Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Cannes Market Update – HHSE & MyFlix

Greetings HHSE Friends & Followers - We had a super successful Cannes Market for HHSE and MyFlix, and can now refocus on any remaining items for our registration filing and MyFlix launch.  Here's a few highlights:

1).  MYFLIX SUPPLIERS - Four new supplier studios / libraries committed to MyFlix, adding approx. 2,100 titles to the existing 15,000 titles already available for the service.  

2).  MYFLIX AWARENESS - Trade Ads (both print and internet banners), plus email blasts created (we're told!) impressions equivalent to all registered attendees seeing the MyFlix message at least ten times.

3).  "WILDFIRE" INTERNATIONAL PLACEMENTS - Deals were made for the distribution of "WILDFIRE" into U.K., Germany, France, Italy and Spain - at revenue levels that greatly exceed our forecasted expectations.  These revenues (and the HHSE distribution fee share) will be reflected in the company's Q3 filing, due to G.A.A.P. rules which do not allow revenue realization on film productions until after "delivery" is made.  WILDFIRE is slated for completion in late June, but deliveries are more likely to occur in July and August.

4).  COWBOYS OF CANNABIS - No deals were closed, but great interest was obtained from buyers in U.K. and Germany - so there's positive momentum towards making our first international placements for this Reality TV Series.

5).  MODERN ANTIQUITIES - A new feature film production to shoot later in 2022 (planned as a MYFLIX Premiere!) - obtained an equity financing commitment from a U.S.A. based financing group.  More information on this project will be released after final Key Cast members are signed.

6).  LEGEND OF BELLE STARR - TEASER - Selected buyers were shown a 7-minute "teaser" of footage already shot for this upcoming, multi-million dollar western. No attempts were made to obtain international sales on this title, as the value will dramatically soar once the three "AAA" level cast members are publicly announced. 

7).  CANNES JURY MEMBERS - Parkinson was happy to have two friends on this year's Cannes Jury:  Arkansas native JEFF NICHOLS (director of "MUD" starring Matthew McConaughey) and BONOBOS star REBECCA HALL (director of last year's acclaimed "PASSING" feature). 


Former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfield had an interesting observation about 20-years ago.  He told the media:  

“You go to war with the army you have, not the army you might want or wish to have at a later time.”

After working for two months on extension agreements for the Library Valuation report, we have decided to lock in the library as of this week - and go with the valuation that the accepted titles represent. We cannot allow a balance sheet journal entry of forecasted sales hold up our registration filing any longer.  We will keep our shareholders posted on this issue and its impact towards completing the long-awaited registration filing.

Meanwhile - a few shareholders requested "photos from Cannes" - but did not request these beforehand. So, apologies for the casual nature of the few photos that Parkinson did manage to shoot.


Cannes Beach

Registration Lines 

Crowd Barriers at Palais

Super-Active International Marketplace

Constant Movement, even during attempted selfie

After dinner with All Channel Films President SETH KITTAY

Posing in front of David Angeli Exhibit with a photo of four persons - 
all of with whom Parkinson has had the honor to have worked. 

Looking East from Le Soquet area.

Looking up the Le Soquet alleyway.

Late night at Le Soquet. 

Shot of "Pretty Baby" Brooke Shields, with silhouette shadows
of Seth Kittay (left) and Eric Parkinson (right).

Marina view from Apartment.

Self-prepared breakfast for Apartment balcony.

Infamous Salad Nicoise at Caffe Roma. 

Another Cannes eating institution: La Pizza

Locally grown, raised or "caught" ingredients.

Chateau de la Napoule - Coastline Castle just 10 minutes from the Palais. 

Chateau de la Napoule.

View of Theolle Sur Mer, from Chateau de la Napoule. 

Inside Church in central Cannes. 

Successful "Combo Media" retailers are thriving throughout France. 

Credit Lyonais Bank.

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Three new MYFLIX Supplier Studios add 2,000+ titles at Cannes Market

Greetings HHSE Friends and Followers - deals have closed at the Cannes Marche du Filme already for three new supplier studios to provide programming onto the MyFlix portal - including access to over 1,350 titles from All Channel Films. These new supplier partners push the total programming slate to over 17,000 titles. More details to follow! 

