Thursday, January 11, 2018

Yowsa! Mega-Success of "IT" video release spurs THOUSANDS of new orders for HHSE's BATTLECREEK!

Dear HHSE Friends & Followers - This Tuesday was the Video release date for the blockbuster theatrical hit "IT" - starring Bill Skarsgård as the super-scary clown.  Consumer response for "IT" has been so substantial that Hannover House has already received  new orders for multiple thousands-of-units of "BATTLECREEK" (street date Feb. 6), also starring Bill Skarsgård!  The momentum might get even stronger with the February launch of Bill's new TV series, "CASTLE ROCK" from J.J. Abrams, Stephen King and HULU.  With "BATTLECREEK" right in the middle of a media-feeding-frenzy for Bill Skarsgård - this title looks to be positioned as a very successful video release for Hannover House!