Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Cannes Ads / Emails and General Promotions Likely to Spark HHSE Interest

Dear HHSE Friends & Followers - Ads, emails and general publicity and promotions surrounding the FOUR key elements of the HHSE Cannes 2022 campaign are likely to spark enhanced interest in the company - and potential new consumer and industry excitement.  Although the primary PRINT / TRADE Ads in Entertainment Publications and Show Dailies won't start until next week, there are several email outreach campaigns starting this Thursday and Friday - as well as some enhanced social media visibility - that could (and should) spark new interest in the company (and most specifically, in our exciting new MYFLIX venture)

In specific Cannes news, HHSE will be promoting the completion of the WILDFIRE feature, the completion of the COWBOYS OF CANNABIS pilot, the commencement of the LEGEND OF BELLE STARR feature and specifics around the major MYFLIX venture launch. There is also a 20-title package of International Rights being offered by HHSE to major territories - but the international rights to these catalog items will not be promoted in our ads, PR or social media.

Regarding registration filings, HHSE is completing the support documentation required for the new Library Valuation - which is a key component of the company's balance sheet (and by proxy, the company's registration documentation).  The company is also completing the Q1 Filing for the OTC Markets, which is expected to be posted by Thursday.  We do not yet have a firm commitment from the OTC Markets review department as to when the "Limited Information" listing will be restored to the company's "Current Status."  However, our securities attorney has confirmed that the company has complied with all disclosures and specific formatting issues.