Sunday, May 9, 2021

An Abundance of Momentum for HHSE Activities

Greetings HHSE Friends & Followers, and Happy Mother's Day to each of you and to your Mothers.  I hope that everyone reading this blog enjoys an emotionally rich personal and family life, and that you took time off today to appreciate the wondrous gift of life that our Mothers have bestowed onto each of us. Would your actions today - or for the whole of your life - make your Mother proud? Let's hope that each of us chooses to make a positive use of each precious day in a productive manner that would inspire the admiration from all of our Mothers. We are blessed to be living at this time, and fortunate that our Mothers have made it possible!

There's so much news and activity at HHSE / MyFlix that it's quite challenging to try to decide WHERE TO START.  With 43 supplier studios - each of which have requested a singular press announcement for their affiliation with MyFlix - that supplier news alone can be overwhelming. But when you add in new factors such as MAJOR STUDIO titles, PREMIERE titles, EXCLUSIVE titles... along with news of Consumer Promotions, Pricing Deals, Site & App Options and Launch Details... where to start with the news launch can be a major challenge.  In fact, our teaser-art and pre-launch promo materials and graphics must be carefully tailored & edited so as to NOT unintentionally tip-the-hat as to a particular supplier partner or title.  Accordingly, the teaser items on the site and in press and blog listings are an incomplete picture of what the promo materials will ultimately look like the day-after we launch the portal. 

We will try to be brief with the following summary of what exactly we are launching with on the MyFlix site & APP initially.  As we have stated in the past, there will be additional features added soon after the consumer-streaming launch (including an educational portal, interactivity and gaming). But for now, here's a quick snapshot of what consumers will see this summer when they log-in and sign-up for MyFlix:

·        90 Major Studio Titles;


·        120 “MyFlix” Exclusives (not available on any other streaming service);


·        5 “MyFlix” Premiere Titles (first window of release in USA being MyFlix);


·        10 “VIP Pass” Movies (available for FREE after MyFlix user registration);


·        2,500+ Titles sorted by 30 Genres (Action, Adventure, Animated, Anime, Art, Children’s, Comedy, Crime, Documentary, Drama, Educational, Fantasy, Foreign, Historic, Horror, Independent, Interactive, LGBTQ, Martial Arts, Musical, Music Video, Mystery, Noir, Romance, Sci-Fi, Spanish, Superhero, Television, Urban, Western);


·        Over 1,000 Initial Titles will be covered under the Monthly Subscription Plan.  All MyFlix titles will be available to registered users on a Transactional Video-On-Demand basis with prices ranging from $1 to $3 for regular programming, with Premium Rates for 4k or Featured New Release / Event titles.


·        All MyFlix titles will have Captions as a viewer-selected option.


In keeping with the stated programming policy for MyFlix, the site will NOT offer pornography.  If a producer-supplier delivers titles that are not MPAA rated, MyFlix will review for program suitability and will issue an age-based, MyFlix Rating Equivalency to provide viewers and parents with an advanced awareness of the relative nature of the content. 

Additional HHSE updates not related to MyFlix will be released on Tuesday, including our first wire-services press release in quite a few months.  It is possible, perhaps even likely, that prospective new shareholders will be looking into HHSE and MyFlix this week, and we won't disappoint.

The Stars Shine At MyFlix

Just a Few of the Featured Talent from Initial MyFlix Titles:


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A Personal Note from ERIC PARKINSON, re: Mothers & Character

Some Thoughts for Specific Parties - Whether you live in BEVERLY HILLS, TOLEDO OHIO or in a tiny apartment in a TEXAS Suburb, I ask you to ask yourself:  are you a BUILDER or a DESTROYER?  

Have you worked to build something positive - a notable and lasting legacy for others to see, enjoy and admire?  Or are you merely taking up space, consuming resources and generating negativity?  

Life is a very limited and precious resource. No one escapes it with their lives... and ultimately all that remains are the memories within others of how we helped them with kindness, wisdom, generosity and integrity.  

Make 2021 the year that you rise above the petty emotional anger of mediocrity, jealousy and abandonment. Each of us manifests our own realities, and our daily momentum creates more  momentum. If you fill your hearts and minds with false and ugly thoughts, then that is the life that you are manifesting upon yourself.  

Let the negativity go... and let into your life the positive impact that would make your mother proud. There is nothing better in the world.