Friday, May 7, 2021

HHSE Moves to Set-Aside Disputed Legal Matter

Greetings HHSE Friends & Followers - As stated earlier this week, HHSE is taking aggressive legal action to set-aside or otherwise actually adjudicate the matter of the "Lewin New York" Judgment - which was obtained via default and misrepresentations, despite no agreement existing between the company and Mr. Lewin.  

As of today, counsel has been engaged in BOTH New York as well as in Arkansas. Our New York Counsel is making several motions in the case, including the Order to Show Cause and the Meritorious Defenses of HHSE and other (arbitrarily-named) Defendants. Company counsel in Arkansas is filing the motion to stay enforcement due to the default status in New York and the case never having been adjudicated (which is allowed under Arkansas Law regarding the enforcement of foreign, sister-state default judgments). 

Rather than attempt to describe the legal positions of these filings, we prefer to let the filings present the merits of the motions to the courts directly.  Accordingly, once these motions are posted live to the two separate court sites, we will re-post them here (but without the lengthy exhibits).

Court actions to stop the attempted enforcement and the Writs are a precursor to getting this disputed matter removed, dismissed or otherwise adjudicated in favor of HHSE. This will remove the fear-and-uncertainty that stock manipulators and short-sellers have tried to nurture over the past few weeks since this matter emerged as an issue requiring immediate resolution. 

A separate blog dealing with company activities and developments will be posted this weekend, as we are anticipating some positive, forward movement next week.