Thursday, January 4, 2018

HHSE Engages Counsel to Dispute Fraudulently Obtained Judgments, and other updates

Greetings HHSE Friends & Followers - As a component of our move to clean-up our balance sheet and shed the company of frivolous lawsuits and erroneous debts, HHSE has engaged the Law Firm of Steven H. Kay Associates in Fayetteville, Arkansas.  Mr. Kay will be filing motions to initially "freeze" collection efforts by BEDROCK VENTURES and JSJ INVESTMENTS - based on the fraudulent nature of the underlying claims and the "foreign judgment" status that can be contested and adjudicated under Arkansas Law for foreign default judgments (i.e., defaults obtained in states other than Arkansas).  HHSE Shareholders may recall that we pursued this same strategy with TCA Global Master Fund - a company that is often considered to be the nuclear bomb of Predatory Lenders - and HHSE prevailed under Arkansas Law.

HHSE Shareholders might also recall that Steven H. Kay was counsel for HHSE recently in the case against Amityville Asylum producers filing a frivolous claim for "projected" amounts due.  It was HHSE position that the producers were only due the amounts per the terms of the contract... not a projected amount that the producer "felt" the movie "might have earned."  The claim for more than $300,000 by Amityville was reduced to the actual balance of $17,000 and change, which was the outcome that HHSE successfully sought to obtain.

HHSE Shareholders may also recall that "stock short-sellers" were crying "sky is falling, the end is near" with the Amityville lawsuit filing, in hopes of persuading emotional sellers to dump HHSE stock last summer.  Again, we remind all shareholders to refer to HHSE filings and this blog for legally accurate information and full disclosures, as opposed to paying any attention to the drunken mumblings of anonymous chat-board short-sellers. These naysayers know that their days of having any impact against HHSE are short-numbered, as our Form 10 registration will elevate the access of the company's stock to a much wider base of investors - thus minimizing the impact of self-serving, chat-board chatter.

Regarding BEDROCK, due to breached commitments for funding the company that were the basis of a massive stock issuance by HHSE to Bedrock, HHSE counsel feels that this California judgment filing has a solid basis to be contested, adjudicated and won in Arkansas Courts.

Regarding JSJ INVESTMENTS, the refusal of JSJ to accept cash plus interest in full (per the terms of the note), but instead to sue for more than three-times the amount on the pretense that "they were always entitled to shares, not 'just' repayment" renders the note usurious and illegal under the laws of virtually every state.  Counsel, therefore, feels that a motion to freeze collection efforts and to re-open the claim so that it can be adjudicated, is a likely result for HHSE.

In other corporate governance matters, the company has renewed it's various corporate filings with the Secretary of State offices in Wyoming and Arkansas (an annual house-keeping matter of a simple filing).  The company has also received confirmation from the IRS that the full payroll tax liabilities that were the subject of a prior lien have been fully paid, and that a reconciliation of the revised amount of interest and penalties (also paid) shall be issued shortly and submitted to all HHSE customers receiving levy letters.  HHSE has since engaged a payroll service to handle the monthly 941 and tax paperwork filing requirements. 

All of these steps are elements of the Form 10 Registration that the company is planning to file in the upcoming weeks... and to set off 2018 as an epic year for our loyal and fully informed shareholders!
