Monday, November 6, 2023

WILDFIRE and COWBOYS OF CANNABIS launch mark the beginnning of an exciting new era for HHSE !

Greetings to our HHSE Friends (as well as to the four cranky bozos who like to "trash" talk the company and executives!). Talk is cheap, but reality can hit you in the face like a bucket of ice water. After delays, struggles and down-right sabotage by some parties, HHSE completed BOTH the WILDFIRE feature film and the COWBOYS OF CANNABIS TV series pilot - which launched last week. WILDFIRE premiered as the opening night gala event for the LONE STAR FILM FESTIVAL to a packed house... AND... COWBOYS OF CANNABIS launched as an exclusive run with TUBI for streaming via this popoular AVOD platform. WILDFIRE revenues will easily exceed $2.5-mm... against a production cost of $489,000... and the upside for COWBOYS OF CANNABIS has an even greater return-on-investment percentage (due to the micro-budget costs of shooting the feature pilot). Both items will positively impact the company's revenues and balance sheet for years to come. The HHSE uplist to OTCQB is in process, and this achievement should bring in a flood of interested new traders and investors. Of course, the four clowns on chat boards will incorrectly predict that the HHSE uplist will "never happen" - so, we will just let their track records of being WRONG 100% of the time speak for us. MUCH MORE TO COME... So, Buckle-up my friends, the launch will be epic!