Monday, August 29, 2022

General HHSE Update - Filings and other Dynamic Activities

Greetings HHSE Friends & Followers - the Company has been intentionally quiet during the final Form 10 pre-release date - in order to avoid any disclosures that might impede our forward progress.  However, we have received approval for some quick, overview updates on the registration activities - as well as on other activities that we did NOT plan to discuss, but which were picked-up by other media (so they broke the news).

Some shareholders have asked why our June 30, 2022 filings STILL had the prior Library Valuation listing and previous verbiage about re-doing the library?  This was done in order to conform the quarterly and annual disclosures to the Form 10 audits.  The revised filings of the company's year-end 12-31-2020 and 12-31-2021 disclosures on the OTC Markets will be published at the same time that the Form 10 is filed - to avoid the risk of getting a temporary "Yield Sign" on the company's stock. If we had changed the Library Valuation for 6-30-2022, we would have telegraphed information not yet formally opined upon (in the audit letter), which would have been a breach of protocol. 

In any event, the filings and publishing procedures are complex in terms of the proper order and timing of items... but it's all in motion and imminent.

Progress on the onboarding and creation of the off-line MyFlix site continues at a furious pace. It's been comforting to watch the growth of a similar site, TUBI-TV, which (purportedly) has been generating more than $35-million per month with virtually NO advertising budget. This suggests that the prior calculation of millions needed for the support of the MyFlix launch may be significantly over-estimated in order for us to reach the MyFlix goal  (which is only $40-million in the first 12-months - a target which is less than 1/10th of the TUBI current volume).  

The recent and tragic death of our WILDFIRE star, ANNE HECHE was the inspiration for the creation and release of a dedicated Music Video - showcasing our new version of that classic song (recorded for the movie), and intercut with scenes from the film.  At present, it's available ONLY on IMDB... but this will changelater  this week as our press announcement of the music video will likely spark a lot of sites, cable outlets and other media to create their own links.

Lastly, due to our receipt of a special permit from the National Park Service in Washington, D.C., the HHSE facilitated production of "THE LEGEND OF BELLE STARR" got unprecedented access last week to film scenes INSIDE the actual Judge Parker Courthouse in Fort Smith, Arkansas. This was a tremendous blessing for the film in that the production values of utilizing authentic locations instead of movie stages that have to be expensively "set-dressed" saves the film over $500,000 per our prior expectations.  Principal photography on THE LEGEND OF BELLE STARR starts Sept. 26 - with three major box office stars slated for the roles as Belle Starr, Senator Henry Dawes and Judge Isaac Parker. It was a great opportunity to get these other scenes shot out as second-unit - and now, already into editing. The finished film is expected to be a multimillion dollar asset for HHSE that will generate positive cash flow for decades.

Some PRODUCTION STILLS are below (key scenes have been excluded to due to quarantine on story themes).  More to follow....

Director ERIC PARKINSON, with "Fur Traders" ALDEN ANDERSON and HARRY BOTTS framing in ROBERT RUSLER ("Weird Science") who portrays prosecutor W.H.H. Clayton in "The Legend of Belle Starr."

JASON VEASEY - lead star of the current TONY AWARD winning Broadway Musical, "A STRANGE LOOP" - took off four days from sold-out shows in New York to join our film in the esteemed role as Marshal BASS REEVES.  Another Jason, JASON JAMES RICHTER (who first broke into stardom from his lead role in "Free Willy"), flew in from Los Angeles to portray Estus McEvoy, one of the businessmen scheming to steal land from the Oklahoma Land Rush setting of this film.

Prisoners to the jail...

Bad guys listening in to the Marshal's at the West End Hotel. 

Two of the town Marshals discussing the spike in crime prior to the Oklahoma Land Rush. 

Character of Mark Epperson is the antagonist, with a motley crew of henchmen.

State Orphanage is kept full from executions by hanging, ordered by Judge Parker. 

The Natives & Marshals oppose the Land Rush, but everyone else clamors for "free land."

Schemes to foreclose on plat claims are launched by a group of shady businessmen 

Filming scenes inside the authentic Judge Isaac Parker Courtroom 

"The Legend of Belle Starr" is being produced by special-purpose Oklahoma corporation Snowy Morning, Inc., SAG Registration 005-26879.  All images copyright (c) 2022 Hannover House, Inc., OTC: HHSE. Permission is hereby granted to legitimate websites, entertainment journalists, broadcasters and publications to utilize any of these images for the sole and expressed purpose of referring to the current feature film production.