Thursday, May 21, 2020

Hannover House resubmits 3-31-2020 Financials to Conform to Specific OTC Markets Formatting

Dear HHSE Friends & Followers - HHSE Management (and some shareholders) were surprised to see that the OTC Markets had downgraded our disclosure status from CURRENT to YIELD.  This was surprising because we had not only include EVERY item that the OTC Disclosures requires, but that we had ALSO included quite a few of additional disclosures and reports that the Securities and Exchange Commission requires for 10Q and 10K filings. 

However, the OTC Markets is not the S.E.C., and they have the ability to require that filings be in a particular order and format.  So, in order to restore our CURRENT listing status with the OTC, the 3-31-2020 report has been chopped in half, and reformatted and re-ordered to fall into the compliance structure that is the preferred layout for OTC review.

That said, all of the additional disclosures will remain on the S.E.C. 10Q report for 3-31-2020, and for those preferring a condensed version, the OTC Markets listing will suffice.