MyFlix trade ads and publicity items are visible throughout the Cannes market. 

Random Cannes street scene: the view from Le Soquet up to the castle. 

HHSE C.E.O. Eric Parkinson with Seth Kittay, President of  of All Channel Films - after a Cannes dinner meeting in celebration of the agreement to place ACF titles onto the MyFlix portal. 

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Cannes Ads / Emails and General Promotions Likely to Spark HHSE Interest

Dear HHSE Friends & Followers - Ads, emails and general publicity and promotions surrounding the FOUR key elements of the HHSE Cannes 2022 campaign are likely to spark enhanced interest in the company - and potential new consumer and industry excitement.  Although the primary PRINT / TRADE Ads in Entertainment Publications and Show Dailies won't start until next week, there are several email outreach campaigns starting this Thursday and Friday - as well as some enhanced social media visibility - that could (and should) spark new interest in the company (and most specifically, in our exciting new MYFLIX venture)

In specific Cannes news, HHSE will be promoting the completion of the WILDFIRE feature, the completion of the COWBOYS OF CANNABIS pilot, the commencement of the LEGEND OF BELLE STARR feature and specifics around the major MYFLIX venture launch. There is also a 20-title package of International Rights being offered by HHSE to major territories - but the international rights to these catalog items will not be promoted in our ads, PR or social media.

Regarding registration filings, HHSE is completing the support documentation required for the new Library Valuation - which is a key component of the company's balance sheet (and by proxy, the company's registration documentation).  The company is also completing the Q1 Filing for the OTC Markets, which is expected to be posted by Thursday.  We do not yet have a firm commitment from the OTC Markets review department as to when the "Limited Information" listing will be restored to the company's "Current Status."  However, our securities attorney has confirmed that the company has complied with all disclosures and specific formatting issues.

Saturday, May 7, 2022

Farewell to our HHSE Friend, Fred Shefte

Greetings HHSE Friends and Followers - I was honored to have been asked to speak at the Memorial Service this morning for my former business partner and HHSE President, Don Frederick Shefte. I talked about his 14+ years at HHSE and his strong commitment to business ethics that influenced so many of our corporate activities and direction. Several “locally-based” HHSE shareholders were present today, and thanked me afterwards for this heartfelt tribute. 

In other Fred Shefte related news, we decided to film a scene this week in his office workspace in Fayetteville - the HHSE Headquarters (since Sept. 2018) at 355 N. College. There was an opportunity to add on a dramatic scene for the WILDFIRE movie - and shooting with an actress in Fred’s long held work space felt like a bit of an homage to his memory. 

While 90% of the WILDFIRE edit assembly is completed, we decided that a key sequence of the car crash would be stronger and more dramatic to SHOW the audience, instead of just talking about it. Having our actress “get the dreaded call” while inside of the HHSE offices felt like something that Fred Shefte would have endorsed!

Rest In Peace and Power, dear friend. - ERIC PARKINSON

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

"Wildfire" New Version and Music Video to support HHSE Release of Motion Picture Soundtrack

Greetings HHSE Friends & Followers - HHSE produced a music video shoot out of Nashville, TN yesterday - which was filmed during a break in the recording of the Motion Picture Music Score and Soundtrack for the movie "WILDFIRE."  Country Music Artists (and WILDFIRE stars) MICHAEL MARTIN MURPHEY and CHEVEL SHEPHERD performed a new duet-track version of Murph's #1 Worldwide hit ("Wildfire"), which new version will be in the new WILDFIRE movie, as well as the key track for a motion picture soundtrack to be released by Hannover House (with "major label" distribution support).  The new version of the "Wildfire" song is also expected to earn heavy broadcast rotation on top radio stations and networks - as well as enjoy a 3-minute world premiere for the music video on a major cable network.  The music video will contain footage from the Nashville studio session - intercut with Murph and Chevel performing the song at the film's big Bonfire sequence, along with scenes from the movie.  

"This will be a terrific promotional vehicle to present clips from the WILDFIRE movie to millions of targeted audience members and fans of country music," said Eric Parkinson, HHSE C.E.O. and director of the WILDFIRE movie.

Watch this space for more updates!