Thursday, December 1, 2022

HHSE Updates Dec-1, 2022

Greetings HHSE Friends - What a simple pleasure to be returned to the world of the living - after seven days of COVID hell that hit HHSE C.E.O. Eric Parkinson. Despite having two vaccines and two boosters, the newest variant of this virus hit him like a freight train on Thanksgiving, requiring hospitalization, supplemental oxygen and lots of rest.  The fever broke on Tuesday, and although he is still testing "positive" - Parkinson is back at work again.  The new reality is that we will all have to get used to living with COVID as new variants emerge. So, please be safe out there!  

As requested by some longs, listed below is a short summary of the current status of key issues of interest:

1).  FORM 10 - Write-ups have been updated to reflect the current status of settlements and ventures. There are some legal, tax and audit costs still being juggled, but these do not pose a threat to the timely release of this registration.

2).  WILDFIRE - Picture editing continues on a parallel path with the music edit (from the original soundtrack by Michael Martin Murphey), and sound editing. The film looks fantastic and we believe that this truly sets the bar for HHSE to facilitate future productions.  Despite internet trolls inventing release dates (and posting them to IMDB), there is not a formal release date yet publicly announced. 

3).  LAST DAYS OF BELLE STARR - The film's formal submission for competition at Cannes was made yesterday. The acceptance will be conditioned upon delivery of a rough-cut assembly to the festival team by March 11, 2023. If accepted, the film is expected to premiere at Cannes (fully completed / fully mixed) on May 23, 2023... as one of three "pro-Indigenous-themed" features. 

4).  PRODUCTION FINANCING VENTURE - HHSE is finalizing a venture with an investment group for $5-million as a "production fund" for HHSE-facilitated productions, to bridge those portions of major features otherwise not covered by Incentives or Presales. This off-balance-sheet fund will be a powerful tool for HHSE to help move high-profile features into production - which will feed the MyFlix service as locomotives (and in some cases, "exclusives").  There is no stock-conversion option or stock dilution impact to the manner in which this off-balance-sheet financing is being structured.

5).  MYFLIX - Titles continue to be added to the revamped (unpublished) website; promo ads and videos will be ready by mid-December at which time the company will determine the marketing launch for the site. The timing of the MyFlix launch is likely to support the momentum from the Form 10 filing - as opposed to distract - so, the company is coordinating both of these major items to be in synch.

6).  OFFICER SHARES - During the 90-day period from Feb. 1, 2023 to April 30, 2023, HHSE C.E.O. Eric Parkinson will have an active Form 4 blind sale of stock shares conducted under S.E.C. Rule 10b5-1, and administered solely and exclusively by a registered broker. This registered sale of 7.5-million officer shares will have a minimum sale price of $.035 / share and a maximum daily volume of 10% of the total stock transactions per day.  This advanced notification to shareholders is intended to eliminate any false narratives that investors were not provided sufficient, prior notification, or that the C.E.O. is divesting. Parkinson has not sold any HHSE officer shares since November 2013 - approximately ten years.  If for any reason the share price does not meet the minimum sale floor of $.035 during this offering window of time, then the broker will not be empowered to sell any of the shares. 

7).  STOCK PROMOTION / INVESTOR RELATIONS - As requested by key shareholders and advisors, over the past two years, HHSE has kept a low profile in terms of general publicity outreach. The consensus was that the promotion of activities would fall on deaf-ears until the registration is filed, and/or the launch of MyFlix. Accordingly, the release of news and publicity items supports the company's overall credibility boost from the registration, and each news item can achieve a positive impact. It is the company's goal to create tremendous publicity chatter, awareness and interest in the next few weeks - in part due to the large number of traders with extra time over the holidays - but also in general support of the completion of these key ventures.