Passover, Good Friday and Easter Holiday Weekend!

Editor JON McCALLUM continues with an around-the-clock final edit assembly of the WILDFIRE feature film - while songwriter / composer MICHAEL MARTIN MURPHEY progresses with the recording of the original music score (and soundtrack album for the film). "Murph" is currently working with the Cherokee Nation on original Cherokee Language lyrics and a vocal performance in Cherokee for one of the movie's key songs.