Wednesday, June 21, 2023

$$ Ka-Ching $$ HHSE's "Cowboys of Cannabis" Feature Version to launch with Major Streaming Exclusive!

Greetings HHSE Friends & Followers - "Cowboys of Cannabis" will launch this September with a high-profile campaign to support an EXCLUSIVE launch run with a major streaming service (can't disclose details today, but it's from a Fortune Top 100 media company).

This sale is beneficial to HHSE in revenue terms in three ways:  off-the-top distribution fee, recoupment of investment loans and profit participation shares. Additionally, and subject to the program being popular or considered "successful," this could lead into an order for a multi-episodic series as well as strengthen the company's relationship with this major media outlet.

The program being launched is what we are calling the Feature Version of COWBOYS OF CANNABIS - at approx. 80-minutes. The rationale' in creating a feature edit is to build fan enthusiasm and brand momentum so that ongoing production activities for an episodic series will have a stronger launch foundation. 

Stay tuned!  This is just one of MANY major developments that will re-invent HHSE in the next few weeks!