Thursday, June 25, 2020

New Era in Trading Ease with HHSE now a DWAC / DTC / FAST approved Equity!

Dear HHSE Friends & Followers - it's an "invisible" achievement unless you are the beneficiary of a certificate issued directly by Hannover House. But the approval for DWAC / Electronic clearing of our shares is a huge step towards our overall credibility with major traders and funds.

For the vast majority of buyers and sellers of HHSE on the "open public markets" (such as brokers platforms like ETrade, Scottrade, TD Ameritrade, etc...), your purchases and sales of HHSE shares have already been processed electronically.  But for direct-issued stock certificates (such as consideration from the company), until now, these have been "Paper Certificates" physically issued and released.

The existence of HHSE shares in paper form has actually created a greater risk of "Naked Shorts" for cover to short sellers... as the inability to immediately verify access to (or ownership of) HHSE shares electronically created a plausible cover for some of these manipulators.  Now, however, with shares instantly clearing electronically, it will become obvious if a short-seller does not control HHSE shares at the time of a fake sale.

In any event... Electronic Clearing is just ONE of the major benchmarks... and was confirmed last week by AMY MERRILL of our Transfer Agent, STANDARD REGISTRAR & TRANSFER CO., INC.  A copy of Amy's email is reprinted below.  She has invited shareholders to call for verification.


UPDATED:  Apparently, a support staff worker at STANDARD REGISTRAR misinformed a caller about our status, as she simply did not handle the matter.  Her email to the shareholder correcting this error is below.  Please note that EVEN THOUGH our HHSE shares are now DWAC / DTC / FAST cleared, this does NOT change the tacking / aging period requirements of anyone receiving shares.  For instance, HHSE President's FRED SHEFTE's ex-wife (Diana) will be issued shares of HHSE in the next two months following certification of their divorce settlement. The date of the shares that Ms. Shefte receives will start the clock for a 12-month aging before they are eligible to sell. This is a Rule 144 legal requirement, regardless of what "the sky is falling" proven stock manipulators try to convince you.